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Something Needs To Be Done About Assaults Getting Left Behind.

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#1 I S O T O P E


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 12:58 AM

On Caustic Valley, Skirmish. Game begins and my team starts rushing for center. Myself and one other assault are going as fast as we can. I am in my Maurader II that can go 55kph (non skilled), which is fairly decent for an assault. Other assault is really lagging behind and is begging team to slow down and not nascar over comms. He dies without firing off a single shot. I barely make it to center, but still lagging behind. Of course, eventually two lights show up and next thing all my weapons are blown off in mere seconds. I wasn't even able to fire off a single shot either. My team proceeds to nascar and eventually get obliterated because they are literally down 2 assaults.

This is getting absolutely frustrating now. I practically never play assaults for this very reason, but I was able to buy 2 mechs from the last THICC sale, so I was really looking forward to finally giving it another try and gaining some experience. NOPE. Because no one bothers to support their big guys in the back trying to keep up. Wasted over 20mil cbills for nothing.

Something needs to be done imo. My suggestions: either give assaults more speed so they do not get easily left behind to die, or give them waaay more armor so they are not easily picked off if they are. Players should not have to be forced to play faster mechs, or only assaults that can go 64kph and up.

And just for the record, I am not blaming anyone here. It is no one's fault. I think this is just a fundamental flaw of the game the way it came out, but still needs to be fixed. This is really one of the biggest problems I believe with MWO. So I was hoping to start a discussion on this so we can come up with a plausible solution. Am I the only who experience this? How do you guys feel? Would anyone else like to see a change so this is no longer an issue? Do you guys think giving assaults a boost to speed or more armor would be a good thing or bad change?

What do you guys think about possibly updating the spawn points on big maps? I think this is also another great yet easily simple fix to the assaults getting left behind problem.

Edited by I S O T O P E, 04 June 2019 - 02:01 AM.

#2 CanadianCyrus


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 01:03 AM

Maybe every mech that goes under 60KPH gets a temporary speed boost for the first minute or so of gameplay.

#3 Snowhawk


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 01:15 AM

Well, Nascar is popular now. The best is if you adapt to it in quickplay and use fast assaults with ~ 64 km/h (some slow assaults like Highlander iic and supernova can do it with Speed tweak). Of Course you can try to communicate with your Team and try a "counter-nascar" or an other good strategy. Good places for slow assaults are faction Play or Group-Queue...

#4 Thiccacuga


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 01:29 AM

Oh that's easy to fix. Just say this over comms:

"Everybody if you leave the assault behind or start drinking box wine while reenacting your favorite driver I'm going to start legging mechs so you can understand how much being slow sucks." Frankly I threaten my own teammates out of nascaring and every time I've done so we have successfully set up a firing line and won. I'd tell you to have a lot of guns to back up your words but you ARE complaining in an assault so I imagine that won't be an issue.

Edited by CuddlyZebesian, 04 June 2019 - 01:30 AM.

#5 Kotzi


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 02:07 AM

Spawns where closer and had been spread more because people demanded so. Now people demand spawns to be closer cause no one regroups. Team cohesion in a teambased game. Thats your job, not the developers.

#6 Khobai


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 02:32 AM

Since they made lights better brawlers than assaults

Wouldnt it make sense to make assaults faster than lights? make all assaults go 200kph

#7 I S O T O P E


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 03:00 AM

View PostKotzi, on 04 June 2019 - 02:07 AM, said:

Spawns where closer and had been spread more because people demanded so. Now people demand spawns to be closer cause no one regroups. Team cohesion in a teambased game. Thats your job, not the developers.

Assaults do not have to necessarily be spawned closer - just not left behind. This can be done by possibly moving alpha and bravo lance further back instead. As for the team cohesion thing, while yes, it is up to the players, really is non-existent unfortunately. I've seen so many times people do not like taking advice from teammates for the benefit of the whole team because they do not like "taking orders". So I suggest something like this as a way to benefit the whole community. Changing the spawn points for alpha and bravo back a little more could indirectly improve team cohesion because it would force teams to consolidate as they approach the typical center of the map, as opposed to spreading thin and splitting team as it is now. But is only a suggestion, I'm open to hearing other ideas as well.

Edited by I S O T O P E, 04 June 2019 - 03:28 AM.

#8 Half Ear


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 03:10 AM

Caustic is the worse map for one side where the assaults spawning to the far left. The idea was that assaults would move forward towards the assaults that are opposite of them, heavies vs heavies and lights vs lights. HPG is a hit or miss while Mining Colony PGI has already flipped Charlie and Bravo lances, which is what PGI should do for Caustic on both sides, may be for all the maps so to be consistent.

Until something is changed the best weapon is communication, and not just do not leave the assaults behind...

Edited by Half Ear, 04 June 2019 - 03:11 AM.

#9 Rosh87


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 03:13 AM

I made a mini-thread about this some weeks back about a New Player's Thoughts on Nascaring - and one thing that occurred to me after-the-fact, was the idea that if we had every single mech moving the exact same "max speed" - say 100 kmh just to make it very simplistic for this example.... you would Never have the same issues / complaints / concerns with "Nascaring" - being a thing. Yes, we would / might still "rotate to the right" - but who cares, as every single mech could keep up with the rotation, and other than being visually silly (if you were watching the fight unfold from the air, or some such Posted Image ), the actual "frustration" that players have with the "strategy" would be largely overcome.

At that point (all speeds being equal) - the only fault of being over-run / left-behind would be literal player-stopping and shooting or such, and not moving with the team.


The current (actual) dynamic which we see in game, is that the massive differences in speed and agility between an 81-kmh Heavy Mech, and a 48.6 kmh Assault Mech (100 tonners, mostly) - is substantial, and frequently will lead to the sluggish mechs being "left behind" - without them having done anything necessarily "wrong".

The situation is made even worse (on some maps - looking at you, HPG array)... where PGI has the slowest / Assault Lance start on the far LEFT of the team's formation...such that they can immediately encounter on-rushing enemy Lights and Mediums from their "left side" as they emerge into the main circular area of the Array. This also puts them massively "behind the curve" of the Nascar Motion, as even if they aren't harassed by Lights on their way up, by the time they reach the Ramps Up to the Top, they might already be at risk of being "left behind" as their team-mates have been up to the platform for perhaps 30-60 seconds already, and if those players were already beginning the "shift to the Right" motion, the Assaults are unable to easily catch up (other than simply going up Top themselves and trying to cross over - which, while possibly a solution, often subjects them to withering fire from the enemies near the ramps, or perhaps already On-Top, if the friendly team failed to press and hold the Top).

It's quite a conundrum ! Posted Image

#10 LowSubmarino


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 04:33 AM

Asking or begging ppl to not leave you behind is not very effective. It implies that you just want cover, but you dont have any idea what to do. Or at least it comes accross as a bit insecure. In love and war ppl tend to hover towards ppl that are confident in what they want and what they do. At least, apart from physical attributes, when it comes to attraction, that is one more relevant dimension.

Meaning, if you have a good idea, and your idea also includes a strategy that will most likely avoid a team to become too split, then phrase it directly, confidently and dont babble. Many ppl I hear keep talking for too long. Ppl are focused on playing and cant spare that much attention. Take Commander Fisher for instance, he suggests briefly and in one or two senteces tops, what he intends to do. Doesnt come accross as bitchy or whiney and focuses on simple strats that dont require much preparaton. Somehing like 'greetings mechwarrios, lets crush them together, evybody take top asap'.

Or maybe that you all hold at a ridge on polar, maybe half a click or a click in front of team reds firing line and that instead of standard nascar you all push over ridge on coutdown together. Give brief, easy to follow suggestions and present them confidently. Thats what ppl will listen to. If youre running an assault, then you will be very reliant on support. Always. The only way to not instadie way out of postion is to immediately sprint as fast as you can to where you know your mechs will prolly gether at least for a while. E.g. your side of hpg when match just began. Most of the time, team will gather their for maybe 30 to 90 seconds, glimpse on top of platform and then lean towards the right side. Or take top. Or split and die right away.

If youre running an assault, then dont join late. Not even one single second and take the shortest route directly to where you know the fight will prolly start. You should run there, dont peekaboo ineffectively, dont delay for anything, and move. A lot of assaults I see join late, just like all other weight classes do occasionally. The difference is, you cannot disengage at all in assaults. Even if you connect right away but then youre afk for just 10 to 20 seconds in a 55 or even 65 kph mech, youre already at a massive disadvantge. Or more precisely the disadvantage you had in terms of being that slow is massively increased. As was mentioned in multiple other threads, ppl know about the most common mistakes in QP matches.

One of the most common mistakes is that slow heavies and assaults are not even aware, that there is at the very least 1 - 3 very fast mechs that do not connect late, that dont join late, and that immediately sprint as fast and directly as they can to where they know that in 9 out 10 matches on any given map (with few exceptions) there will be very slow assault pilots that might have even joined late. Perfect and very easy targets.

What you ask for is not an effective strategy. The very worst thing in many standard QP matches would be for like a heaby and a medium (or maybe even more) to turn around and try to cover you, a mech that is already like 500 + meters behind the main nascar formation. Any light or fast skirmisher that has any experience at all, will have already won in a massive way, when that happens. Thats just one or maybe 2 lighter mechs, that occupy an assault mech, a heavy mech and a medium mech. Even a light or fast medium occupies and delays 3 big mechs for only 20 seconds, that is already a massive advantage. They have already won in terms of getting an advantage.

Now, that doesnt mean that this single advantage, as big as it is, will be capitalized on. Team red often times makes their own mistakes or has ppl that join late and get masscared at their respective back end of their formation. Imagine though, those mechs come back to save you. The fast mech of team red then disengages. Then what? he or she split 25 % of your entire team away from the constnatly moving frontlines. Not only that, ppl know most of the time, that those one or two fast lights that hunt your out of position mechs are only the tip of the spear. Moments later an army of enemy mechs will come around the corner and smash you.

Either way, no matter what you do, you loose if you play like that or at the very least constantly provide massive advantages for team red to exploit all the time. Again and over again. Basically, if you call for help, then youre helping team red in 8 out of 10 instances. Theres exceptions, for intance, when your team isnt really moving that much and youre kinda close. Calling for help wont completly pull them apart and you just make them aware that youre close and are being harassed. Thats good.

But if youre like 500 + meters away and your team is actually running, nascaring, then calling for help is the very worst thing to do. or the second worst thing. The very worst thing is to actually even be in that position. Doesnt matter if you happen to be there involuntarily, cause your mech/build simply cannot run faster or because you sniped a bit too often at mechs far away and lost focus for like 30 seconds and didnt realize your team has already started to move and is now like 700 meters away and youhave no hope at all to catch up in mechs that are that slow.

It is much more effective to not get pulled away and split off by small numbers that can easily disengage and have thus already won, even if they did not land a single small laser shot, to punish the very same openings and mistages on team reds side. Your faster mechs should attack those slow and out of position targets, or provide cover for big mechs that are actually within your formation. But splitting off is an abysmal idea and one of the main mistakes 50 % or more of the players do in literally every single QP match over and over again. They dont even realize that that will bring death and complete stomps. Evybody who just complains that they get left behind, doest not yet understand that.

It is not effective to simply ask for help, for mechs to travel all the way back to your position.

What are they supposed to do? While they run back, invest like a minute to get to you the other mech will just disengage and you allocated way and way and over the top too many ressources and mechs just to protect one single assault. Even if its two assaults.

No. You leave them to die and instead attack team reds flanks and hope that you got the better deal.

Its either that or you actually communicate. Im too lazy to tell ppl every single match, that you have a huge advantage on mining for instance, if you take center, as it prevents in 9 out of 10 times, that youre team splits around the center elevation to ineffectively run from one side to the other. The terrain and map features in center force a team to stretch out. All the while they get hammered from high ground nonstop. Almost all pug teams that get smashed burtally with zero or maybe 1 or 2 kills do this very mistake. Theyre timid, they dont know that not taking center almost always plays directly into team reds hand. Cause your team will always do what QP teams tend to do. That is the most prevalent strategy and it gives them assurance. A sense of security to just do what they will always do in most matches where theres no communication. Meaning, if center is taken, they will just stoically run around one side, right in complete vision of team red in center, to run to the other ramp in hope that for some reason they can get off some shots into your backside. They rely on you just running around and nascaring just like them.

It even works in quite a few games, as ppl that took center just start to rush after what seem easy targets. Which is how a team that has lowground and is down even 3 mechs can come back and win. Cause your team gave away huge advantages and leads by doing the very same thing they do.

Im too lazy to tell ppl eery single time and a lot of ppl are very timid and scared and they just stand around unsure, right infront of center ramp, wait, look what other ppl do and are scared to bleed some armor and then team red already got the center.

Same goes for hpg. I mean, how often do ppl hear over and over and over again, that not allowing team red to just take high ground which will by default massively reduce their chance to split into a stretching nascar right away is a very solid idea. You hear that every single time. And yet, a ton of players in literally every single match just wander about aimlessly or actually even counter nascar alone or in small numbers, smashing right into the entire death ball of team read. Instadying. Often times I get too annoyed and I rather just adapt and try to exploit team reds identical msitakes and at least dish out good dmg and killed a few mechs, even when loosing, than to try to organize a team ievery single match and tell them the most basic things.

And I also just expect for ppl that I get mixed with in QP matches to have some experience. Thats what I expect from a MM cause I have played this game since open beta for well over half a decade. If somebody actually has to be told that certain prevalent positions and strategies are potent in tier 1 - 2 then something is deffinitely wrong with the MM and tier system but thats not the topic here.

Either you communicate convincingly like some of the good commanders out there (listen to what they say and how they comminuate, theyre not whiney or angry, they just name a known, ez to follow, precise strategy) right at the very beginning of match or they at the very least know exactly where to go and where definitely not to be in an assault. Joining late in slow assaults and heavies is basically suicide. If you join late, like 30 - 60 seconds, your chance to actucally contribute in a meaningful way are basically non existend in 9 out of 10 cases unless youre a very sneaky and crafty assault pilot that does the only thing that could work. namely, they do not try to catch up when they consider their cahnces to be very bad and that effort to be very risky in a number of situations and on a lot of maps.

instead, they fall back a bit, hide and wait for their rotation to shift so that youre not trying to reach your nascar train right when team red has circled to where you try to catch up, what 99,9999 % of all slow heavy and assault pilots do, to get slaughtered over and over again, doing 0 - 1 alpha worth of dmg.

You dont need to be the best shot or pilot at all when playing assaults, What ou need to be is preferably a charismatic or at theast competent communicator that gives precise suggestions that make sense and that ppl know might work. E.g. to simply wait for reds nascar or to rush over a ridge togther at the same time or something like that. If you run assaults communicate. Or you better know exactly where to go and know how to get there asap. But even that might not be enough. As you saw on caustic, it is very easy to catch slow mechs every time. Even when your team gets smashed you might very well catch 1 - 3 slow mechs and can at least punish them and then at least you had some fun and didnt just melt like a bunch of ducklings getting blasted by nuclear warheads.

But simply begging for help for ppl to turn around to cover you vs a small number of even jsut one light???

If you do that, then you actually help team red. Involuntarily, but you still provide a very nice and juicy opportunity for team red to either smash your split mechs or at the very least occupy them and stop them from being able to attack any of your mech. Cause by then theyre all out of position trying to cover you in your assault

#11 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 04:34 AM

Heh ... Somehow I've managed to fully skill up DireWolves and Annihilators and was never "left behind". Might have something to do with moving immidiately after you drop and not after taking a 30s nap on the spawn point. That and actually moving towards the middle of the map and not trying to do nascar in a 48kph mech.

#12 Nightbird


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 04:38 AM

Any pilot screaming out "don't nascar" isn't worth the effort to save. QP solo queue lacks teamwork, one person coming to your rescue means 2 mechs down instead of one. You don't bring slow assaults to it unless you know how to succeed doing it without help. Otherwise, save the slow assaults for QP group queue and FP where you are playing with a team.

Edited by Nightbird, 04 June 2019 - 06:26 AM.

#13 Remover of Obstacles


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 04:50 AM

MWO - Where no one is surprised to see 100 tonners not top 100 damage and 20 tonners are expected to pump out well over 500 damage a game.

#14 Appogee


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 04:57 AM

View PostI S O T O P E, on 04 June 2019 - 12:58 AM, said:

Something needs to be done imo.


You either need to stop taking slow Assaults to Quick Play matches... or come to terms with the inherent tradeoffs of the largest Mechs with the most armor and weapons.

#15 LordNothing


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 06:13 AM

up till the patch the best places to use assaults were in fp. but with wait times as miserable as they are there is only solaris which has worse problems than fp does (and only works for the 2 or 3 metamechs for each division). i mean if qp is the fallback plan i might as well just leave now.

Edited by LordNothing, 04 June 2019 - 06:14 AM.

#16 Electron Junkie


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 06:44 AM

Maybe line the spawns up vertically instead of horizontally?

Put the lights up front, mediums in the middle, heavy and assaults in the back.
Lights will either wait or begin the skirmish early with the other lights as the others filter in.

Flip the drops and the lights will catch up to the heavies assaults as the skirmish begins.

This also kills the huge amount of walking and brings match time down meaning players are more engaged with the game versus walking for 2~3minutes at the start of the larger maps.

#17 Mister Glitchdragon


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 06:54 AM

View PostI S O T O P E, on 04 June 2019 - 12:58 AM, said:

Other assault is really lagging behind and is begging team to slow down and not nascar over comms. He dies without firing off a single shot.

The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping...

Edited by Mister Glitchdragon, 04 June 2019 - 06:54 AM.

#18 Weeny Machine


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 07:40 AM

Assaults, the spoiled brats of MWO. I mean, a light mech gets hard countered by streaks, has to run from lock-on weapons 24/7 and their whole advantage of being fast gets negated et etc. That's totally acceptable. However, when an assault has a problem like being out of position or not able to keep up (I can usually keeb up with an 58 km/h assault), then hell breaks loose and something "needs" to be done.

#19 RickySpanish


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 07:43 AM

I'd like to take this moment to thank 444reaper444 last night who came to the rescue of my own dumb self after I dilly-dallied and ended up left behind. I was skilling up my Ghillie and made a very poor judgement call on where to set up an overwatch position. I do believe we ended up winning that match but I can't remember. I was actually prepared to die and didn't ask for help, but the fella had the gumption to check his map and we managed to make their Lights pay for the intrusion. In most cases driving a 55 kph 'Mech does require you to second guess your team, sometimes that doesn't work out. Unfortunately there is little you can do to prevent your team from running off if you aren't prepared to or charismatic enough to drop call.

Edited by RickySpanish, 04 June 2019 - 07:43 AM.

#20 thievingmagpi


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 07:43 AM

assaults should walk forward.

or, at the very least, not try to follow fast mechs.

fast mechs work by applying pressure to flanks and from angles where the enemy is not watching. there is no flank if everything is flank. assaults can't use their strength if they're constantly running.

Edited by thievingmagpi, 04 June 2019 - 07:46 AM.

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