Jonathan8883, on 05 February 2019 - 05:33 AM, said:
Dude, the hotfix lasted less than an hour out of a 96+ hour event.
I got it all done partly by accident.
You have apparently far better mileage than me, as well as many other people. In my case, between a weekend that I have no control over, and sleep & food (
and other things that I won't mention here) being required by the human body, I lose on the order of around 72 (
or more) of the hours available during a 4-Day Weekend-Only Event. Then I'm lucky if I get to use much of the 24 (
or less) remaining hours that I get any access to. There are people with similar problems, some of which you'll find have spoken up in thanks on Previous Events when a Time Extension is granted. Stack to that the problem of not everyone having a Fast Internet Connection, and therefore being limited by time loss on the Download & Patch, and that System Downtime can actually become crippling on getting into the Event at all.
Now that said, I went and blew my sleep schedule to hell yesterday. Thanks to the opportunity that presented itself at the time, I managed to finish the Event last night with barely over 15 hours remaining in it. Unfortunately, that meant taking such an extended run after my body beat me down once, that my body then decided to knock me down until a little over 4 Hours Left remained when I next woke up. Some will certainly not find the luck that I must have run across in order to finish the Event quite that way. I would definitely have taken better care of myself, had I not been panicked (
yeah, those enjoyable WarHorns are something that get me to punch for the extra mile... sometimes even the
(MC) when it's available... with Solaris and/or Faction Warfare Invasion Queue being an obvious exception that would make me give up) by a lack of remaining time. So that's something which PGI's Events Team might wish to take into account for any Future Events that they may currently be thinking of punching into play.
Therefore, I may be a little crazy. But, I am still thinking this Event should have had at least a 5-Day Runtime, instead of only a mere 4-Day Weekend-Only period of available time. Given some previous 'Like's that my earlier posts in this thread have received, I think I am likely not alone in this opinion.
ingramli, on 05 February 2019 - 08:31 AM, said:
3 hours gone and couldnt score the last solo kill reward, thank you PGI for bring a such an interesting event.
There's a little over 3.5 Hours Left in this currently active Event as I'm finishing this post to put up, albeit I still feel that giving a little more time for everyone would be a helpful kindness... I don't know if you have a chance to try again right now, but good luck to you should there happen to be that chance.
~D. V. "
Catching up on this thread, after having punched through the 'All Systems Nominal' Event Challenges" Devnull