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Patch Notes - - 18-Jun-2019

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#61 Darth Khan


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 03:01 AM

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#62 Paul Meyers DEST


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 03:26 AM

Good updates i think. Looking forward to it.

#63 Y E O N N E


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 06:24 AM

View PostEd Steele, on 15 June 2019 - 09:19 PM, said:

The only reason some Mechs need buffs is because other Mechs have been buffed to ridiculous levels. The buffs and nerfs are never ending slippery slope in MWO.

Patently untrue. Before the resale, a Jenner F wiped the fllor with a Spider 5V, no quirks necessary. Similarly, a Timberwolf wiped the floor with a Cataphract and a Dire wolf did the same with an Atlas.

#64 Roodkapje


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 08:50 AM

View PostDarth Khan, on 16 June 2019 - 03:01 AM, said:

Posted Image

YUP! My KGC-000 has the same issue! :(

Seems to have happend since the last patch ?

Ohh and : Why aren't there any fixes mentioned for the All Chat and Grim Plexus for example ?!

Please fix Grim Plexus! It's at least two years over due now : https://mwomercs.com...texture-glitch/ :(

#65 Skippynibble


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 09:20 AM

Request for changes in the future.
1) Remove AC20 Ghost Heat
2) Remove the 16 weapon limit to launch into a match (you are killing my Dire Wolf Dreams)

#66 Navid A1


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 10:02 AM

View PostDarth Khan, on 16 June 2019 - 03:01 AM, said:

Posted Image

That's what happens when the modeler does half the work, saves it, then comes back to it a month later to do the other half because deadline is approaching.


#67 Bolo Atari


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 10:57 AM

View PostDarth Khan, on 16 June 2019 - 03:01 AM, said:

Posted Image

Variety is the spice of life yo.

Posted Image

Edited by Bolo Atari, 16 June 2019 - 11:00 AM.

#68 Rebel Ace Fryslan


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 11:10 AM

Nice litle improvments to FP

Requests less QP maps would be great, please atleast remove the smallest maps.
An option to follow the unit in contracts would be nice.

An active/eye-cathing announcement that it's scouting or that it's invasion now.

Continue to make it more relaxed to get to play Grouped play.
And let NGNG play some Invasion on twitch now and then.

Edited by Rebel Ace Fryslan, 16 June 2019 - 11:12 AM.

#69 Dee Eight


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 11:40 AM

It amused me greatly that one of the Night star's is allowed a UAC20 HSL+1 but the king crabs are NOT allowed a AC20 HSL+1... so the 95 ton assault can double tap 80 damage off in the time the 100 ton mech only gets off 40 ? Its ****** balance thinking like that which drives people to stop spending money on new mech packs.

Also, why does the Kodiak get weapon quirks now and the Marauder IIC has nothing at all for quirks other than the loyalty version ? Not even the missile quirk the early adopter variant initially got but was at some stage removed without any explanation.

Also... how come the early adopter warhammer IIC-A variant isn't available in the in-game store for MC along with the rest of the warhammer IICs ?

Edited by Dee Eight, 16 June 2019 - 11:45 AM.

#70 Navid A1


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 12:25 PM

View PostAvalon91211, on 15 June 2019 - 04:43 PM, said:

View PostNavid A1, on 15 June 2019 - 10:57 AM, said:

Here is my take:
  • LBX2 spread reduced by 8%:
ok... LBX2 was being used before this, but I'd take that spread reduction. It's ok.
  • LBX5 spread reduced by 4.7%:
Let me put it to you this way... LBX5 currently has the crown for the WORST weapon in the game... and that title in MWO does not come easy since there are a lot of competitors.

That whole FFFF IIIII VVVV EEEE percent spread reduction will do NOTHING... absolutely NOTHING!
This is nothing but a disconnect from reality by PGI.
If you want to make a meaningful change reduce LB5 spread by 30% at the very least.... not that you'll do it, but I'm just mentioning it here for the record.
  • ATM changes
A move in the right direction. I like the long range damage increase, yet I'd have preferred to see a similar damage reduction for the 3-damage range bracket...but we'll see how it goes
  • non-3 KDK mobility increase
A good change... could have used more agility, but still.
  • Atlas mobility increase
Good change, but should have gone further.

Overall... these changes are all in the right direction.... but it seems like PGI is still obsessed with 0-5% changes and too scared of fixing things because they can't seem to project and predict the effects.

So what get out of this is you're upset that PGI is incrementally balancing the game to ensure accurate balance that is acceptable to the playerbase, upset because ATMs do 3 points of damage up close (as they do in TT), think the LB-5X sucks (it doesn't, use it all the time and get kills often) and oh your Atlas doesn't move like a Medium. I hit all those points right? (rhetorical question)

Also I disagree with the ATM nerfs. If you are going to reduce 3 point dmg range, reduce the minimum range to 90 meters (or better still do away with it, since Clan missiles are more advanced)

2/10 attempt at trolling.

but I'll bite.

Regarding "incremental changes"... Call me when they do the next "increment"!... or maybe don't. That will require MWO to be around in the next 6 years.

I have a car with a flat tire. I bring it to a shop to have it filled with the right pressure.
The "mechanic" brings it up to 2 psi and asks me to come back in a year if I find any problem.

I tell the mechanic that it's not nearly enough. You need to bring it up to at least 20.

Meanwhile someone driving on all four flat tires drives by, and shouts at me "Hey... the mechanic is only doing this incrementally so that your tire does not blow up from high pressure... you need it try it first... I've been driving like this for a year and my car still moves forward"

#71 SuperMCDad


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 01:32 PM

View PostImperialKnight, on 14 June 2019 - 06:56 PM, said:

If you ever need to wonder why MWO is failing, this update is a classic example. Take a weapon that already has high skill cap to use properly, and make it worse. Because of what? Were people actually complaining about ATMs?

You take things that are fun, and take the fun away.

Do you know how small the zone for 3 dmg ATM is? It's 120m - 270m, that's a bloody 150m zone. If you're lucky, you get ONE volley before a light or medium or fast heavy underruns you. Have your game designers actually tried to zone people in that bracket in a firefight? And then you reduce it even further?

And what's the point of increasing the LONG range damage? ATMs are NOT supposed to be used at long range, that's the purpose of LRMs. The whole point of ATMs are that they are devastating lockon SRMs with a dead zone penalty. That's the core of the weapon.

The last weapon that received similar treatment that comes to mind were the Clan SPLas nerfs. Was it deadly when you got into optimal range? Yes, absolutely. I ever 1v3 using SPLas at knife fight range and come out alive. But you know what? It was FUN. You literally had to risk everything to get into that knife fight range to be actually useful. But then it was nerfed to near uselessness.

MWO's game designers don't understand their own game and what makes it fun. Good luck digging MWO's grave even deeper.

My guess is that the ATM nerf is directly related to the effectiveness of the ATM Veagle. It's agility and damage potential has made it pretty popular. And as we know, if a mech is a perceived problem, you need to nerf the weapon for all builds, rather than the actual mech...

#72 Y E O N N E


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 01:55 PM

View PostSuperMCDad, on 16 June 2019 - 01:32 PM, said:

My guess is that the ATM nerf is directly related to the effectiveness of the ATM Veagle. It's agility and damage potential has made it pretty popular. And as we know, if a mech is a perceived problem, you need to nerf the weapon for all builds, rather than the actual mech...

It's not just the VEagle, though. It's also the SMN-A, the HBK-IIC-B, the RFL-IIC-4, the NTG, the HMN...

Literally anything that can boat ATMs with enough capacity to cool and feed them just annihilates anything in front of it. The only saving grace is that most people are terrible at zoning, but that's a small victory when most people are terrible at any given skill in MWO.

#73 Geewiz 27


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 02:14 PM

View PostY E O N N E, on 16 June 2019 - 01:55 PM, said:

It's not just the VEagle, though. It's also the SMN-A, the HBK-IIC-B, the RFL-IIC-4, the NTG, the HMN...

Literally anything that can boat ATMs with enough capacity to cool and feed them just annihilates anything in front of it. The only saving grace is that most people are terrible at zoning, but that's a small victory when most people are terrible at any given skill in MWO.

Have to agree with SuperMCDad here while all the mechs you listed are good with atm's the veagle is a little over the top at the moment. There's people running atm 9,9,12. Atm 9,12,12 and 12, 12, & 12 on a 55ton mech is just to much firepower.

I think it's a good patch on the whole, will it fix all problems in the game? No. Is it a improvement? Yes. Also PGI thankyou for the FW tweaks the ability change sides at any time is going to make All regular FP players happy it will help us to get more games so cheers.

#74 Stargazzer811


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 03:09 PM

View PostNavid A1, on 16 June 2019 - 12:25 PM, said:

2/10 attempt at trolling.

Troll? No I don't think you quite understand. [redacted] There is a difference. You can demand things be changed all you want but at the end of the day you are just like 99% of the player base, you have a specific game imagined in your melon, and you won't be happy until PGI makes the game the way YOU want it. You know I'm right so do not try and say I'm not, because other people have said it here on the forums too. Fact of the matter is, as a great rock band once said, you can't always get what you want. Learn to deal with what you have, or if you can't, find another game to play; the problem solves itself in the end.

View PostSkippynibbles, on 16 June 2019 - 09:20 AM, said:

Request for changes in the future.
1) Remove AC20 Ghost Heat
2) Remove the 16 weapon limit to launch into a match (you are killing my Dire Wolf Dreams)

Sorry but I'm gonna kill your dreams a little further: they aren't going to do either thing. Whether they say for balance reasons or some other BS, they won't do it. I wish they would give the King Crab's AC/20 heat sink link quirks but they won't do it because, Balance! You have to find ways around it; I recommend chainfire.

View PostDee Eight, on 15 June 2019 - 08:34 PM, said:

For that matter...in the LORE... the KDK-3 had dual LBX-20s to be used as an anti-aircraft mech... how exactly are you treating it properly as such by cutting the twist angle by a third (from 90 to 60) and the pitch angle by 20% (from 20 to 16) ?! If you HADN'T given the thing four ballistic hardpoints in the first place (just about every other kodiak had exactly the correct # of hardbpoints for the for their respective lore weapons loadouts other than the PGI hero creation one, and the KDK-4 which also got two ballistic hardpoints on a mech that only held a single LBX20), and made it part of the basic mech pack... there'd never have been the problems with them that ended up in your overall nerfing of the chassis and alienating THOUSANDS of customers who put good money into them.

This, so much of this. I've been saying it since the Kodiak was released and since the KDK-3 started being humped in the meta. I called out on the forums for them to remove 2 of the ballistic hardpoints. PGI did nothing but nerf the heat system (and UAC's in particular) to compensate, instead of doing the right thing. But as many have pointed out to me repeatedly, this game and many who play it disregards the lore all the time so *shrugs*

View PostTarogato, on 16 June 2019 - 02:31 AM, said:

Atlas used to torso twist faster. The role of the Atlas is to tank, and almost exclusively to brawl. The fact that it twists slower than it used to (and mobility tree being a ridiculously expensive investment) precludes the Atlas from fulfilling its optimal role. If it can't twist fast enough, it can't spread damage. If it can't spread damage, it can't tank. If it can't tank, it dies before it can carry its own weight.

I agree the slower twist rate would be a bit of an issue, but consider this: I hardly twist to spread damage at all, and I live longer on average then most of my teammates. Now you can call BS if you want, or say I'm lucky, but at the end of the day it comes down to pilot skill. I know when to stand in front of an enemy and take their shots, and when to move [Redacted] out of the way.

Edited by draiocht, 20 June 2019 - 04:42 PM.
nonconstructive, inappropriate language

#75 dwwolf


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 03:20 PM

You know, the normal fix would have been to give the VGL-3 a 5% to 10% ATM-12 RoF penalty.

Because we all know that is the real target of the ATM nerf.
But no, now clan ATM assaults and heavies are in ****** mode.

Throw us a bone, 1 damage <120m svp.

#76 Andrzej Lechrenski


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 04:10 PM

I'm waiting for the patch that buffs the player base by a few percent...

#77 Y E O N N E


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 04:34 PM

View PostGeewiz 27, on 16 June 2019 - 02:14 PM, said:

Have to agree with SuperMCDad here while all the mechs you listed are good with atm's the veagle is a little over the top at the moment. There's people running atm 9,9,12. Atm 9,12,12 and 12, 12, & 12 on a 55ton mech is just to much firepower.

I think it's a good patch on the whole, will it fix all problems in the game? No. Is it a improvement? Yes. Also PGI thankyou for the FW tweaks the ability change sides at any time is going to make All regular FP players happy it will help us to get more games so cheers.

It's really not. The HMN was pumping out the same numbers as the VEagle before the latter was released. People don't play the HBK with it as much because it handles like butts in comparison, but agility is not a main requisite for poptarting.

The SNV and NTG are grossly strong with ATMs, but they can't move quickly so positioning, a thing most players are inconsistent with, plays a huge factor. That makes them seem less good than they really are.

IMHO, ATMs are way too peaky as a weapon. When they work, they work too well. When they are countered, they are countered too well. Being less susceptible to AMS while trading away a half point of damage at the close-range bracket would make them less ridiculous but also make them more consistent, and that's what I'd like to see happen.

Edited by Y E O N N E, 16 June 2019 - 04:35 PM.

#78 Navid A1


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 06:00 PM

View PostAvalon91211, on 16 June 2019 - 03:09 PM, said:

Troll? No I don't think you quite understand.[redacted] There is a difference. You can demand things be changed all you want but at the end of the day you are just like 99% of the player base, you have a specific game imagined in your melon, and you won't be happy until PGI makes the game the way YOU want it. You know I'm right so do not try and say I'm not, because other people have said it here on the forums too. Fact of the matter is, as a great rock band once said, you can't always get what you want. Learn to deal with what you have, or if you can't, find another game to play; the problem solves itself in the end.

I don't think you get it.
It might come as news to you. But if something sucks, I don't use it.
LB5 sucks. Nothing is going to change that. It just sucks. So I don't equip it on my mechs. In this patch PGI is showing that they know it sucks and they are trying to fix it. I'm just telling them that the changes they made will not fix a damn thing.
After this patch I'll just keep using what I've been using... while LB5s continue to suck.

Same goes for other "not enough" changes.
I'll try the KDKs and AS7s. They'll most probably have the same agility problems... and nothing would change, they will continue to gather dust, like before.

btw... it's not what "I" want... thousands of people who wanted those changes as well got tired and realized they are talking to egomaniacs and just left... or they play but don't care anymore.
PGI just spat in our faces last time a group of people who cared (including me) went through massive community polling, brainstorming and analysis,

In fact... it's YOU that want the game the way YOU and only YOU like.

View PostAvalon91211, on 16 June 2019 - 03:09 PM, said:

I agree the slower twist rate would be a bit of an issue, but consider this: I hardly twist to spread damage at all, and I live longer on average then most of my teammates. Now you can call BS if you want, or say I'm lucky, but at the end of the day it comes down to pilot skill. I know when to stand in front of an enemy and take their shots, and when to move [Redacted] out of the way.

I'm gonna stop you right there. that shows that you are either clueless about why you survive in a match, or you are just outright lying!


Edited by draiocht, 20 June 2019 - 04:43 PM.
nonconstructive/shaming, Quote Clean-up

#79 Warning incoming Humble Dexterer


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 06:18 PM

Newsflash : While initially challenging to players upon initial release of the weapon, as the years have gone on, players have adapted to using Extra Range Large Laser weapons to a point where players repeatedly get their center torso shot off from over 1200m away the moment they dare take a quick peek.

So it's time for an energy weapon "balance" patch : "+40% range boost to all energy weapons when when their target is located under a tunnel, but -40% range nerf when their target isn't. Rejoice, because this finely tweaked patch will allow ERLLs to hit mechs located under the Crimson Straight tunnel from ~2000m away."

#80 Shadowomega1


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Posted 16 June 2019 - 07:33 PM

What I don't get is if the weapons system or mechs are being the issue why the heck doesn't the players bring at least 1 AMS and stick with the group, or to other mechs with AMS. Even bringing a mech with several AMS because you know you will make bank on all those players that bring ATM/LRM spam and laugh at them when they end the round with little damage because nothing got through the Iron dome.

When I heard of the one Veagle variant being the issue, my first mech I took out was my HIghlander IIC with its single LAMS and when those tried to engage I was shrugging off the damage and returning it 3 fold by ripping them apart with UAC 10s, I followed that up next match with my Death Strike and I gave them a hug, with UAC 10s also with a single LAMS.

Knowing how meta rolls people should be adapting to counter it, however it seems that would rather whine about it then use what their given to counter it, and if they did the build would lose popularity with in a week or two.

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