Arthur SIlverlake, on 17 February 2019 - 04:53 PM, said:
Not the worst Mech really.
I mean compared to it's Brother Mech the Marauder IIC, they are very Similar. If you can handle the Marauder IIC very well, the Warhammer IIC will handle just as good, if not slightly better.
With It's decent Torso twist rate, doesn't look like it is having Low Arm Syndrome, smaller frame then any of the 80 Ton Mechs hell is smaller then some 70 Tonners, and if it retains the good Hitbox Geometry of it's ancestor, this mech will do pretty well.
MAD IIC has godlike hitboxes (front profile), it doesn't need to torso twist and it has better firepower. And it's not even a top tier clan mech, MCII is. The's no reason to preemptively nerf WHM IIC so hard.