Grus, on 16 March 2019 - 09:54 AM, said:
No... god... no... scrap that kitchen sink build.
Have to agree on that one. I for one like mixed builds and absolutely do think they have their place but C-UAC10 + C-LBX10 + Dual C-LRM 20 + 2 ERSL + XL 325 is just an abomination.
Try something like this:
First, you have the 2 x LRM15 for long range indirect fire and can be still be used effectively when you get your own locks, more so when the new LRM changes take place.
Second, you have the DUAL UAC/10s for some serious mid and close range firepower.
Third, you have the trio of MPL for the short-mid range game and for when your UACs inevitably jam up at the wrong time.
I would use it something like this. As your moving toward the front, use your LRMs to pepper and suppress the enemy by using indirect locks. This is good early game damage. Then when the teams are fully engaged, move up to the 2nd line trying to stay at around 250-300m, close enough to share armor but far enough that you can still use LRMs. Your UACs and MPLs will also be exceptionally deadly at this range, in fact I probably would focus on using your UACs and MPLs at this point and only using LRMs when you don't have a direct shot, like when a friendly crosses into your firing line blocking your shots. This is to conserve heat. Also if the enemy gets closer than 180m, those Dual UACs and MPLs are going to be more than enough firepower to either deal with them or drive them back into LRM range.
Honestly this is how I feel
ALL LRM boats should be built, basically LRMs supported by significant shorter range firepower to at least drive an enemy back into LRM range while operating close enough to the front line to be sharing armor and getting their own locks. You might not have the same weight in missiles but you will more than make up for that with the direct damage firepower, while being 10x more useful to you team overall.
Edited by Angel of Annihilation, 16 March 2019 - 10:37 AM.