Khalcruth, on 05 December 2018 - 12:40 AM, said:
Oh no, my completely and utterly free mech might not have a super-mega-ultimate-destroyer hardpoints. I got totally hosed! When the game police come to my house and hold a gun to my head forcing me to play it and only it for the rest of the game's lifetime, I'll be so unhappy! Life is so unfair!
Buenaventura, on 05 December 2018 - 03:20 AM, said:
Just keep in mind that this time it would be unwise for PGI to have both gifts be better than what is in the mech packs, since both are still in preorder. Both are unique enough - for some, at least

- to be useful additions, even if you get the mech packs. And if you don't want them, fine, just sell them and cheer for the free mech bays and extra cbills.
just FYI.
last year's
completely and utterly free holiday mechs were the Powerhouse and the Vanguard.
and both are GOOD. like no nonsense good.
so theres no reason why this round of free mechs cant follow suit.
and silly to think that just because its free means it must be worse than the preorder.
(mind you the free Vanguard arrived same time as the preorder too.)
the whole point is playability, uniqueness, and flavour.
the JJs add flavour true, but if you read my original post carefully you'll see that it falls short of the other 2.
no mech should arrive DOA. thats just sloppy.
will wait for quirks and see. but not hopeful.
Edited by Dungeon 206, 05 December 2018 - 05:19 AM.