Well this update made it clear for me, MWO is done, it is not going anywhere, I mean it is not going forward so it is pretty much over. Very sad, very disappoiting.
During the whole thing, they didnt talk about new content. Well I guess I didn't really expect anything good anymore from MWO at this point, been already a year since last new map - solaris city was released(may 2018), Solaris 7 game mode was also released about a year ago (there are 14 !!! queues in total for that mode, what a waste of time and money that was). Since then we got old small maps that were removed from MWO ages ago patched back into the game (classic forest colony and classic frozen city) and ofc we got white reskin of Canyon Network(waste ot time and money again) that is not new content.
Been playing MWO since beta, playing and waiting for it to get better, to get that Community Warfare aka Faction Warfare aka Faction Play done well but nope, been waiting ages and that game mode barely changes, it is forever meaningless & shallow, basicly Quick Play with respawns and occasional siege map, planets/ranks/wins/losses mean nothing, factions dont really exist and mean nothing, Inner Sphere map is just a fancy decoration, how terribly disappoiting. I see no reason to play that over QP sadly.
Devs never really wanted to put real work into that game mode, that famous Pauls list from last year was filled with polish and quality of life improvements, nothing really that could make FP good already, ofc there was also matchmaker but since FP is just not attractive in general so matchmaker wont make a difference. Plus we know how last FP patch messed it up even more. Really a shame, seems that Faction Play wont ever be any good.
Development for MWO was always slow, there were often delays and there was always not enough of new stuff. Since they announced StockWarrior 5 it was pretty clear why, PGI was taking away money from MWO to make their new shiny game, game without real mech customization(you cant swap ac20 for ac10 but you can swap rusty ac20 for shiny ac20 with slightly different stats heh) and half assed coop(cant play campaign with 4 players from the very beginning, players invited to your game get nothing when they leave no xp no money\items etc.).
Now they are telling us mech packs are not getting them enough profit, so "plz buy old mech packs if you want to see new ones maybe" something like that heh well I ask then - what we need to buy to finally see some new content for MWO huh? I mean new maps, maybe new weapons/equipment? you know, it is not really all that fun to play forever on same old maps, hundreds or thousands of times even if you have new shiny mechs.
At the very least I wanted to see some new maps added to MWO in the future and I mean more often than once per year but I guess I ask for too much, if you dont want to make new maps for us give us map maker tools, we could be swimming in new maps thanks to this after a while, PGI would have to only check submitted maps and then patch them in, but I guess that is also too much to ask for.
I kept hearing during various podcasts, interviews and MW5 AMAs quite often about how small of a studio PGI is yet they kept wasting money because of foolish esports aspirations, wasting money on mechcons and those MW5 pods, all that money wasted while they could use them to make MWO better. Such a pity.
I guess that is all I have to say, I guess this is a good time to take a break, maybe to leave pernamently already, game been stale/boring for way too long now, events kept me playing for longer than I wanted, events and hope that we will get some new content eventually but I ran out of hope already, not to mention patience.
Edited by Kell Aset, 08 June 2019 - 02:08 PM.