justcallme A S H, on 10 February 2019 - 07:15 AM, said:
lol.. Yeah ignore your customers will you have none left. That's intelligent.
It's called balance, that is the secret to good business.
You listen to what the customers think they want - not to their advice how to provide it.
Customers and computer game players in particular don’t put too much thought into what they really want. It is just a vague feeling they get that they can’t articulate exactly, and they will tend to repeat the latest trend they heard about. They are completely ignorant to the nity gritty details of how to provide what they want or the implications of it. This will not stop them from dispensing “advice” after spending 0.2 seconds of thought on the subject, especially on the internet. The same geniuses that give these advice will move on to the next product/game bearing no responsibility to what is implemented. If gamers were so brilliant they’d be the developers, but the truth is that the more hard-core gamers they are, and move vocal they are, the least likely they are to be able to develop anything.