Prototelis, on 07 December 2018 - 11:01 AM, said:
Except that AMS can be gamed, and because the percentile ranking is based so heavily on a flawed game mechanic it isn't a good measure of skill on its own.
The tier system already does what you're asking for, but it allows players to move up too quickly. No one is going to play the game on their main with a handicap system in place, they're just going to roll alts to play unrestricted.
justcallme A S H, on 07 December 2018 - 11:06 AM, said:
It can be improved upon though. And that's the thing, it's not that hard to do.
Doing so would not stomp all stomps but it would aid in some of it, irrespective of population.
No, current population can't support the Tiering system, and the Tiering system can't work for group play or FW.
We'd need, at a minimum, several thousand players, per server (EU, Pacific, NA), to ensure that the current Tiering system would have enough players in each tier, to ensure that T1 players only faced other T1 players, T2-T4 players only faced players of similar rank, and T5 players were isolated until they learned the basics, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME, ensuring that game delays ("Searching...") is kept at a minimum.
To even begin to make the current system work for the solo queue PGI would have to:
1. Isolate T5's to only playing against T5's
2 Isolate T4's to only playing T3 and T5.
3. Advertise the crap out of this game to bring a lot of new players.
A good EU/NA/PAC advertising push could bring in at least 100,000 more new players, if only 10% of those stick with the game and played regularly for 2 two 6 months you would see the Tier system start working for everyone (not to mention the additional benefit of additional 'mech pack sales and such).