Dimento Graven, on 04 April 2019 - 01:24 PM, said:
Yet, I've never once come across anyone who seriously believed that LRMs were too difficult to use and didn't bother to use them, unlike what we constantly run across here on the forums about gauss.
If guass is in such a better state than missiles, please feel free to switch to using them.
Secondly, as to your point (which made me laugh out loud), I'll just point out the following:
1. It's impossible to have quad heavy gauss. Nothing to fear there, there's no crit splitting in this game so the most you'll ever be able to load up at one time is two. With the range limitations and extremely low end DPS, a few RACs, ballistics, or laser vomits at range will effectively halve the potential damage before there's real risk.
2. 4 regular gauss can only be loaded and seriously sported by only a few 'mechs, and even then you're giving up mobility, armor, ammo capacity to do it. Seriously, before the Direwolf, the only 'mech that could carry more than 2 was the Cataphract (which could only carry 3) and you had to sacrifice so much armor, engine size, and ammo to do it, it was limited to maybe 10 full triple shots and an alpha from pretty much ANY OTHER normal load out would cripple it. The 'mechs we have that can do 3 or more gauss now are just walking "broadsides of barns" which, once identified can easily be focused down.
3. Light gauss can be loaded by many 'mechs, 4 or more (though most will still end up sacrificing a lot) and those people that do quad Light Gauss are doing it mostly for the lols (I know I do), watching the enemy targets initially freak out when they start getting hit with rapid gauss impacts. Still, the 'good' players, have learned to identify the difference between light gauss and regular/heavy gauss hits and are realize that they're being hit with 'noise makers' more than anything and adapt.
Lastly, no, actually I don't want the charge cycle removed, and I don't want the charge up limitation removed from all versions of the gauss.
What I'd like is the light gauss to have it's charge up limitation removed (edit: Allow more than two to be charged and fired at one time), and all gauss to be an F'ton less explosive than they are. They should ONLY explode if crit'd while charge, or in the process of being charged, NOT when a passing breeze flits in your open side torso...
I guess I think that gauss is in a good spot right now. It's not going to wear down a torso as quickly as rac 5's or dual uac 10s, but it has such a small exposure time if you learn the timing that it has its own place as a "finisher" weapon, whereas a good player will pinpoint a yellow component or back side torso and cripple a mech with only 30-60 damage inflicted.
It plays well with JJ's, is low heat, and is fair in its tonnage and ammo for such a knockout weapon. I also think the latest round of missile nerfs were perfect, and even my own LRM boats are now packing secondary weapons and systems that allow me to play up front and mid pack. The amount of time I've spent scum-lurming from behind a wall across the map is close to 0, which is a good thing for everybody.
I do agree that Light Gauss has very little incentive. It's still a lot of slots and for its tonnage, the damage isn't worth the hassle to run and operate it.
Quick thoughts to the rest.
1. I know you can't 4x Heavy. I don't think I implied one could.
2. I also don't like the limitation of only spinning 2x gauss of any size, but I understand why they do it. 45-60 point pop tarts (maybe feasible?) at Gauss Range would make heads explode.
3. I would like Gauss to explode less as well. A crit on the system.