VigorousApathy, on 04 May 2019 - 09:29 AM, said:
No, you just havent provided any physical or mathematical evidence for your claim, other than "I feel like...". So you are being met with no amount of seriousness.
As for the problem itself since we're talking about how we feel; I feel like the matchmaker is broken in a low population game, and you are describing symptoms of both of these issues. I can see how you are aggravated, being better than 60% of the total population, yet you are tier 1. So in reality you only end up being better than about 30% of the people you play against when enough tier 1 pilots are on. Of which theres been lots because (im guessing here) of spillover from IS coalition practices.
Mate, the unfairness of syncro is not a mathematical issue, is an ethical lissue.... Evidently to "Proof mathematically" my self evifent point, I need to compare the functioning of the matchmaker against a matchmaker FREE OF SYNCRO... Tell me the way to do it...
No the "maths proof" is here a very bad argument.
I will not deny, as I have said form the beguining that i can´t be sure of the exact and empirical magnitude of the issue...I simply say that for those who play a lot, and in a lot of different hour fringes, the decadence of the matchmaker is more than evident...Do you prefer to think, or to make us think that this is not as bad as issue?
Ok, I´m glad If you think if it´s worth to change something that can surely retain some more players some more time... (Ah, and i´m tier one a long time ago, I can compare for sure)
The most fun for me Is to see how and with how much virulence (or lack of respect to the right to the others to a fair play) the people denies things that are just basic logic: If in a gamemode, part of the game depends on random, and you change the odds in your favor, you are basicly cheating--- The more people cheating, in comparision with the total population, the more unfair the game becomes...
That is what I call self evident... Deny that is what I call the ostrich strategy...
I.m not an angry moralist at all... Just have fun with this game, and consider some of the forum warriors good players too... But i wanted to do a test, and the result is confirming what I feared... Some will never confront themselves... Maybe they smash buttons pretty well, or maybe they are bad enough to need this "Extra" to play the game... But maybe a good player is another thing, who knows
Edited by Tirant Lo Blanc, 04 May 2019 - 09:53 AM.