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Soulution For Pug Drops (Hear Me Out)

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#61 Mr Andersson


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Posted 09 January 2019 - 08:23 AM


You identify a lot of problems to which there are no real solutions. Just like in any other game, there are a lot of people in MWO who are not very proficient at it. They might not have the time or energy to practice enough, they might not have the mental capabilities to understand its nuances or they might just play for fun and not care if they are good or not. Or because of countless other reasons.

Unless you are prepared to set out on a mission to educate tens of thousands of individuals (and I seriously doubt that many would listen anyway), there is no solution. So, you will just have to live with the fact that most players suck.

That is not to say, however, that there is nothing you can do about it. You can adapt to the situation and learn to function in such a sub-optimal environment. Adjust your play style.

And don't give up on the comms. Sure, in 9 out of 10 matches, most of the team will ignore you and run off and do their own thing anyway. But when they actually do listen, and you are able to coordinate a proper team effort, it's all worth it.

#62 Sjorpha


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Posted 09 January 2019 - 01:43 PM

View PostSource Mystic, on 09 January 2019 - 09:13 AM, said:

SJORPHA you are not one of the 25 best players, so you are not qualified to talk about mwo
welcome to logic 101. That goes for the rest of you as well that carry that opinion that if your not the best then you can not have a opinion are not qualified to talk about mwo. I hope you see how absurd
This idea is. Now that that is out of the way I apologize for the way I reacted instead of responed to your statement.

Apology accepted, thanks.

Yes, that idea is indeed absurd.

But it's also not a case where reductio ad absurdum is a useful argument, as it isn't a binary of "qualified" or "not qualified", there is a scale all the way from least qualified to most qualified and any one person can be anywhere on that scale.

It is also not my position, if you think it is then your misunderstood my point or I was being unclear.

Anyone can talk about the game as much as they please, have opinions and give advice or whatever. But if you don't represent yourself in a way that matches your performance your advice and opinions lose credibility, and the larger the discrepancy between your attitude/identity and your actual results the dumber you will look.

I don't make claims about comp play for example, I'm not a competitive player. I am however in the top 10% (My overall rank over the last 2 years is about 2000, my rank in december is about 1400) by a good margin and I'm experienced with organised casual play in group queue and faction play, I know how to win more than I lose and how to lead groups in Faction Play. I am in a position to give good advice up to that point.

I am NOT in a positon to understand the latest top tier competitive meta and I have to rely on advice from comp players in that regard, I'm also behind the curve on the evolving meta in solo queue as that trickles down from comp play, for a good while I underestimated how much stronger LRMs got from the latest buffs for example and how dominant they would become on certain maps in faction play.

If I made the misstake of lecturing beyond my level, for example if I tried to lecture a comp player on comp play, I would be punished in ill concealed laughter, and I would have deserved it. (It has happened several times actually.) That is what happened to you, one of the worst performing players in the game makes a cocky thread on how everyone else should play, and a lot of people WILL find that pretty funny (or even frustrating depending on their mindset.)

I'm significantly more competitive in other games, I have won blitz tournaments in Dominions 3 and 4 and I play somewhat competitive Magic the Gathering in the Modern format, so in those games I would feel confident to speak with much more authority. I can also speak with some confidence on competition and game theory in general, film editing and a few other subjects.

I mean, I get it. You tried to be helpful and got ridiculed for it, feels bad man. I know.

Edited by Sjorpha, 09 January 2019 - 02:15 PM.

#63 Sjorpha


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Posted 09 January 2019 - 02:06 PM

View PostSource Mystic, on 09 January 2019 - 09:13 AM, said:

There is a idea in zen called "beginners mind" that you might want to look into. The principal is that a beginner has a fresh view not influanced by experance, bias or conditioned habits. The beginner's perspective is to be valued as well as it can come to conclusions tha elude

You have played about 4 times as many matches as me in past 2 years, about 8000 games vs about 2000 for me.

So to whatever extent that idea has merit it doesn't apply to you as you are definitely not a beginner, in fact as a matter of game time I'm more of a "beginner" than you, but none of us are obviously.

Edited by Sjorpha, 09 January 2019 - 02:18 PM.

#64 Gen Lee


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Posted 09 January 2019 - 03:54 PM


Does that ring any bells? You have been playing long enough to learn some very important lessons, yet you either haven't, or you aren't following your own advice. If you're going to run a very slow mech, then you're going to get left behind unless you know exactly where you need to go to be viable in the fight. Also, typing in all caps at the beginning of the match kinda comes off as...amateurish, or begging for help. I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but your performance tends to be rather subpar, especially averaged over time.

I checked your stats, and you should be doing better given the time you've put into the game. Maybe you should run assaults less, learn how to better utilize them, or run more heavies or mediums. I've always tended to run assaults and heavies myself, but lately I've been running some mediums with better success (I like the mobility, agility, and jumpjets that actually lift my mech, as opposed to the sorry job they do on heavies and especially assaults).

Maybe watch some videos of other players to pick up some tricks and tactics that could possibly help you improve. That's what I did before I even started playing the game, and I still watch a lot of them just in case I might pick up something helpful, like a loadout or tactic.

#65 Wil McCullough


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Posted 09 January 2019 - 04:36 PM

View PostSource Mystic, on 09 January 2019 - 09:13 AM, said:

What is everyones rank here, not teir level, rank in mwo ? If you are not in the best 25 players you have no right to be heard and no right to an opinion. And you are not qualified to talk about mwo at all.

How does that feel ? Do you think that is fair? demoralizing people and diminishing them based on such things is wrong. Everyone has a right to speak and be heard and if you are so great why are you not befriending new players and helping the get better so the comuinity grows instead of being a elitist.

SJORPHA you are not one of the 25 best players, so you are not qualified to talk about mwo
welcome to logic 101. That goes for the rest of you as well that carry that opinion that if your not the best then you can not have a opinion are not qualified to talk about mwo. I hope you see how absurd
This idea is. Now that that is out of the way I apologize for the way I reacted instead of responed to your statement.

There is a idea in zen called "beginners mind" that you might want to look into. The principal is that a beginner has a fresh view not influanced by experance, bias or conditioned habits. The beginner's perspective is to be valued as well as it can come to conclusions tha elude

I will just build my unit and have fun these fourms are a compleat waste of time.

I wish everyone well and hope you have a happy new year thank you for your contrabutions no matter what your rank. Please treat people with respect

The butcher has every right to give his opinion on how brain surgery should be done. The audience has eveey right to react to the absurdity of the situation.

Edited by Wil McCullough, 09 January 2019 - 04:36 PM.

#66 Gen Lee


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Posted 10 January 2019 - 05:16 AM

So instead of taking the advice that points you towards improving, you're going to keep doing what you've been doing, and losing? Perhaps our definition of fun isn't the same. If you think you're going to do any better in Faction, you are mistaken. Your stats for a long-term player aren't bad because your teammates aren't doing what you tell them. I also can't recall ever seeing you say anything in chat other than maybe at the beginning of the match, and that was only to give your team a heads up what your stats could have told them...that they were going to have to carry you. Sorry, but you're not going to improve by doubling down on bad ideas and performance. At that point, it becomes intentional failure. Good luck to you in Faction, you will need it.

#67 ZippySpeedMonkey


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Posted 10 January 2019 - 05:31 AM



Also, (you’ve heard me say this repeatedly), if you’re not playing a light STOP trying to act like one.

This means don’t try chasing the first red dot you see, don’t try following the lights, and don’t go off on your own.

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