While sketching I mostly just have fun with shapes and try to get forms down, I lack an engineer's eye for these things and my work suffers for my tendency to "wing it." For something like a TRO illustration, I try to pack on more detail than I would have a mind to in color work (which I'm also new at!) and more often than not when I find myself wondering what to do with a piece of `Mech that needs detailing, I take a look at what FD does.
When it comes to constructing appealing-looking `Mechs and their shapes and silhouettes it was always David White's work that inspired me most. In my mind, the MW4 Fafnir and Owens have completely shoved aside the TRO art for what their respective `Mech designs should be. However, when it comes to fine detailing and dealing with those pesky joints, Alex Iglesias has been a revelation in the BT art world and he's easily the giant in whose footsteps I try, and usually fail, to follow. His work takes the love of detailed machinery you see in Armored Core games or "Real Robot" mecha anime production materials and applies them to the much more solid and industrial-feeling Battletech aesthetic, and it's easy to see why his work was chosen to represent the face of BT and MechWarrior to a new gaming generation.
But enough talk! Have at you!
Canon art of these `Mechs can be found here, and all caveats to the quality of old Battletech art apply:
So here's the Guillotine:

And here's the Thug:

So when the game goes live (or even just open beta) and you find me pubbing it up in a match, feel free to tell me to stop playing MWO and to get back to work.