When u get guid @it, groups aint a big change as you will have a large arsenal of skills to complement your group play.
The reverse often is not true. Go to a solo match expecting the same level of cooperation...Mmmmmm!!!
I'll start from IMO the ezest and most bang for your buck.
Tip One:Don't Die
Good advice from the church of Skill. Can't make an effect if your dead!!!!!!
aka: being Right by Yourself is worse than being wrong wid 11 guys shooting the same target!!!!!!!!!!!! You ever see the EMPra's finest make a sacrifice plays apart from sacrificing red sticky Doritos, I think not.
TLDR: Do 50 damage a minute, in 10 minutes you have 500 damage. If you dead after 1 minute you only do 50 damage.
Follow wid the random/stupeed
Tip Two:Aim is Important
Every time you miss, you double your heat, you risk yourself without gain, tactical missing aka suppression is ok, I mean better than having cold guns!!!!!!
Taking care to aim for the same component means you kill that guy in 2 shots not 5.
Put Effort into your aiming, the results are huge and less heat
Tip Three :Spread Damage
Your mech has a lot of Armour!!!!! But its not a single pool of armour, so you need to present the enemy with your strongest side and swap to the next strongestside as armour is depleted. When weak use team mates armour to shield you, stay alive STEP1 to continue making an effect.
Use all your armour to live longer
Tip Four :Gauge your teams Quality
In solo queue this is one of the most important skills as it detemines your strategy.
Moi stratergies , use or make up ur own all guid.
Bad team unwilling: meatshield strategy ( If it helps carry you get moar CBills

Half team Lerm boats: poke and meat shield strategy. ( If it helps carry you get moar CBills

Novice team but Willing: Herd Cats, guide, kill by example and support strategy
Decent guys: Make calls kill stuff strategy
Guid Pilots: Follow the pain train and weapons impacts (aka laser beams) strategy
Your teams merits or lack of should guide your actions/tactics/stratergies FTW.
Tip Five:Gauge your enemies Quality,
Over time you will recognize indicators of the enemy teams quality such as weaker teams are split and scattered, Reds who turn tail when their teams engaged is an other one.
Weaker opponents allow you to be bolder and employ risker stratergies and tactics that will get you clobbered against guid playas.
Be Bold against the weaker teams and play safe against stronger teams.
If the enemies making a mistake, don't interrupt them.
Tip Six:Shoot your team mates target,
Lots of advanatages, you may accidently Focus fire/kill secure-steal and decrease the TTL of enemy mechs. WIN, WIN, WIN
Don't wait for a call!!!!
You see a red mech being shot, add your fire to it asap if you have a firing solution and the heat to spare.
So many times I see guys just watch like their waiting for something, like a call.
You don't need no feekin call to shoot an enemy mech in the same CT your team mate/s are already shooting.
Every time you don't shoot at a team mates target is an opportunity missed for a quick kill.
Edit: which leads to winning less.
Tip Seven:Change mechs/playstyle when not doing so good
Ask yourself why your doing not so good, why your dieing, doing poor damage or other wise under performing.
You cant change your team directly, but you can change yourself to counter the current environmental trends and patterns
For example
- Keep getting tight maps like Solaris City - Bring a brawler, something to filll choke points with lead, RAC, MRM, UAC's etc
- Keep getting open maps like Alpine - Bring a long ranged poker or narc/lermer
- lots of assault mechs, they are good narc bait or a light back stabber
- lots of lights mechs, bring streaks or front loaded pin point weapons like gauss,ballistics, ppc's, boated small pulse and med pulse
- Team mates hanging back - hang back with them and use them as a distraction while you shoot their targets.
- etc etc etc
Repeating the same thing thats not working is dumb so change it up
Tip Eight:Keep your work rate high
The more you shoot, the more damage you can do.Simple.
Shoot twice as often as the enemy means you have twice the damage output potiental
Even a miss whilst not ideal can shape the enemies actions to your advantage.
Work more then the enemy usually means win more too.
Tip Nine:Poke/Peek/Trade when your team mates poke/peek/trade.
Poking simultaneously (in unison) with team mates increases your chances of doing damage without recieving damage.
For example:
-One mech pokes - 100% chance of being singled out and focused by incoming fire.
-Two mechs poke - 50% chance of each mech being singled out and focused by incoming fire.
-Three mechs poke - 33% chance of each mech being singled out and focused by incoming fire.
-etc, etc, etc,etc ,etc ,etc, etc, etc
-Twelve mechs poke - 8% chance of each mech being singled out and focused by incoming fire.
50% is a lot less than 100% chance of being rekt....Rioght!!!!!
Poking simultaneously means you present the enemy with a target rich environment and reduce the risk of incoming fire singling out any one blue mech whilst creating an opportunity to focus fire an enemy mech.
Tip 1o :Minimise risk/Maximise Benefit
Do things that provide most benifit with the least risk.
Some tips to minimise risk are:
-Avoid 1v1 fights - unless theirs a skill/mech mis-match you will get badly damaged even if you kill the enemy.
-Avoid fighting against more than one mech by your self - see above .
-Seek to gang up on isolated/distracted enemies.
-Give Yolo mechs a quick death and your team a quick kill lead.
-Use mech lab to make mechh builds to maximize strengths and minimized risks aka situational mech builds vs independent mech builds.
-Adjust your playstyle to suit your mech and its current build.
-Attack the enemies weak side (Mech/flank) not its strong side.
-When your mech is rekt and your teams going to win any way avoid getting killed for no good reason...Ma Stats Mang
-Stay with your team (Check your mini map often)
EDIT: Tip 11 :Use Terrian Masking
Terrian blocks LOS
Terrian is 100% weapon proof to LOS weapons and provides protection from indirect weapons.
Terrian makes the enemy guess where you are and conceals you.
In Summary these are the tips I live by when not derping around have given me reasonable effectivness in Solo Queue and I hope they help you too.
Please add stuff if u want but if you can keep it simple and short that would be great.
No negging, peer review and stuff
Keeping it in the just the TIP format would satisfy moi OCD, thanks

Did I say 1o ..doh!!!!!! (Edit: Its done)
Edited by General Solo, 04 June 2021 - 01:52 AM.