Snowhawk, on 19 May 2019 - 10:36 PM, said:
Do you really say that in the time from April 2019 until May 2019 you went from Tier 5 to Tier 2?
Even if you Play like Proton or Bowser shoud this not be possible because the Standard Progress (the old Progress which we had 1 or 2 years ago) in the Tier bar is very slow. It's very easy to go from rank 5 to 4 and then the Progress is usually slower. Seems that pgi has boostet the Tier Progress and now everyone and her mother is in Tier 2 and 1. I dont want to Insult you with this post, I'm worried About other Players who are now Tier 2 or 1.
I often see Matches where 4 or 5 Players in my Team are not able to reach 100 or even 80 matchscore! There are also Tier 1 streamers who are asking: Wtf, where does the matchmaker find this People.....?
Ha !
- as the OP, I was just reading through the thread comments thus far, and was happy to see this post, from earlier on. I just wanted to confirm that yeah - it's true. The timeline for me was my buddy introduced me / demo'd the game for me when I was back in my home-state for Christmas visit, in late December 2018. I got back to Chicago in January, and got the game, on his further urging, but only played it sparingly like once a weekend with him, just doing those Cadet Bonus missions, which he advised me to do for the C-Bills, and then eventually I could buy my own "real Mech" and not be limited to the Trial ones. For the entirety of the Cadet Mission Bonus matches, I think I used the Kodiak-3 that was Trial mech back then (I fell in love with the Dakka Setup it offered, and have loved Dakka ever since, lol).
I then bought, as my first actual mech, an Annihilator-2a (the one with 6 ballistics options) and tried out the 6 AC-5 setup I'd read about here on the forum, for several games. This all happened basically between Mid-January and end of March: I played the 25 Cadet Matches, bought the Annihilator, and basically only played in group play with my buddy (both of us Tier-5 at that time), about once a week / weekend when I was off work - and even then, we'd play maybe 2 hours max and then that was it, I wasn't playing on my own time, during the week or anything.
We had another typical Mech Sunday, that first weekend of April 6th into 7th (Sat into Sunday) and then he signed off around 8-pm...but since I had off the next day too...and the mood randomly struck me, I started playing more and more - that entire night ! I stayed up and kind of marathoned MWO - and was having a crazy fun time with it. I think I actually used some steam cards I had to get MC, and then bought the Direwolf UV that day, based on feedback of it being an insane Dakka-lovers mech. I kept playing that next day, and basically went nuts with MWO, having it become my "main gaming interest" since then. Each day I would say I've played anywhere from 2-6 hours on days after I got home from work, or slightly more on days off work. So I've certainly put in my time, in terms of games / battles fought, I think ?
But yeah - I was Tier-5 (about 1/3rd of the bar filled up) that night on April-7th, when I started going "hardcore" into it - and currently (May-22nd-2019) I'm now showing just shy of "halfway" up the progress bar on Tier-2 (so I'm like 45% Tier-2 bar filled up, en route to Tier-1, I guess is how you'd describe it, in my mech garage screen) ?
* Konniving, Void Angel, and the guys in the Newcomers Forum have told me this is extremely good progress though, so I'm honored. One guy commented he's been playing for over two years, and he wasn't out of Tier-3 yet, so I take their compliments as very kind praise, and am humbled by it.
One thing I'll say is that I don't think it's necessarily anything about PGI changing the scale at all, but rather that I'm legitimately playing well and having some good games. Looking back over some of the post-game screens where I took pictures with my camera to show my real-life buddy who introd' me to the game, I can see several matches with 946 damage, 775 damage, 938 damage (3 KB's, 1 Solo Kill, 3 KMDD), 1256 damage (I think this was a Direwolf match, back on that April-7th night), 1125 damage (and then I have a picture of me having just crossed into Tier-4, as of 11-pm on April 7th, so it looks like I played that night the 6th into the 7th, and finally by the evening of the 7th, when I was going to bed, I had reached Tier-4).
This general pattern has continued for me, where even at Tier-2 battles, I tend to be able to get "at least Equals Sign" as the result - even when we lose, and have even gotten "Green Arrow UP" on some losses, when I've played really good.
* looking back again to pictures from games on April-9th to April-10th (Tier-4 at that point), I seem to have rattled off a crazy streak of 1000+ damage matches (unsure of what I was playing but I think it was either Direwolf or Anni-2a, or maybe a Mauler-90 - that has 6 ballistic options, which I'd bought as my 3rd mech, I think): 1005 damage (win), 1024 damage (win), 1062 damage (win, 7 Killing Blows, 4 Solo kills, 4 KMDD, 12 components destroyed), 1154 damage (win), 1180 damage (Loss), etc... These are just examples, but this is sort of what I've been experiencing, as I've kept playing.
There are still big losses, or days (especially now up to Tier-2, where the progress has really slowed down), where I'll lose 3 or 4 matches in a row, trying to get my x2 win for a given Mech - But, even in those cases, like I said, I'm often able to have a 'good enough' match that I don't always get the "red arrow Down" at the end of the match.
* further checks of my phone pics shows that I crossed into Tier-3 on April-13th, at 7:06 am - lol (as I took another photo to show my buddy). And it looks like on April-14th, at 4:57 PM, I had my biggest ever LOSS - where i recorded the following, in a Tier-3 fight: 1573 Damage (3 Killing Blow, 7 Kill Assist, 2 Solo Kill, 7 KMMD, 10 Components Destroyed)
SO...overall...I'm not sure if there's a way to measure my overall stats / if the game even has such a feature, but it "feels" like I'm doing a good job in most fights, and I'm having fun with the game (which I guess is just as important), and try to enjoy the lore of the BT universe, as well as the in-game competitive nature of the battles. So...thanks for all the great feedback on this thread, and thanks for your kind words (all of you guys), as I continue to improve and enjoy reading your thoughts on my thread