let me begin with some info for you to make your judgement based on. currently, we are sitting past the original invasion timeline "for the lore buffs" in battle-tech. there are currently 5 standing IS 100 ton mechs,"either in game or soon to come" and only 2 Clan "which has not changed for almost 2 years". this means that, those mechs which were in the original clan invasion of the IS "inner sphere" should exist within the MWO universe. but sadly, they are not represented in game. some examples of these are as follows:
list created from :http://www.sarna.net...ton_BattleMechs
i had to create the poll portion of this in the feature suggestions area, here it is:https://mwomercs.com...-time-for-more/
1.) Annihilator
yes its in game, but it has had its origins altered. its history in battle tech goes back to the end of the star-league formal and the start of the star-league in exile and clans. they were the first to re introduce it into the inner-sphere by wolfs dragoons, but by accident. my fix to the current situation with the Annihilator is simple... ..create a Annihilator 2C series that mirrors the current theme of a steady release of 2C mechs to give the clan popular IS mechs. i wont say what quirks if any, i would leave that up to PGI to figure out "prob reduced armor quirks for one, but a slow, tank could open up some nice strats for clans on the defensive end".
data file on Annihilator:
Originally developed in the final year of the Amaris Civil War as the ultimate fixed position city defense BattleMech, the Annihilator was built as a sign of the military strength of both the Star League in Exile and the newly created Clans. The 100-ton 'Mech has a maximum speed of 32.4 km/h, making it one of the slowest 'Mechs ever designed together with the UrbanMech. It is by no means intended to use speed to outmaneuver an enemy, instead depending on its twelve and a half tons of armor to weather any fire that is directed at the 'Mech. Discontinued before the Clans' Golden Century, in one of their few missteps, the Wolf's Dragoons brought a number of designs with them in 3009, raising more questions to their origins while at the same time adding to their mystique. It was exclusive to the Dragoons until the Jihad disseminated the design to Arc-Royal due to the strengthening of the relationship that Wolf's Dragoons forged with the Kell Hounds and Clan Wolf-in-Exile following their flight from Outreach.
2.) Atlas II
pure and simple. this would be the clans version of the atlas, which they have had with them since the first exodus from the inner-sphere...and it saw use at the battle of tukayyid even. it was a upgraded atlas for all extensive purposes, and not even the last iteration "atlas 3 exist made by word of blake". same concept as the Annihilator, make a clanified version with reduced durabilty, but have it serve a role as a methodical defender and brawler, matching current atlas to some degree. "leave the how of that up to PGI "

First fielded in 2765,[7] the Atlas II was designed by the Hegemony Research and Development Department, Weapons Division of the original Star League to maintain the technological edge over the other Great Houses. It was exclusively for the SLDF's Royal Regiments.[7]
In 2785, when General Aleksandr Kerensky put out his call for loyal forces to join him in his Exodus, every Atlas II pilot responded and left with him. These 'Mechs are prized by the Clans when they were found. One such 'Mech was spotted in 3052 during the Battle of Tukayyid.[7]
In the early 3070s, the design was resurrected by the Word of Blake when they captured Hesperus II's factories. After the liberation of Defiance Industries, Devlin Stone's coalition forces kept the 'Mechs in production.[7]
now to the original concept ones" my personal favs"
3.) Bane (Kraken)

what to say about this mech? well, its a boater thru and thru. think lots of smaller ballistic, energy and missile builds EN MASS, but could also do the standard heavy arms setup. it would be a ok mobility mech in MWO "for assaults" at an average 54 KPH. its a great mech artistically and design whise, and i know people who would LITERALLY sell there children into slavery by pirate slavers to get the credits for this mech. CLAN mech thru and thru.
The Bane is a BattleMech that is based upon a Star League prototype that was never put into production. Tagged the Kraken by Inner Sphere forces who opposed it, the Bane was first built in 2827. It was originally a significant part of many Clan toumans, but was gradually relegated to second-line status following the introduction of the OmniMech. As such, it is still critical to many defensive units. The design uses a lightweight XL Engine so that it can mount the arsenal that it does. Nineteen tons of armor protects this venerable assault 'Mech.
4.) Imp
what to say about the imp? dont know to much about it, and have no real opinion about it "does look kinda cool as a massive 100 ton urbanmech in both appearance and in build options", but will let the sarna file on it do the talking.

The first original BattleMech produced by Clan Wolf, [3] the Imp was first seen by the Inner Sphere in the ranks of Wolf's Dragoons. It is designed with weapons that can engage an enemy at a multitude of ranges. Indeed, the Imp has what seems to be a weapon for just about any range or situation and can be called a "Swiss Army Knife" of a 'Mech. It has a maximum speed of 54 km/h, which is not extremely fast, but it does allow it to keep pace with most 'Mechs of the assault class. The 'Mech is also armored with eighteen tons of armor, which is more than respectable for its weight and provides a great deal of protection.
5. )Jupiter
solid mech, but a little later in the time line then the rest on this list. but close enough to be relevant to the conversation, and a solid favorite of clan jade falcon.

The Jupiter was designed by Clan Jade Falcon to complement their premier assault 'Mech, the Turkina, during the Jihad. Although not as versatile as the Turkina, it was developed from the most commonly available parts at the time, giving the Jupiter a rugged and easily-repaired design that many other designs cannot match. Due to its durability, Jupiters have been spotted in many mercenary and House armies throughout the post-Jihad Inner Sphere.[3]
6.) Scylla/Storm Giant

this mech is a little less far away from current in game timeline as the Jupiter is, and besides looking absolutely beautiful as far as humanoid mechs go, its got the rare distinction of being both a clan steel viper totem mech "of sorts' and is both versatile and maneuverable for a 100 ton mech. " clan steel viper would love you long time for this, and the name is something of legendary proportions." please make this one happen PGI!
Following their ejection from the Inner Sphere, Clan Steel Viper used its invading Clan strength to expand its holdings within the Kerensky Cluster. Khan Perigard Zalman's controversial decision to allow freebirths into the Clan's touman bore fruit as the trueborn warriors could focus on expanding the Clan's territory. The problem the Vipers ran into was equipping these troops. Beginning in 3062, Clan Steel Viper replaced the electronics and weaponry of the Golden Century Storm Giant and rechristened it as the "new" Scylla assault BattleMech, named after a sea monster from Greek mythology.[1] This "upgraded" version kept the old engine that enabled it to move quickly for a 'Mech of its size, adding enough jump jets to leap up to one hundred twenty meters. Fifteen and a half tons of armor protect the design from enemy fire.[1]
7.) Stone Rhino (Behemoth)
this is a true legend and brute among the clans, and was common place in the clan invasion by clan smoke jaguar, and almost all clan toumans had them "to some extent" in use. fun mech, with some interesting builds and a sleek, heavy hitting design, i am fully invested and hopeful to see this mech make it into MWO. PGI, ive have spoken personally with several clan Khans and units and can testify that they would drop mad money to get this mech in there garage.

The Stone Rhino was one of the most remarkable surprises sprung upon the Inner Sphere by the invading Clans. Since the Inner Sphere forces knew about the earlier Amaris Behemoth that was the name they gave to the 'Mech.
Originally this 'Mech considered a mistake, the initial design was known as "Amaris' folly". Developed in a project whose objective was to create a BattleMechable to withstand an entire BattleMech company assault, these machines were to be launched into mass production and used to stop General Aleksandr Kerensky in his attempt to retake Terra. The prototype was described as a monstrosity whose leg actuators shut down during its first test run, so the project was summarily scrapped. However, the Word of Blake would use the engineering information for the Behemoth to create the first successful superheavy 'Mech, the Omega.[4]
Mainly seen in Clan Smoke Jaguar, only a small number of these massive machines have been sighted. No other Clan appeared to field this design, but because it is a venerable design, other Clans are suspected to possess some, widely spread throughout their toumans.
Bringing awesome firepower, these machines cannot be used effectively by commanders because they cannot afford to lose one. The Stone Rhino made use of eighteen tons of standard armor. It could jump up to ninety meters in one bound.
that about sums it up. there are a few more 100 tons on the clan side that exist in lore "but do not fit within the timeline or have other counterparts that make them redundant" as well as many IS 100 ton mechs still not in game.
this is the list i got all the info from...good old sarna. PGI, please take interest in the feed back this post gets, as i hope it will reflect the demand and desire this awesome gaming community has for more big, burly, b33fy "yah that b33f" mechs that would become a mainstay if given the chance. thank you for your time.
Edited by dante245, 28 February 2019 - 11:15 PM.