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Atm Nerf Imballance

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#1 Karnal Soul


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 08:03 AM

Well when I noticed the ATM nerf I couldnt log in, but now I can so here goes. WTF!!! lol. The only truly strong weapon the clan has vs the 8+ more weapons variations the inner sphere has over Clan, getting nerfed is baffling. Why when lil over a year ago, I was using them regular, nothing was done. Now that folks stood up and took notice and use them, do they get nerfed? RAC 2s are thee most broken weapon in the game, i mean SERIOUSLY OP  BROKEN, but yet just get buffs? I do have respect for the RAC 5s they seem to be decent.
Now the ATMs have less optimal range than SRMs of any kind or the MRMs when technically the ATMs are a medium range weapon now with an optimal that is only 161m(with max skills) past their dead zone of 120(or is it now 125?). By the time you get one salvo off, they are inside your dead zone, making it pretty much a one salvo weapon. If you are going to make such a bIAS optimal for our only decent dmg producer outside of laser vomit, why not reduce the minimum range? THAT WOULD BE BALANCE not just a straight up nerfing because the massive armour quirked IS takes dmg.  Come on PGI show you actually know wtf you are doing with mechs and show some ballancing instead of just out right nerfing because a few people cry and dont know how to fight an ATM user.
I will conclude this with my typical thing in my posts: Let the TROLLS begin.

Edited by Karnal Soul, 04 September 2019 - 08:25 AM.

#2 Feral Clown


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 08:56 AM

I will be the first to disagree, which undoubtedly you will write off as trolling.

Atm's are incredibly effective to the point most of the people I know find them cancerous. Granted for them to be abused properly you pretty much need jump jets and the Veagle does it far better than any other mech. It's so much of an easy mode farm weapon on the Veagle I won't even do it anymore because of how broken it is.

I would be in favour of dialing the damage down for a change in the range brackets and think the weapon shouldn't only be really effective on such a limited basis on limited chassis.

Doubt lore values make sense in this game due to boating and they really ought to dial back the insane alpha's of three or four launchers, then you could get better range brackets that make them decent on more than two or three mechs.

#3 Karnal Soul


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 08:57 AM

View PostFeral Clown, on 04 September 2019 - 08:56 AM, said:

I will be the first to disagree, which undoubtedly you will write off as trolling.

Atm's are incredibly effective to the point most of the people I know find them cancerous.  Granted for them to be abused properly you pretty much need jump jets and the Veagle does it far better than any other mech.  It's so much of an easy mode farm weapon on the Veagle I won't even do it anymore because of how broken it is.

I would be in favour of dialing the damage down for a change in the range brackets and think the weapon shouldn't only be really  effective on such a limited basis on limited chassis.

Doubt lore values make sense in this game due to boating and they really ought to dial back the insane alpha's of three or four launchers, then you could get better range brackets that make them decent on more than two or three mechs.
Vapor eagle does them well. I can take the optimal nerf if... the minimum is reduced to what 100m? I use them on a scorch, dont see that on scorches for sure. I vary from an ATM 48 (HOT AS HELL). To ATM 27 with LB2s and flamers (its a scorch, gotta have flamers). I cant do meta on my scorch, it would be a breach of my integrity haha. ATMs are a live by, die by weapon. Never see anyone using my builds, probly because it takes some skill to effectively use ATMs at optimal. I am probably one of the ATM cancers, ive used them almost non stop since last june or so. I just want BALANCE. is see 3x RAC 2s on a regular basis here. Those are a cancer and are very broken. but yet they wont balance weight or dmg because its inner sphere and politics i guess. I can vary from 1100 dmg games with 7 kills half atleast being solo to 50 dmg lol (due to my aggressive suicidal tendencies). Ill gladly take the optimal reduction for a minimum reduction. But we know PGI isnt about balance with the Clans, to me its blatant BIAS.

Edited by Karnal Soul, 04 September 2019 - 09:05 AM.

#4 Karnal Soul


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 09:04 AM


Edited by Karnal Soul, 04 September 2019 - 09:07 AM.

#5 Kubernetes


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 09:21 AM

I'll know ATMs are balanced when I don't see multiple ATM Veagles every match, or when the Medium leaderboard isn't consistently topped by damage-farming Veagle pilots.

#6 Curccu


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 09:48 AM

View PostKarnal Soul, on 04 September 2019 - 08:57 AM, said:

Never see anyone using my builds, probly because it takes some skill to effectively use ATMs at optimal.

No... mostly because it's a bad build.

Maybe ATM aren't optimal for your slow *** assault mech, specially if it doesn't jump... try something more mobile with ATMs.

#7 Karnal Soul


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 09:49 AM

View PostKubernetes, on 04 September 2019 - 09:21 AM, said:

I'll know ATMs are balanced when I don't see multiple ATM Veagles every match, or when the Medium leaderboard isn't consistently topped by damage-farming Veagle pilots.

V Eagles have very limited ammo, and does take skill to use them with ATMs, they are annoying, becuase they are doing their job effectively but get inside they are toast. I got one lol

#8 Karnal Soul


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 10:01 AM

View PostCurccu, on 04 September 2019 - 09:48 AM, said:

No... mostly because it's a bad build.

Maybe ATM aren't optimal for your slow *** assault mech, specially if it doesn't jump... try something more mobile with ATMs.
[Redacted] If ya read them all, i dont do badly with ATMs, glad im used to using them. I dont need JJs to use them effectively. I only run my premium since i am a team player and use 2x max skilled UAVs to help the team. and 2 cool shots for me, so 160k per match i use my Scorch. Plus im one of them Marrauder nuts Posted Image . Debating if i want to give PGI money for the MAD II Alpha hero. The heroes i got i didnt spend a dime, they were gifts for my Bday last year. But i dunno gotta have the MAD II lol. If JJs work for you go for it, ill stick to big fat n dumb haha. even with nerf ive made 1k+ dmg games with so far max 6 kills 3 being solo, but that is with a good non potato team. I am jsut sick of the Clan being nerfed every patch and the IS being buffed and keeping their crap broken like RAC 2s and Stealth. Give me 100m minimum on the ATM with this nerf and ill call it a rare word given to PGI "BALANCE".

Edited by draiocht, 04 September 2019 - 10:42 AM.
unconstructive, replies removed

#9 Kubernetes


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 10:28 AM

View PostKarnal Soul, on 04 September 2019 - 09:49 AM, said:

V Eagles have very limited ammo, and does take skill to use them with ATMs, they are annoying, becuase they are doing their job effectively but get inside they are toast. I got one lol

Maybe you should try using it. The "Slow ATM Assault" paradigm doesn't seem to be working out very well for you.


i dont do badly with ATMs

Yes you do. Frankly, you're terrible with them.

Edited by Kubernetes, 04 September 2019 - 10:30 AM.

#10 Karnal Soul


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 10:38 AM

View PostKubernetes, on 04 September 2019 - 10:28 AM, said:

Maybe you should try using it.  The "Slow ATM Assault" paradigm doesn't seem to be working out very well for you.
Yes you do.  Frankly, you're terrible with them.
I avg 300-1k dmg games with usually a kill and some solos. I cant be a META like most uncreative people"cough cough" light mechs are too OP for me. i dont liek using broken mechs im an assault driver pure and simple. Im something you probly dont recognize, a team player, ill sacrifice myself for a team if i think it will help. if i do 50 dmg and we win cuz i turned 5+ mechs on me while the team maneuvers, ill die happy and proud.

Edited by Karnal Soul, 04 September 2019 - 11:15 AM.

#11 Bud Crue


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 10:56 AM

View PostKarnal Soul, on 04 September 2019 - 10:01 AM, said:

...I am jsut sick of the Clan being nerfed every patch and the IS being buffed and keeping their crap broken like RAC 2s and Stealth.

This. Again.

Yes ATM zones were adjusted in June*. But with that sole exception, every time within the last year, there has been a nerf or a buff to a weapon system, both the Clan and IS equivalent systems have been equally affected. Even with the great LRM redo in March and April, where ATMs got a velocity increase, PGI gave the IS MRMs a similar scale velocity increase the following month to offset/compensate. Point being, that Clan weapons were not “nerfed every patch” nor were any IS weapons similarly buffed.

Jan: BOTH Clan and IS AC2s weregiven a velocity nerf. Both Clan and IS Streaks were given an impact spread adjustment.
Feb: BOTH Clan and IS HMGs were given an ammo count buff.
Mar-May: BOTH Clan and IS LRM mechanics redone. ATMs were given a velocity buff, 3s and 6s given a health buff. MRMs and Rockets were given a velocity buff in May.
June: BOTH Clan and IS LBX2s and LBX5s were given a spread buff. *ATM damage zones were nerfed (3: 120-245, 2; 246-295).
July-Aug: no weapons changes.

Going back further you will also find that more often than not when PGI buffs/or nerfs a weapon they hit both the IS and Clan often simultaneously or within a month of one another. When they wreck something on one side they tend to also wreck the equivalent on the other. Exceptions do exist but nothing akin to “Clan being nerfed every patch and the IS being buffed“.

Edited by Bud Crue, 04 September 2019 - 10:57 AM.

#12 Karnal Soul


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 11:14 AM

View PostBud Crue, on 04 September 2019 - 10:56 AM, said:

This.  Again.
Yes ATM zones were adjusted in June*.  But with that sole exception, every time within the last year, there has been a nerf or a buff to a weapon system, both the Clan and IS equivalent systems have been equally affected.  Even with the great LRM redo in March and April, where ATMs got a velocity increase, PGI gave the IS MRMs a similar scale velocity increase the following month to offset/compensate. Point being, that Clan weapons were not “nerfed every patch” nor were any IS weapons similarly buffed.
Jan: BOTH Clan and IS AC2s weregiven a velocity nerf.  Both Clan and IS Streaks were given an impact spread adjustment.
Feb: BOTH Clan and IS HMGs were given an ammo count buff.
Mar-May: BOTH Clan and IS LRM mechanics redone. ATMs were given a velocity buff, 3s and 6s given a health buff.  MRMs and Rockets were given a velocity buff in May.
June: BOTH Clan and IS LBX2s and LBX5s were given a spread buff. *ATM damage zones were nerfed (3: 120-245, 2; 246-295).
July-Aug: no weapons changes.
Going back further you will also find that more often than not when PGI buffs/or nerfs a weapon they hit both the IS and Clan often simultaneously or within a month of one another.   When they wreck something on one side they tend to also wreck the equivalent on the other.  Exceptions do exist but nothing akin to “Clan being nerfed every patch and the IS being buffed“.
The VAST majority of nerfs hit the clans. as i stated, balance a weapon not just nerf it. decreasing an optimal to the point where it gets one salvo only is rediculous. balance the 281m max optimal by backing up the minimum to 100m. Im sure IS users enjoy the ATM nerf (imbalance), since the RAC 2s havent seen a balance since their buff to the forever fire time x3. Stealth just got more broken. I will always post on an idiotic nerf. which is typical PGI bias. BALANCE NOT NERF. I can take the optimal range reduction if i can use the weapon a lil closer in. id prefer it to be honest.

#13 K O Z A K


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 11:16 AM

ATMs are currently the most easy mode max farm damage weapon out there, at the moment nothing beats the frustration of getting 3 of those stupid veagles pop up and erase 70-100% of your mech in one shot. You want the weapon to be effective in a mech/loadout that's sub optimal for it...not sure what to tell you, this is a universal problem, I want to have 4mgs, 4 lasers and 2 lrm 15s on a timber wolf and have it be effective, that ****'s not happening either

RAC2s are alright, high dps, but easy to counter with any burst output load out (including ATMs)

Stealth gets completely countered if you have anything that's not lock on

#14 Karnal Soul


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 11:26 AM

View PostHazeclaw, on 04 September 2019 - 11:16 AM, said:

ATMs are currently the most easy mode max farm damage weapon out there, at the moment nothing beats the frustration of getting 3 of those stupid veagles pop up and erase 70-100% of your mech in one shot. You want the weapon to be effective in a mech/loadout that's sub optimal for it...not sure what to tell you, this is a universal problem, I want to have 4mgs, 4 lasers and 2 lrm 15s on a timber wolf and have it be effective, that ****'s not happening either

RAC2s are alright, high dps, but easy to counter with any burst output load out (including ATMs)

Stealth gets completely countered if you have anything that's not lock on
I use others and not all counter Stealth, hit enough with laser vomit (easiest dmg farm) you can, or PPCs which i think are crap for dmg anyways unless you farm them too. this game is nothing but farm. 12 mgs, 6 ERMLs, 2-4 PPCs, LRM 60s, MRM 60s, SRM6 x 4 2 x Heavy Gauss , 6 x ERSL or SPL etc. my main build is a mix, ATM/LB/Flamer.  i can dumb fire ATMs i dont need locks. but when your optimal is so brief its well moronic. SRMs got better optimals than a medium range weapon, how is that not bass ackwards? oh yeah its PGI lol. oh yeah Veagles close on em or kill em, or do what most love doing in this game... hide and let others take dmg. An aggressive team shouldnt have to worry about it.

Edited by Karnal Soul, 04 September 2019 - 11:34 AM.

#15 Karnal Soul


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 11:36 AM

Im not asking to reverse the nerf on optimal, im askin for a sense of balance,keep it 281m(with max skills) but balance that with 100m minimum. still losing optimal range, but its as i keep saying , a word not well known here, BALANCED.the V Eagles pop tarting is usually only doing just over 2 dmg maybe 2.5dmg from 400-500meters if it gets closer its toast. Ive used my V eagle like 2 times im an assault driver, i like the under dawg aka clan asssaults.

Edited by Karnal Soul, 04 September 2019 - 11:38 AM.

#16 Y E O N N E


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 11:40 AM

The game is already unbalanced in favor of ATMs and you want to further reduce one of its only weaknesses? Get out.

#17 K O Z A K


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 11:44 AM

Problem is your idea of balance is entirely subjective and not very accurate. You just want your favorite weapon to be better. There are mechs that make ATMs very strong, making them better overall so that you can do well with them in a sub optimal build would make them utterly OP in the optimal build, and just because you choose not to use the optimal builds doesn't mean many others won't abuse the crap out of them

#18 Karnal Soul


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 11:49 AM

View PostY E O N N E, on 04 September 2019 - 11:40 AM, said:

The game is already unbalanced in favor of ATMs and you want to further reduce one of its only weaknesses? Get out.
lmfao says either an OP light mech user, or a Broken RAC 2 exploiter? give ERMLs an optimal of 280m and see the bitchin start in a flood.

#19 Karnal Soul


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 11:57 AM

View PostHazeclaw, on 04 September 2019 - 11:44 AM, said:

Problem is your idea of balance is entirely subjective and not very accurate. You just want your favorite weapon to be better. There are mechs that make ATMs very strong, making them better overall so that you can do well with them in a sub optimal build would make them utterly OP in the optimal build, and just because you choose not to use the optimal builds doesn't mean many others won't abuse the crap out of them
You still lose Optimal over all period. I love the RAC 5, Hate the RAC 2 and i will never use more than on RAC 2, i guess its an integrity thing about not exploiting broken weapons systems. Yeah ATMs are strong. it IS the only truly strong Clan weapon imo. Unlike hte IS that gets like 8+ diff variations in weapons systems over clan which tend to be pretty damn strong. Yes its my prefered system. if theyd taken back the min to 100m hell even 110 id not made this post. need to now change there name to  SRTMs......next the heat will increas by atleast 1pt, reload dropped atleast a second (though all have same reload time hmmm) and their spread will be nerfed again. I am not surprised at this. when i started using them, noone hardly did. after many 1k+ dmg games folks took notice, dangit haha. but im good with the opt nerf i can still do 1k games with my LBs combined. just be nice to see a true balance not utter nerf. im sure if they nerfed your preffered weapon system youd be unhappy about it too. they arent OP they are effective if used right. You live or die by them, get inside me ill be forced to use the other two weapons only. its tactics, which most in this game dont recognize either. as i said most just wanna hide let others take dmg or poke. ugh.....Guess its the agressive Ranger in me, but i like to attack not hide behind a wall or other mechs. Another reason i like ATMs. if i got a chickensht team i can use them for supression around corners or over hills. but i usually push and die then hahaha.

Edited by Karnal Soul, 04 September 2019 - 12:00 PM.

#20 Prototelis


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 11:58 AM

OP light mechs; Still the least played, worst performing, lowest scoring class in the game.

ATMs; ridiculously strong right now. 3 ATM12 Skill Eagle pukes out 108 damage in the magic area, you can just about freely dunk on Assaults and heavies, or delete most Mediums and lights.

You couldn't be further from the reality of the game right now.

Lore values; They are bad. The board game is hideously imbalanced. You'll notice they threw most of them out for HBS Battletech. Board game rules/mechanics are also bad for an action game.

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