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Mechwarrior 3 Anniversary And Cinco De Mayo Event And Sales

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#161 el piromaniaco


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Posted 06 May 2019 - 11:46 PM

View Postel piromaniaco, on 06 May 2019 - 10:43 PM, said:

BTW. pack an AMS (or more), makes it easier to get a high MS.

892 missiles destroyed, 131 dmg, 247 MS

#162 ThomasAH


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 05:18 AM

View PostTelemachus -Salt Wife Salt Life-, on 06 May 2019 - 02:33 PM, said:

So basically you don't want the mech, gotcha Posted Image

I want it, just not enough to buy it even at 50% :P

View PostTelemachus -Salt Wife Salt Life-, on 06 May 2019 - 02:33 PM, said:

Complaining that you aren't getting rewarded for YOUR particular playstyle, when matchscore is an overall indicator of being useful to the team, is kind of silly.

I'm not complaining, just mentioning that the match score rewards some aspects of being useful for the team more than other aspects, which may be more useful, but are harder to automatically detect. In the end any damage you make might be completely useless if the component of the target does not get destroyed. Or even then it might be useless if the component did not contain any useful parts, unless it is a leg and prevents a cap win or makes it easier for someone else to take down this mech.

It is as if your software development achievements are measured in the number of code lines you produce :)

#163 Luscious Dan


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 07:54 AM

Played last night, and every map vote tended to be a landslide for maps like Canyon Network/The Mining. Lots of nascar and 12-2 stomps, but three of the first 10 matches were 500+ms so I can't complain too much.

Not that La Malinche is a particularly good mech anyway, but MCII-B or an IS quad LB10X build should get you there. These types of mechs can hit 1k damage fairly regularly. A couple well placed arty strikes also help a lot if you're just farming match score. They generally don't pay for themselves in c-bills but they can get you a couple hundred points of free damage if you're lucky. Just don't drop them near friendlies, as team damage kills match score in a hurry.

Edited by Luscious Dan, 07 May 2019 - 07:54 AM.

#164 Roodkapje


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 08:46 AM

View PostTelemachus -Salt Wife Salt Life-, on 05 May 2019 - 11:21 PM, said:

Pro tip, the easiest way to get 500 matchscore is to do a lot of damage, not die, and win the game.

Damage > Everything

If only PGI shared that opinion... Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

I have seen some badass damage numbers done by other players and one of them had a score of 499... that has got to hurt!

And like others said : Incursion ?! What's that ?!

Only seen it once and everyone voted against it! YAY! Posted Image

OMFG!!! Played Incursion today !! 2 !! times and !! WON !! both of them! Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Edited by Roodkapje, 07 May 2019 - 12:28 PM.

#165 Renzor the Red


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 09:51 AM

View PostSarsaparilla Kid, on 03 May 2019 - 08:39 AM, said:

For those fretting about the unlikelihood of obtaining 500+ match score 5 times, don't...as Patsy aka Terry Gilliam would say, "It's only a La Malinche", one that I actually bought a while back and regretted. Eclectic mix of hardpoints, and generally low slung ones at that, missing the Meta bus by a mile. Outside of my own opinion, it has the distinction of being the lowest rated hero mech on denAirwalkerrr's list at (-4)...yes, that's a negative 4, where top-rated mechs like Sleipnir score a positive 5 points, related to difficulty, fun factor and farming ability. If there was ever a hero mech that PGI needed to buff, this is the one.

It's the thought that counts and is appreciated, but don't stress over not earning one as it'll likely collect dust in your garage.

This is funny. True. I've been struggling for the last three days to get just three more scores of 500. It's crazy. I don't understand it, other than the fact that I just moved up to Tier 2 at the beginning of the weekend, so things might have gotten more difficult. I get 500 MS here and there all the time up until I started trying to get it, lol.

I realize that the hero mech isn't that great. Might even be worth selling. Last night I even considered buying a Mad Cat MKII B to with MC to make the meta dakka build, which would cost me more than what I'd get from earning the Banshee and selling it; kind of defeat the point, haha. But I've completed every event since I started playing, and I don't want to fail, lol. The madness... Posted Image

#166 The Boneshaman


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 12:40 PM

View PostRoodkapje, on 07 May 2019 - 08:46 AM, said:

If only PGI shared that opinion... Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

I have seen some badass damage numbers done by other players and one of them had a score of 499... that has got to hurt!

so much of this haven't got even one 500 match score. been close but didn't get them mainly cuz i was on the losing team. but when their ISNT an event going on I can get 1 or 2 every now and than.

#167 Pz_DC


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 01:25 PM

...worst event ever, even with really good rewards. When you see some guy do 1055 damage, get 4 kills, 6 assists, survive and win with 481 match score, and then in next game you see other guy with 650 damage, 3 kills, 8 assists, survive and win with 503 match score its... "a bit" frustrating...

While I'm agree that challenges need to be "challenging", even "get 1 kill, 1 assist, survive and win a match 20 times" was MUCH better then those "get 500 match scores 5 times"! Because IMHO 60-80% of players cant understand how those scores are calculated so they cant get what they need to do at 1st place - do damage? no! kill missiles with ams? no! scout, get tag/narc kills? again no!

P.S. That challenge going to be 1st in all MWO history that I will not get my mech... Think about it - 1st challenge since closed beta when I cant get a mech reward...

P.P.S. And on top of it - saw "crimson state" only 2 times to pick in, like, 30-40 matches. And both times most players pick other map... And played only 1 incursion... Good we have won it...

Edited by Pz_DC, 07 May 2019 - 01:28 PM.

#168 mad kat


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 01:59 PM

Well I gave up strolled out in my 4xLRM15 Awesome and in one evening got all five 500ms.... I didn't feel that bad about it either.

#169 Xaat Xuun


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 02:42 PM

TLDR: Another event of just play the game, having fun and get free stuff, Although, trying to meet requirements on a limited time is what makes it frustrating

thought it's been longer, but hey.
bought MW2, around the same week MW3 came out, I saw the disc (MW2) in a store, and thought " Oh this l;ooks l;ike a game I'll like" it's actually the first game I played online as well, about 2 weeks into the game I had joined a unit, and they suggested I try MW3, since more and more players are playing it more then MW2. so searched some stores to find MW3, found it.

At work someone had Mechwarrior, and gave me a floppy for it, though I had never installed it, I also Have mechwarrior, and of course MW4 had been released, and I grabbed that as soon as it was available, but I really did not care for MW4, stopped playing that once I had completed all the campaigns, but always went back to play MW3.

it's part of the main reason I purchased MW5, why stop, keep the collection going .. right!?!?

As for the event, I have little time available to play or be online this past week and future week, so when I do have the time playing alts, they need the prizes more.
Now a 500 match score never was an issue, shy of 400 is average (jarl's list even reflects that for the alt(s)), but oddly, I've just been scratching 200-300, and seems to only able to reach 300-500 dmg. Just bad luck, because that's is below Par for my alts

Now the 500Match score, pretty much happens , no matter weight class, with a 700+ damage, but that's not even getting me 400 match score. I had noticed a few individuals with 500+ damage reach the 500 match score, I had also noticed some with 900 damage not reach a 500 match score. So obvious damage is not the only factor to the match score

being I have a very limited time to play, this is a tough event to complete, and gain all the rewards

thought i got lucky once, was in Faction, it was Assault , cool I need both . . now just need to win, with the luck and skill sets I had been teamed with, this won't be easy, but if the other team sucked worse, it'll be Glorious, . . . sigh . . I needed to be on the other team, OK so much for the 2 birds with one stone idea

I don't need the prizes, but my Alts do, saying I can understand/relate to the " whats the problem" and "choices/selections are not available to meet requirements" "can't complete objectives"

#170 Karl Carver


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 04:12 PM

View PostFupDup, on 02 May 2019 - 03:13 PM, said:

Hmmm, does this imply future MW4, MW2, and even MW1 anniversary events?

Probably doesn't imply Mechassault anniversaries other than April Fool's, if even that.

Sure why not.

Posted Image

#171 The Boneshaman


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 04:46 PM

View PostFurryMechPilot, on 07 May 2019 - 03:26 PM, said:

is anyone else struggling with the last two missions on this event?

just the 500 MS. something I get close to then we lose or we win but I'm taken out of the fight early or dont get t the fight in time

#172 SnowMongoose


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 07:41 PM

I gave up after only getting one 500+ MS in the first three days of the event.
If PGI's goal was to get people to stop playing partway through an event, they nailed it.

That being said, everything *but* the bottom challenge was fine, getting colors was super cool.
Just sucked getting stuck with everything but the 500+ MS bar finished.

#173 pacifica812


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Posted 07 May 2019 - 11:35 PM

Got my 5th 500+ ms game last night :) , 30+ games played all together. I got four of them with a BAS-B with 5 uac5s, and one with a WHM IIC A with lb20xs and srms. In all of those matches dmg was around 900. Thanx for the event, the sale and the prizes!

hf gh

#174 Roodkapje


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Posted 08 May 2019 - 05:07 AM

View Postpacifica812, on 07 May 2019 - 11:35 PM, said:

Got my 5th 500+ ms game last night Posted Image

#metoo :D


30+ games played all together. I got four of them with a BAS-B with 5 uac5s, and one with a WHM IIC A with lb20xs and srms. In all of those matches dmg was around 900.

It's not always enough to do a lot of damage : 868 of damage got me only 495 points once! Posted Image

Dakka does work great, but you need to bring at least a UAV with you and if possible at least one AMS just to be sure you are not playing for peanuts...


Thanx for the event, the sale and the prizes!

What he said ^^^^ Posted Image

After all these Events lately I think I will take a short break untill this weekend at least before I play some MWO again : I can hear the "Menu Music" without playing the game! Posted Image Posted Image

#175 pacifica812


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Posted 08 May 2019 - 07:45 AM

View PostRoodkapje, on 08 May 2019 - 05:07 AM, said:

After all these Events lately I think I will take a short break untill this weekend at least before I play some MWO again : I can hear the "Menu Music" without playing the game! Posted Image Posted Image

LOL I've been having the same problem for the last 4 years :D

#176 Apollo777


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Posted 08 May 2019 - 08:27 AM

I still didn't get a match in River City! LOLPosted Image

Not that I care about the reward, it's just 500k C-bill, It's kinda odd that every time I play MWO a few matches are in River City, but now it just get voted away every time! haha

Edited by Apollo777, 08 May 2019 - 08:38 AM.

#177 Ade the Rare


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Posted 08 May 2019 - 03:56 PM

Got my last 500+ score this afternoon; all with my High Roller, hunting LRM cheese builds Posted Image

Posted Image

EDIT: Kudos to PGI on this challenge. It actually feel like an achievement!

Edited by Ade the Rare, 08 May 2019 - 04:11 PM.

#178 CrustyMech


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Posted 08 May 2019 - 09:46 PM

View PostRoodkapje, on 07 May 2019 - 08:46 AM, said:

If only PGI shared that opinion... Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

I have seen some badass damage numbers done by other players and one of them had a score of 499... that has got to hurt!

And like others said : Incursion ?! What's that ?!

Only seen it once and everyone voted against it! YAY! Posted Image

OMFG!!! Played Incursion today !! 2 !! times and !! WON !! both of them! Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

I have had several "3 kills_600-800 DMG_win game and_live" matches and the closest I have been is 493. And that little ****** good player in the Shitfox with a single PPC gets a +600. You know who you are Posted Image.

To which I say... meh.

Overall, a fun event. It was unfortunate that it was up against the PTS test which cost me some time but whatchewgonnadoo?

Edited by CrustyMech, 08 May 2019 - 09:49 PM.

#179 Mechwarrior Pizza


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Posted 09 May 2019 - 01:30 AM

ehh ,, guess Crimson Strait isn't going to happen, never shows up for a vote, and event is basically done for me, for available time to play it

#180 HeavyHerbert


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Posted 09 May 2019 - 08:12 AM

Meh.. 130+ games so far for 4/5 of the 500 match score event done.
The rest is very easy. 400 match score is easy. Even with 450 I would have done it. Heck, even with 490 it would have been done long ago. That's frustrating. :(
My time is up now.
If I hadn't jumped from T3 into T2 right at the beginning of the event... it's much harder there to play and i haven't adapted yet.

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