STEEL JUSTICE, on 08 November 2018 - 11:42 AM, said:
Lol why troling because i say what mech i want to see,ok the the kheper is 78 years far from timeline but the Alfar is buld in 2573.And the Vapor Eangle Buld in 2863.
You do realize "Extinct" means "Does not exist anymore" right?
fact is, the Alfar is gone. period. the last two in existence were wiped out in the first succession war, and the design was never rebuilt because it used non-standardized parts.
That's like complaining that "Germany should bring back the Sturmtiger." that Tank chassis they mounted a Naval Mortar on.
Sure, it existed. Doesn't mean it's coming back.
mean, case in point, the Atlas II is also an extinct Mech.
I'm not saying there might not be an Alfar kicking around SOMEWHERE in the IS, but it sure as hell wouldn't be a production model. would more likely be the remains of one in a Museum somewhere.