BROARL, on 20 September 2019 - 01:15 PM, said:
you mean people using a joystick for aiming, correct?
or do you mean joystick left hand and mouse right hand?
or do you mean an Xbox type control?
or an orbweaver or tartarus type thing?
or a flight sim?
...I am guessing you cannot use a joystick and have never actually operated anything heavier than a domestic vehicle.
*it's ok, you can point out i'm not in your games as evidence to support your theory. but once in your life before you die do try playing in a mechpod or sim cockpit because unless you are playing for prizemoneys on your keyboard I personally think you are missing out on a huge chunk of fun

I'm with BROARL on this....much fun can be had with controls other than using a KB, which in my opinion is not a natural or comfortable way to play, and certainly not "realistic" (for those interested in the "Sim" experience/immersion). I will admit though that aiming with a joystick certainly seems less optimal to me compared to a mouse. A thumbstick (like on an XBox controller) might be doable and even comparable to a mouse as far as accuracy is concerned, but idk as I don't use a gamepad.....
I am no top-tier comp player for sure and I use a stick (LH for movement functions, instead of WASD on KB, and wireless mouse for aiming/fire controls), but I don't see how using a KB vs. stick has any bearing on the ability to be a competitive player. An argument *might* be able to be made regarding turning speed using a stick vs. KB (KB might be faster, but I doubt it due to turn rates of 'mechs), but accel/decel should not be affected whatsoever due to the fact that 'mechs have an acceleration/deceleration rate that is not instantaneous, even on a light 'mech. Plus, with a stick and the analog capability, I can actually do something a KB player can't do at all (or in the case of setting a constant speed, easily) - I can very easily modulate my turn speed or movement speed forward/backward. There are instances where this can actually be beneficial.
Given that the OP states he purchased both a Virpil stick and a throttle control, I assume he is using the stick for aiming, which I would agree is likely not an optimal performance method. However, to each his own and I hope he finds MWO enjoyable using his setup!
Also, to Azeem447 -
1) did you get it working correctly?
2) how do you like the Virpil controls so far (quality, performance, etc.)
I've considered getting a LH stick from them and a base to replace my trusty Saitek Cyborg EVO (MOAR buttons, yo!)....thanks!