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Road Map For March, April And May

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#41 Bud Crue


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Posted 27 February 2019 - 10:50 AM

View PostDemigod2kx, on 27 February 2019 - 06:07 AM, said:

I'm a bit dissapointed in PGI for just reskinning maps, and trying to pass them off as "new". Maps are not hard to make, and they don't take a long time! I'm getting bored with playing the same maps over, and over, and over! We NEED/want variety. Reskins and heat value changes are at very most the bare minimum effort. It is time PGI gave map making abilities to the players. PGI should approve of some player community to build a few maps, send those in to PGI for approval, then patch them into the game. I bet that would bring even more warriors to the battlefield, AND it would increase PGI's revenue. Please PGI, PRETTY PLEASE!!!!! (You can't deny a pretty please. its the code.)

Been over this many times over the years.

Long story short: Russ says maps are one of the most labor intensive things PGI produces. 5 years ago he said they cost $250K each to produce, so presumably that number has gone up since then.

Community created maps have been poo-pooed by PGI repeatedly on numerous grounds, with the most laughable being that only PGI has the expertise and understanding necessary to provide maps that ensure balanced play appropriate for the complexity of MWO.

As to the re-skinned map idea, folks are so desperate for more maps that the old maps or even re-skinned current maps will be very much welcome. Expecting more than minimal effort from PGI, especially at this point in the game’s life cycle and with MW5 about to drop, is just unrealistic, alas.

#42 Santos Villalobos


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Posted 27 February 2019 - 01:23 PM

I'm glad to see the classic maps return! I've wished for that for a long time.

That being said, I have always had a love/hate relationship with this game and I still find it hard to get back into it. Not sure what it's missing but...I WANT to love this game.

#43 Kyoptik


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Posted 28 February 2019 - 08:13 AM

Man, a lot of hate on the forums for a few nice things. The maps may not be 'new new' but I haven't touched them in years and it'll inject a little more fun and a few more hours into my game play. Not something they had to do, so thanks PGI. I'm looking forward to my corsair ;)

#44 Tina Benoit

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Posted 28 February 2019 - 05:28 PM

Update has been posted on the Faction Play discussion with Paul, check it out:

#45 Appogee


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Posted 28 February 2019 - 07:51 PM

Aside from the FP update - the long missing matchmaker, and an event maker - pretty much the only things planned for MWO past March are cosmetics and balance sheet changes.

Poor MWO. Almost stillborn, persistently undernourished, and now all but abandoned.

Edited by Appogee, 28 February 2019 - 07:55 PM.



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Posted 01 March 2019 - 05:24 AM

How many of you work on this game? 2,3,6?
I was so hooked for 2 years, but... Groundhog day!

#47 Lances107


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Posted 01 March 2019 - 06:10 AM

Tina your velocity increase to LRMS just showed up on Reddit. People I know are not pleased about it. A couple of them did the numbers and for long range indirect fire, triple AMS will be useless. The skill tree does not help, as there are too many skills you have to pick up these days to compete. I strongly suggest you get rid of the planned velocity increases on LRMS and drastically kill the indirect fire damage. Players need to start working with there teams, not sitting in the extreme rear lobbing missiles, so they dont have to be bothered to learn the game.

#48 Righter8


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Posted 01 March 2019 - 12:01 PM

View PostFuzzyNova, on 26 February 2019 - 12:32 PM, said:

Oh my god!!! I missed those maps. I am so freaking glad they are bringing them back. How many of you are going to get that rush of nostalgia. I know i am. Wasnt there an old Caustic too? I cant remember. All i remember is that there used to be a different map that looked like caustic valley but it had more trees and hills. It didnt have the Caustic Refinery Machinery and Blue torch flame effects tho. I miss that one too. But the old frozen city....thats gonna be so awesome.....thank you PGI.

I seem to recall the old caustic but may be wrong. Green-ish in color with ground pipes maybe? My PC at the time couldn't handle it so I only played a few games. It'd be nice if there was an archive of the old maps somewhere.

PGI - stick the old maps in the game for Testing Grounds and Lobby games. Why not?

#49 Sigmar Sich


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Posted 01 March 2019 - 06:05 PM

Looking forward to the April patch.
I believe it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say the CW update is the last chance of this once promising game.
Please make it right, PGI.

#50 ShooterMcGavin80


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Posted 03 March 2019 - 06:17 AM

I'm intrigued for the old maps. I'm a relatively newer player, so the old maps will be new to me. I would avoid dynamic day/night cycle changes on the maps. For me the transition just doesn't seem natural.

Concerned about the LRM changes. Talk about something nobody was asking for. Here are my concerns:

It changes the nature of a weapon system. LRMs right now work nicely as indirect DPS support, suppression, and area denial. They are actually quite versatile on range, you can use them effectively all the way down to just outside their minimum. The high angle is great, it helps make them harder to avoid. When you have missiles incoming, you have to hide behind some pretty substantial cover. If say, the missiles were incoming at a lower angle (because the enemy had LOS on you and that is now what LRM's will do), agile mechs will be able to dodge them quite a bit more easily because shallower cover will block lower angle missiles much more easily. So direct fire skimishers will be able to hide behind new types of cover.

So it seems like this direct fire option is an attempt to allow LRM's to compete in trades with direct fire mechs. I think this goes very much against kinda the whole thing the weapon system is supposed to be about. LRM's aren't supposed to be direct fire trade weapons.

Lastly, I don't know if it is still going to be a thing, but it terrified me: the scaling of AMS damage versus different sizes of launchers. This was supposed to make smaller launchers relevant, and prevent AMS from being a hard counter to missiles. Sounds great, right? No, sounds silly and would result in strange shenanigans:

Firstly, I realize this is a video game, but it goes against my sensibilities that LRM ammo could be equally shared between different sized launchers, and, depending what launcher it goes to, the LRM ammo when it leaves the tube has magically different properties versus AMS depending what size launcher it was fired out of. If LRM5 missiles have more health, but the same ammunition went to my LRM20, what the heck? What the heck are these launcher tube engineers doing to my ammunition?

Secondly, and much, much worsely; people could exploit this by loading a LRM5 or two and firing it a 1/4 second before firing their ATM12's or LRM20's. Thus, the LRM5's would be a sacrificial screen to soak up the AMS fire for the bigger more damaging launchers. I would view this as an artificial game mechanic exploit that would require some skill to execute, but is really just a weird design concept nobody in actual mech warfare would employ.

Those are my thoughts on the missile changes. I'm sure it won't be the missile apocalypse, but it seems weird.

Really I'm mostly butthurt about how clan lasers are pretty weak now. They're just too hot and too long burn time to compete with pinpoint or DPS brawler builds. They can work in some group play situations, but only against lower skilled opponents. On the skilled tryhard teams, clan lasers are out of the mix.

Edited by ShooterMcGavin80, 03 March 2019 - 06:19 AM.

#51 Kifferson von doober


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Posted 03 March 2019 - 01:36 PM

Yay old maps!! bring on old caustic and therma!

#52 Todd Marshall


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Posted 03 March 2019 - 09:57 PM

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to a lot on the list. THe LRM-changes are going to be.. interesting.

#53 HammerMaster


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Posted 13 March 2019 - 01:34 PM

Old maps built for 8v8 not 12v12 gonna have a bad time.
Wheres that return to 8v8 we asked for?

#54 DeltaWhite


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Posted 19 March 2019 - 02:27 PM

You need to add Dinamic Daylight into the Classic maps, adding 2 maps that are the same is not cool anymore.

You also need to UPDATE those classic maps, because they are 8 vs 8 maps and gameplay will have some ugly/weird dinamics, thats why you changed them to the newer ones, remember? . Why not updating them like Snow Canyon Network in the dev roadmap for next update?.

Also you didnt updated the Physics of the Trees, they dont Fall.

So Clasics maps are ok, but this is too much Inconsistency


Edited by DeltaWhite, 19 March 2019 - 02:32 PM.

#55 50 50


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Posted 05 April 2019 - 02:50 PM

Hopefully we will see Classic Terra Therma soon. The reintroduction of the classic maps has been enjoyable.
Looking forward to seeing the new variation on Canyon and wonder what might be next in that line.
Forest Peaks?
Tourmaline Jungle?

#56 MovinTarget


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Posted 06 April 2019 - 04:07 AM

Classic TT? Sign me up! Can't wait to get bottlenecked on bridges and have the lurm boats not back up so you can get out of the firing line... ;)

#57 xX PUG Xx


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Posted 06 April 2019 - 04:39 AM

View PostMovinTarget, on 06 April 2019 - 04:07 AM, said:

Classic TT? Sign me up! Can't wait to get bottlenecked on bridges and have the lurm boats not back up so you can get out of the firing line... Posted Image

Remember my little "Bridge Troll" tactic? I loved doing that LoL.

PSA Don't push into the middle unless you want to stay there Posted Image

#58 MovinTarget


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Posted 06 April 2019 - 09:37 AM

View PostxX PUG Xx, on 06 April 2019 - 04:39 AM, said:

Remember my little "Bridge Troll" tactic? I loved doing that LoL.

PSA Don't push into the middle unless you want to stay there Posted Image

You always did like teaching by (making) examples...

#59 tingod


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Posted 07 April 2019 - 12:07 AM

When we get the colorfull nightvision back?

#60 Grus


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Posted 02 May 2019 - 08:51 AM

View Posttingod, on 07 April 2019 - 12:07 AM, said:

When we get the colorfull nightvision back?

That was thermal... and that's never going to come back.

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