Nightbird, on 09 July 2019 - 10:45 AM, said:
The only fools here are the ones that don't optimize their actions around what other people do, and stubbornly refuse to change while complaining for other people to change.
This is a lesson for real life as well.
So the plan is to prop up stupid and never ever point out that stupid is in fact stupid no matter what?
If everyone is an idiot then no one is an idiot.
And essentially adaptation and inovation isn't a factor and in effect success is determined by what side sucked the least.
I actually can not argue against this concept it's very millennial in it's thinking. No one can take blame if everyone is awful.
I get the concept of following the masses and adapting strategy to succeed within the idiocy being perpetrated but, See if you can follow me on this.
At some point a person with a small degree in proficency in observational skills and predictive thinking can conclude when everyone is doing something that will without a doubt fail. And for me this is just a painful circumstance to be in. The team is halfway through the first rotation and I can see it's not likely to work out well, one rotation later the kills are stacked 3 against.
And apparently you can not convince people that pursuing a failing action isn't a good idea and at that point you should just stat pad and just do well for yourself. screw teamwork screw adapting to meet a change in circumstance just get your damage and KMDDs don't even hope that maybe just maybe you can direct a team out of a failing spiral just "optimize your actions" for the impending loss.
In regards to "high ground" I played a match recently on HPG. The win conditions were incursion.
The enemy took the top and had a solid firing line. Poking the top was always resulting in bad trades for my team. One of our mechs would crest the ramp and get plastered by 2-3 of theirs. But no matter what the actual objective was the team just kept failing at poke trades on the high ground.
The objective had nothing to do with taking the high ground. The objective was destroy the enemy and/or destroy the base.
Destroying the enemy was unlikely because they had the superior defensive formation and location. We could leverage the secondary win condition and attack the base and force the enemy to abandon the superior formation and position.
They just would not stop. it was like watching people smash their faces into a brick wall while I was pointing at an open door.
Idiocy...plain and simple idiocy. So I opted to just do as much damage as possible before I got stomped 9 vs 1 . I did manage to earn a match score over 250 so...I did better than most I was the bestest idiot on the team that day because I "optimized my actions" it didn't make the experience any less painful watching 11 other players simply not grasp the situation or react to a spoonfed solution to try and reverse the downward spiral.