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Betreff: Nachschulung
Besitztest/Trial of Possession
Ein Besitztest ist ein Kampftrial um den Besitzer von Ressourcen zu bestimmen.
Diese Trials können um beinahe alles gekämpft werden:
Genetisches Erbe, Militäreinheiten,auch Welten.
In allen Fällen platziert der Angreifer die Forderung an die derzeitigen Besitzer des angestrebten Preises. Die Angreifer geben ihre Identität und ihre Ziele bekannt und erfragen bei den Verteidigern die Menge der Truppen, mit denen sie den Besitz verteidigen möchten.
Dieser Prozess ist als
Batchall bekannt.
Hat der Verteidiger geantwortet, bieten die Angreifer untereinander um die Ehre das Ziel zu erreichen. Bieten minimiert Verschwendung und begrenzt die Anzahl der Truppen die in diesen Mini-Kriegen eingesetzt werden. Die Seite die gewinnt, erhält oder behält den Besitz über die umkämpften Ressourcen.
Quelle: Sourcebook: The Clans "Warrior of Kerensky" Autor Phelan Kell an Morgan Kell
Ergänzung I:
Der Verteidiger gibt neben der Einheitenanzahl seinen Namen bekannt und bestimmt außerdem den Ort an dem der Trial stattfinden soll...
Es wird als unehrenhaft angesehen, wenn durch den Angreifer mehr Truppen geboten werden als vom Verteidiger. Es gibt auch eine sog. Cutdowngrenze unter der es nicht mehr möglich ist das Ziel zu erreichen.
Quelle: [01725] BattleTech - MechWarriors Guide to the Clans
Ergänzung II:
The fourth type of combat trial is conducted when two or more
Clans claim the rights to the same thing, be it territory, a warrior's
genes, or even supremacy in a conflict of opinion . Nicholas
Kerensky created this combat trial within a year of the end of the
civil war . As a reward for their loyal support, Kerensky decided that
each Clan should receive half of one of the colonized Clan worlds
and small shares of the others . Strana Mechty would remain
neutral . The Clans had to determine among themselves who would
possess what area . It two or more Clans wanted the same piece of
land, their claims were subject to a Trial of Possession . This policy
resulted in many hard-fought battles to determine which Clans got
the lion's share of the better worlds and how the remaining lands
were to be divided .
A Trial of Possession is initiated when the attackers issue a
formal challenge to the defenders. The attackers identify themselves,
state their objective, and ask the defender what forces he
will use . For example, Star Colonel Adler Malthus began the
campaign against Twycross with this challenge : "I am Star Colonel
Adler Malthus of the Falcon Guards . What forces defend this
The challenge changes to fit the objective. If, for example, the
challenge is over the rights to genetic material, part of the challenge
might be stated in the following manner : "What forces defend the
spawn of Dan Kryla?"
The defenders then state what forces they will place in
defense of the objective . They also have the right to name the
location of the trial .
The defenders may increase the stakes by
demanding a prize of equal or lesser value if they win . This option
available to the defender is largely unknown in the Inner Sphere,
but explains why Hohiro Kurita was able to bargain with the Clan
commander at Walcott.
The attacker's subcommanders then bid among themselves
for the right to engage in the trial . The subcommander who bids to
fight with the fewest forces wins the right and responsibility to make
the attack.
Clans can keep prisoners taken during such trials to serve as
"bondsmen" (laborers for the Clan), or else these individuals may be
sent back to their original Clan, with little honor lost . Bondsmen must
serve the Clan until the Clan Council decides to reinstate their rights
as a warrior . A Clan can formally adopt captured warriors if the Clan
Council considers them an asset to its forces . Once a warrior is
officially adopted into a new Clan, he regains his warrior status.
Bidding and Trials of Possession both favor commanders who
succeed using minimal forces . Nicholas used these methods to
prevent all-out war and the catastrophic loss of industry and civilian
life that inevitably accompanies it.
Quelle: [01642] BattleTech -SB- Clan Wolf reprint
Edited by Mindwiper, 31 August 2012 - 03:41 AM.