Judah Malganis, on 23 September 2018 - 12:07 AM, said:
True, but in general, they tend to outperform the other lances, regardless of the overall team performance, because they're forced to clean up the messes the rest of their team refuses to follow-up on. Losing your lights early is a clear indicator that you are about to have a 12-0 or 12-1 superstomp.
What about losing your meds/heavies/assaults early? Not gonna superstomp, huh? Where from this "they tend to outperform the other lances" and what "early" you talking about? Really interested in such stat data.
Yeonne Greene, on 22 September 2018 - 04:22 PM, said:
For comparison, my Lights:
My Assaults:
How do you get these tables? I mean my stat tables looks way different(fashion, not about numbers)
Speaking of stats, here the tables i made when interested how various gamemodes impact mechstats(since SoloQ, GroupQ, Scouting, CW and Solaris are unseparated) and comparing them with piranhas:
I asked my teammates to share their stats for analysis(some tables named just MW, others with ingame names, LW is me) i will add screeneis of mine, also if needed i could ask for other screeneis(personally i dont need them because of trust)
So you can use LW table as example(comments and some additional calculations)
p.s. please note this is not a final result and i know that it have flaws and could be misleading sometimes, still working on
Edited by Lethe Wyvern, 23 September 2018 - 01:57 AM.