So why this 50 heat cap is such a good compromise in my opinion? (Just while we’re here DO NOT LISTEN TO PEOPLE ASKING TO REDUCE/INCREASE IT 50 is just perfect!)
1) This change finally nerfs what it has to nerf.
Yes, thanks Chris for finally recognizing that problem with high alpha is not 96 damage boogeymans who can do only one of it and then take a long time to cool off. But mechs like optimized DS which on any map was able to deal 2x80 damage gaussvomit alphas over very short period of time, resulting in a very high burst damage.
On the video you can see that said DS now requires short delay even on heat neutral map. On hotter maps it will require even longer delay now. Another two examples are 2xLPL+6xERML EBJ and 2xERLL+5xERML HBK-IIC-A. Both of them again can’t deal two alphas in a row and on EBJ optimal build now is 2xLPL+5xERML. Which is awesome because it is also an optimal build for laservomit TBR and clan laservomit assaults like MAD-IIC and SNV are the mechs who can reliably run 2xLPL+6xERML build.
2) It doesn’t hurt other playstyles and even benefits some.
And ofc I’m talking about dakka and brawl. Dakka feels almost exactly as on live server but again it had it burst damage until full heat slightly reduced which altogether benefits in brawl since dakka and laservomit can’t now melt pushing brawling mechs as fast as on live.
Here are some graphs on damage buildup comparation for some meta builds (big credits to Navid for putting them up):
3) It opens up new possibilities for builds.
Viable 2xERPPC poptart LBK? 3 alpha 6xERML+ECM BKL? Very heat efficient HPPC IS mechs? HELL YES! And it’s only few of new stuff that this change makes playable.
But why it’s ‘almost’ perfect?
There are two major issues currently on it. First one - IS laservomit. It’s already not that popular on live servers and what current PTS does - makes gap between clan and IS pure laservomit even bigger which can be seen on graphs and video. I feel that minor heat buff to IS ERML and minor damage buff to IS LPL should fix this problem. Second problem - overheat damage is broken. Best example I got on brawl TBR when I shot LBX20, got like 102% heat and my side torso almost exploded in next second. This is way too punishing and needs to be dealt with.
And just as grain of salt some few mechs who need either more agility buffs than on PTS or they don’t have them there at all:
Shadow Hawk
Nova Cat
Timber Wolf
Blood Asp
Mad Dog
Sun Spider
After these issues fixed personally I’m very looking forward for these changes to go live.
Again, good job!
Edited by denAirwalkerrr, 26 August 2018 - 06:42 AM.