1. 3 min games/10 mins to get into the next game NOT fun
Simple solution more armour for all mechs 10% 50% hell 100% till you find an amount that gives a good match time. Call it an armor BUFF and everyone is happy.
There must be one # in the code that determines the armour/damage ratio, it could be as simple as changing one number.
2. Friendly fire, is annoying as hell NOT fun (apart from for tking trolls), just remove it.
3, Walk forward a step ...crunch into the back of the guy in front backpedaling, try to go back, crunch into the guy stuck up your *** now multiply that 10 times...thats mechs trying to go round a corner to push. NOT fun, remove collision for same team members.
Just a couple of ideas if your willing to think outside the normal little box of buff this a bit , nerf this a bit forever