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Summary Of Today's Developer Update With Russ Bullock Via Ngng

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#1 Appogee


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 06:12 PM

Because I love you guys so much, here is a summary of Russ's comments at the Dev Update today Posted Image

In the interests of clarity, I haven't included editorial opinions from Daeron, Phil or myself.

(Responding to a rumour that I prodded him about in the Twitch chat.) PGI are unaware of any plan by MS to create MechAssault 3, and have not been tapped by MS to create it. If however MS ever wanted PGI to create a new title they'd certainly be open to the discussion. Russ wasn't personally a big fan of MechAssault, but thinks it would be good on the basis that it generates more interest in the franchise.

It's been a year since a Mech Pack created a good return on investment for PGI. Unsurprising given the game has been played for 7 years; people have tons of Mechs. PGI are going to more selective in what they release. Next pack won't be June. It will be special and will have defined role.

MWO by itself is not by itself enough to sustain a company of PGI's size. Lots riding on MW5. MW5 has to be successful to be able to carry on with Mechwarrior development. Hopefully we will see many more years of MWO, that depends to some extent on the success of MW5.

On FP: PGI is committed to the feature. Patch was pretty rough. 3rd hotfix incoming. We did communicate the feature very robustly on the forums and that the initial release was going to be story mode and matchmaker. They will continue to iterate on it - maybe up to 6 months - until we get it into a state that everyone's happy with. Some things are off limits if they require way too much engineering, too many buckets, etc.

Acknowledged concerns about ongoing monetisation of MWO given core customer base has so many Mechs and therefore less incentive to buy more packs. Floated general idea that maybe down the track might need to change to a base subscription model. Not going to happen anytime soon. (Note: pains were taken to point that this is just 'spitballing' about the future, in response to questions in chat, not a plan.)

On MechCon: has gone through a lot of iteration internally. Last year was big and expensive - more expensive than ideal. That was because of the original plan to launch MW5 in December last year. Harder to plan for this year because MW5 ships in September and MechCon is December. They were thinking MechCon this year might be unaffordable. Hopes community would understand that it's a big expense for PGI, the only financial sponsor. Key costs were pods (one off) but ongoing cost of having an onsite world championship ($100K or more). Cost would be a third if we take out the onsite WC. Would need about 1000 people to make it worthwhile.

World Championships: if Ben and his team are willing to run it remotely, offsite, it can go ahead. Need to make a final decision very quickly. Some talk about changing format from Stock Mode to something else, but nothing concrete.

MechCon 2019: It would be Dec 6-7 at Vancouver Convention Center is booked. Same participating companies, but WCs would be run offsite, ie. with pilots in different locations. In response to chat expressing concern about the time and focus MechCon takes away from the game, Russ says MechCon does not reduce development time or focus.

On FP: incredibly positive feedback on Story Mode and Matchmaking. But they are committed to fixing the concerns on faction changing and drop decks.

MW5: in this climate for pre-orders, we did exceptionally well. Acknowledges some critics wont pre-order as they are negative about PGI. Some people - an increasing number, he feels - are positive. Feels the best way to address the critics is to release a great game. Believes MW5 will hold up even better and longer than MW4 because of technology base, modding capability, procedurally generated missions, co-op mode. Believes it will have decade or more of longevity. Reinforced importance of its success in terms of having any developer (including PGI) continue to develop MW titles into the future.

Edited by Appogee, 03 July 2019 - 02:24 AM.

#2 L1f3H4ck


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 06:18 PM


#3 Grus


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 06:31 PM

Press F to pay respects.


#4 FupDup


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 06:32 PM

Posted Image

Looks like the cycle might finally be coming to its end.

#5 VonBruinwald


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 06:37 PM

View PostAppogee, on 31 May 2019 - 06:12 PM, said:

MW5: in this climate for pre-orders, we did exceptionally well. Acknowledges some critics wont pre-order as they are negative about PGI.

I haven't pre-ordered because they're only shipping via steam. They've hinted at other release platforms (ie. GOG/EPIC) but not given any solid info.

#6 LordNothing


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 06:44 PM


#7 BrunoSSace


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 06:45 PM

Kinda saw this coming. No news is bad news. Should probably cancel my Dervish preordered. I have enjoyed this game, forums, but I have seen it, slowly die over the last year. Sad, if the PGI had listened to some of the ideas of the community the outcome could of been different.

If they had used the Unreal engine
Let community help design maps/mechs.
Reward paying customers more.
Have a more focused balanced team,
Have a community of representatives to help get the players wants, needs problems.
Let friends play in quick play...
So many things,
Good luck pgi, and mwo

#8 CanadianCyrus


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 06:53 PM

Well here's hoping the rumored MechAssault game/reveal @ E3 is going to be good. I have MW5 pre-ordered but it's ultimately not the same as an online MW title.

#9 Vxheous


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 07:04 PM


#10 MisterSomaru


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 07:05 PM

hearing the TL:DR, I am immensely disappointed. The community will be immensely disappointed. That is not what anyone wanted to hear on the future.

Mechpacks: Most people aren't buying into them anymore because they wind up being significant disappointments, 3/4 of the variants trash with no quirks, or terrible hitboxes, terrible stats, etc. Or, are mechs nobody asked for. It's also a pain in the *** to skill them all.

Game is dying: It is. It's a fact. it's been on a decline for a while. Constant decisions by PGI have ensured it happens, by having poor contact with the community as a whole, not just those that are consistently posting in the forums. The community managers are AWOL 99% of the time, there are no PGI dev streams of note any more, they don't attempt to engage the community like other games do, balance decisions that often times make absolute sense from a gameplay standpoint, even when explanations are given. Sure, lore is nice and all, but using it to justify why mechs are trash in a pvp game does not really fly in this era of gaming. People just don't have the desire to invest in a game anymore where constant poor decisions are made that chase away future investors/players. There is also the poor execution of the recent Faction update, where a number of things were given that nobody asked for, hence the vitriol. Then there is the poor matchmaker in solo queue, related to the failure known as the Tier system, which is an experience bar instead of a proof of actual skill. Anyone can float to the top given enough time, or being carried.

Maps: And then, the maps. Hoh boy. many of the maps encourage very poor gameplay in a solo queue environment. And a lack of new maps.

Look, I love the game. I want it to keep going. But I can't see it lasting like this, let alone the three years that the game is supposed to exist some more. Really, please, PGI.

#11 Monkey Lover


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 07:08 PM

World Championships 2019 , let the best programmers win!

Edited by Monkey Lover, 01 June 2019 - 01:52 AM.

#12 The6thMessenger


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 07:12 PM




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Posted 31 May 2019 - 07:21 PM

Well, from a relatively newcomer's perspective, I have bought quite a lot of mechs (mostly Heroes) and spent money on other things as well. I can see why mech packs aren't interesting to everyone 'cause, as pointed above, most are basically useless in terms of quirks. Others are made poorly from the ground up in terms of hitboxes and mobility. For e.g., there was really no need to make an 80 ton clan Battlemech like the Warhammer IIC that's capable of moving at 70+ kph, turn and accelerate like a train while keeping a magnet in its CT.

Just my thoughts.
I bought 2 months worth of Premium Time just to level up all of my mechs and just keep playing a couple of hours a day and during the events. I don't mind spending money when the right thing comes along.

Also, F

#14 Nightbird


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 07:27 PM


#15 crazytimes


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 10:11 PM

The preorder incentives were all mwo extras. I've only been playing for a year, the economy has shifted massively in that short time. I've bought 40 mechbays and a bunch of heros up to assault with just QP event payouts in the last 6 months, plus gifted another bunch of champions and heros. The first 6 months I got almost nothing.

Economy shifts lile that don't instill confidence in the future- they tell me it's a F2P game struggling to keep critical population.

I will definitely play MW5, but happy to wait for a sale rather than get "extra value" that has no value.

#16 UnofficialOperator


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 10:14 PM


#17 kapusta11


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 10:14 PM

Pretty stupid to mention the fact that MWO doesn't make enough money. Now people will have even less incentive to spend more. Why bother if the gaem might be ded in a year?

#18 FupDup


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 10:17 PM

View Postkapusta11, on 31 May 2019 - 10:14 PM, said:

Pretty stupid to mention the fact that MWO doesn't make enough money. Now people will have even less incentive to spend more. Why bother if the gaem might be ded in a year?

It's pretty much a self-fulfilling prophecy.

#19 K O Z A K


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 10:58 PM


#20 Anjian


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 11:37 PM

MechAssault 3 by Day 1 Studios, which is owned by Wargaming.net, the World of Tanks and Warships people. Hmm.

This is twisty. This is very twisty.

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Edited by Anjian, 31 May 2019 - 11:39 PM.

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