Is that what was played at MechCon 2018? I'm guessing it is..
I have some comments on this:
1) The first seconds of the video show just the pilot, in what appears to be his quarters.. this is very reminiscent of Star Citizen - very good and positive. I like it.
2) Walking around the mechbay / dropship was something I've suggested years ago.. so I'm glad they are implementing it in a significant way in MW5 - I just hope it's done properly, and that it too has an in-game purpose. NPC interactions on a personal level (up to romance level not just advancing the storyline),player diversion (Starcraft 2 "The lost viking" console comes to mind), but I'm also hoping for to be able to get out of a mech on the field and get into a building to interact with a quest-point NPC.. That would also be nice.. Or maybe get out of my mech and get into a mech found on the field in order to capture it?
3) Mech bay - So I know that's it's been talked about that the game will not allow mech customisation.. I must again stress - Mech customization, to the finest possible detail, is about HALF the gameplay.. half the fun... of playing Battletech as a franchise. You will be committing franchise suicide if you don't make us able to customize just about anything on the mech. That includes all weapon, ammo, engines, systems, cockpit visuals, pilot visuals, paint, cammo, decals, dropship visuals (inside and out), manufacturer info, and even our pilot's quarters.
4) Mech damage - it seems in the video that the damage a mech takes is still.. well.. basic. Is it really gonna be just a different texture? Again, I implore you - look what others are doing.. Take Star CItizen for example. There, each ship's skin consists of multiple layers hard-modeled into every ship model.. you have layers of armor, followed by layers of internals.. so when you shoot up a ship model, you can have parts of the armor dented/burned, then parts punched through to reveal internal structures, wires and such.. and only then does it get blown off.. and it actually uses less memory and hardware resources.. Can we have something similar for MW5? When we shoot the armor, can we have it dent, then break to reveal internal structure, then have the component blown off? It's set to release in 2019. A simple scorch mark texture simply won't do.
5) That Griffin's arms - So I noticed that upon powerup, the Griffin's arms are not pointed in the same direction... The arm that has weapons in it looks pointed upward, while the left arm without weapons seems to slung down.. Does that mean that in-game, an arm without weapons in it will not be pointing the same as the other arm (as they do in MWO), and will be useless for shielding? Or is that arm damaged beyond function, but not blown off, so it's "visually out for the count"? This other option would be nice.. Just before being blown off, that the arm becomes useless and non-functional, both visually and mechanically.. Same for legs.. if a leg is destroyed, have the mech literally drag the leg behind him and limp (not have it keep moving only slower like in MWO).
6) While on the subject of arms and legs.. is MW5 gonna have melee combat?
7) The way that Thunderbolt plows his shoulder through a building - just epic.. well done.
What are your opinions guys?
Edited by Vellron2005, 03 December 2018 - 04:19 AM.