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Mw5: Back To Its Roots!

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#221 Koniving

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 11:09 AM

View PostJyi, on 08 December 2019 - 12:43 AM, said:

It has come to my attention that apparently the devs have promised us AI fixes and to make enemy mech encounters more dangerous in release.

So, if this holds true, I for one will be very happy.

I am now waiting for release with a little more excitement! Posted Image


#222 Koniving

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 11:18 AM

View PostMischiefSC, on 08 December 2019 - 07:02 PM, said:

Modding is still my biggest source of excitement.

Sure, new mechs and AI and such but why stop there?

New Betty voices, famous movies and other games (Skyrim Voice Pack. I'm sworn to carry your burdens!)

Or adult entertainment quips Betty (OH GAWD I'M SO HAWT RIGHT NOW)

How about some companion AI voice packs from long time MWO streamers and vets. Come on, you don't want B33f voice pack? How about token comp guy asking WTF you're shooting at, or pug n00b constantly recommending NASCAR.

I'd welcome new betty voices.
Thought of having them done myself, but I got a lot on my plate to mod already and anyone with interesting accents that I've asked kinda fell short.

Side note.. I did this once with MWO, but there was an issue where the end of each clip would drop.

Voice over was for a game (based on Front Mission) I tried to make in Second Life, but I realized the game was too script heavy to work in that environment and my snap-together Wanzers would be doomed to not be fun due to laggy servers if any more than 8 players wanted to play, and given you can easily have a few hundred people pop in..... So it wasn't really a side business that I could get off the ground. (Also didn't like that ejection warning made for me.) Unlike in the video, the voice files do not clip. And yes, they were scripted to give warnings when you're being damaged like "Move, *******, MOVE!" (Technically it's triggered by MWO's warning targeted call.)

Some other clips I did with overlaying the voice post-recording rather than triggering it within MWO.

Single player mockup video, with battle chatter, etc.

Twin betties, main computer and battle computer. Gives status updates on hits, target information, etc.

(Skip to 45 seconds.)


In keeping with every other popular modded game in history I'm just curious to see what the nudity mods and anime faces and high heels will look like in MW5.

From 1 minute to two minutes in.
"Can't even have an Atlas walk in front of you without..."
"Bom bom, chica-chica.."

Edit -- MWO forums did a thing, twice.

Edited by Koniving, 09 December 2019 - 11:26 AM.

#223 Koniving

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Posted 09 December 2019 - 11:33 AM

(For anyone wondering about the Faith computer test, the checking for parts tidbit was added in post-recording. I wanted a demo to show the voice over person. Its also why the voices there don't cut off but they do later as they're being called in MWO's closed beta by the closed beta Betty enabled through the user.ini. The FM game I was making inside Second Life required the scripts to make sure you had fully attached an Avatar's complete set, and needed to identify the legs, arms, and body to compile your total health and set your speed and jump potential, as well as make sure the scripts had permission to take over your control's settings and animations to have you move like a mech. Sadly, these scripts were heavy and complex, and Second Life in 2008, 2009 couldn't handle it on enough avatars to make a business out of it by selling the Wanzer costumes with mech scripts and working weapons and letting them blast each other or role play.)

Side note...
MWO had amazing sounds at one point...and not much use for them.

I did this using sounds ripped from MWO overlayed on top of the action.
Take special note of stompies, of hit sounds, and especially of falling out of the sky to faceplant.

Edit 2...
I just noticed..
I was fighting MW5's AI in open beta of MWO (the Atlas...)
(Sorry I couldn't resist the joke.)
(I know I didn't fair so well myself, but keep in mind there was no arm lock so if you only had torso weapons you were gimped... but damn... I miss THOSE jumpjets.)

Edited by Koniving, 09 December 2019 - 11:44 AM.

#224 Jackal Noble


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Posted 09 December 2019 - 12:20 PM

You're doing it again kon.

#225 Jackal Noble


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Posted 09 December 2019 - 02:10 PM

#226 Appogee


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Posted 09 December 2019 - 04:49 PM

View PostJyi, on 08 December 2019 - 12:43 AM, said:

It has come to my attention that apparently the devs have promised us AI fixes and to make enemy mech encounters more dangerous in release.

These devs are great at making promises.
  • But they don't deliver on launch (eg. VR, RTX).
  • Then they say "early in the new year" (which is their latest gambit).
  • Then the end of the year will come and they still won't have delivered.
We have seen this deceptive behaviour time and time again from PGI. You cannot take them at their word.

Edited by Appogee, 09 December 2019 - 04:50 PM.

#227 Novakaine


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Posted 09 December 2019 - 05:36 PM

One more day.................................

#228 Commoners


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Posted 09 December 2019 - 06:32 PM

I watched B33f when he ran the demo and it really did seem braindead. It didn't take his commentary on it for me to notice it, and when he started doing dumb experiments just to see how little punishment there was for doing dumb things the facade really fell apart.

The AI don't need to be perfect killbots, and they shouldn't be, but there's a point where dumb AI decisions go beyond that point of immersion breaking and enter the realms of dumb AI tourism instead of enjoying the game for what it's supposed to be.

I really don't care how pretty the game is, because I didn't throw money down to look at giant stompy robot murals. Opening up dev tools and showing that stuff off really doesn't do much to alleviate the mental disconnect that happens when you see a mech pilot labelled 'Elite' stand completely still alpha striking at an immobile commando's feet, then face staring the player until they core their cockpit out without so much as a wobble or attempt to not die in a horrific gauss tragedy.

At this point I'm not worried about how terrible the AI is, because I've tempered my expectations for what comes out of PGI. Their entire history with MWO has been one of creating a mediocre-at-best product and then stewarding it into a state of further mediocrity. Most people have seen how they've handled MWO; it was an okay core experience. FP has been floundering around since its creation and nothing has really stuck to make it a good experience. Transverse is a good example of the company completely floundering and being totally out of touch with the customer base. They've shown no evidence of change from the dev they were those days to the dev group they are now, though I'd gladly be one to see a successful group coming out of this all.

My big concern is how moddable is this game going to be? I know people in this thread have already been digging through AI trees, modifying the UI, etc., but how far down can modders machete the system and build it into something phenomenal? Is there enough of a base game there to make all that effort worth it? Will mods be accessible enough that people will be willing to buy the game because X mod solves problems that exist in the base game?

I see it like a Bethesda product pretty much. FO76 is a trash fire because they fundamentally cannot let modders fix its problems or do anything to tailor the experience into a better one and they continually **** up everything that they try to do to improve that experience as a company. The Fallouts and The Elder Scrolls releases were otherwise regarded very well MOSTLY because of extensive moddability, and had okay core systems that allowed those mods to do what they needed to do.

I guess I'll add on: That youtube guy who broke the embargo by accident (?) who received an early copy ended up showing a lot of things that didn't look like a polished product. Small immersive things like in the leopard where your mechanic is physically unable to turn to look at you to talk to you if you don't position yourself in front of him. The crew members' dead eyed staring into space with their idle animations where they are as much an NPC as the desk chair in your room. Your dad drunkenly ramming his victor through a building with his pathing after you fight the illusory urby. That same victor's running in the cinematic that made him look like he was stuck in an almost-tpose in the upper body while the lower body was properly animated.

Corners being cut on small things tend to be indicative of larger problems. I totally understand that PGI isn't an AAA studio, but how deep into the mechanical guts of the game do those corner cuts go, and how drastically will they affect the experience? It isn't fun to speculate, and I imagine that it isn't fun for modders to be working as pay-free outsourced labor to fix those cuts.

Edited by Commoners, 09 December 2019 - 06:42 PM.

#229 Jackal Noble


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Posted 09 December 2019 - 09:51 PM

Name one flawless launch in recent history. Of course there's going to be hiccups, esp with this game.
The A.I. does have flaws, yes, but it also does pretty damn well when you actually play the game instead of trying to exploit it.
Isn't the point of Mechwarrior to go into a mission guns blazing, engaging 10 to 1 and coming out on top? From that aspect, the AI does pretty well, and has decent pathing.

I get it, I really do.
I'm probably one of the few demo owners that pumped in 60+ hours in the demo (testing builds across maps, playstyles, testing the game mechanics, more testing, playing with dev cam) and from that experience, I personally am looking forward to what ever is coming tomorrow.

There are obviously two parties -
- Those that are happy to get a functioning Mechwarrior title that features updated mechanics, with salvage from missions and a campy background campaign (It's battletech afterall). Will enjoy the vanilla game for what it is and then the extensions/enhancements by mods.

-Those that feed off of a herd mentality and are susceptible to having their opinion be influenced by others and or fetishized everything that they wanted this game to fail at. Is already convinced that mods are the only option to enjoy the game.

I'd assume we are all adults here(mostly) and that we are capable of making our own decisions based on what we experience.
If you don't want it, don't get it.
Either way the game is dropping tomorrow. Those that want to play it will play it. Those that don't, will not.

It's really that simple.

#230 Y E O N N E


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Posted 09 December 2019 - 10:14 PM

I like how you assume that those of us who dislike the game dislike it just because other people dislike it, but that the people who like it are some sort of paragon of free and enlightened thought. GJ, would subscribe to your news letter.

#231 Jackal Noble


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Posted 09 December 2019 - 10:37 PM

Thank you for saying it so I did not have to.

There is a....
third not oft spoken of party;
They are always right and are masters of forum correctness.



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Posted 09 December 2019 - 10:37 PM

View PostY E O N N E, on 09 December 2019 - 10:14 PM, said:

I like how you assume that those of us who dislike the game dislike it just because other people dislike it, but that the people who like it are some sort of paragon of free and enlightened thought. GJ, would subscribe to your news letter.

It's a two-way street. We have an angry, shouty person making a lot of noise regarding only one aspect and anyone who tries to calm the situation gets labelled as a person who's ok with bad intelligence. If one person paints with a broad brush, the reciprocal is going to be the same and people who were ok with the first situation, shouldn't complain when they feel the wetness of the paint.

#233 Y E O N N E


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Posted 09 December 2019 - 10:53 PM

View PostFRAGTAST1C, on 09 December 2019 - 10:37 PM, said:

It's a two-way street. We have an angry, shouty person making a lot of noise regarding only one aspect and anyone who tries to calm the situation gets labelled as a person who's ok with bad intelligence. If one person paints with a broad brush, the reciprocal is going to be the same and people who were ok with the first situation, shouldn't complain when they feel the wetness of the paint.

So don't try to calm it? Let them burn each other to the ground. They get to have it out and we get entertainment.



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Posted 09 December 2019 - 11:01 PM

View PostY E O N N E, on 09 December 2019 - 10:53 PM, said:

So don't try to calm it? Let them burn each other to the ground. They get to have it out and we get entertainment.

Then why did you reply like this...?

View PostY E O N N E, on 09 December 2019 - 10:14 PM, said:

I like how you assume that those of us who dislike the game dislike it just because other people dislike it, but that the people who like it are some sort of paragon of free and enlightened thought. GJ, would subscribe to your news letter.

It's the same thing. One angry, shouty person gets on people's nerves. The problem is that the angry, shouty person was hailed as the paragon of free and enlightened thought.

#235 Jackal Noble


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Posted 09 December 2019 - 11:06 PM

View PostY E O N N E, on 09 December 2019 - 10:53 PM, said:

So don't try to calm it? Let them burn each other to the ground. They get to have it out and we get entertainment.

Who talks in 3rd person about someone in front of them? Who does that, even?

I'm not burning ****. I started this thread as a positive one.
Unsurprisingly, opposites attract.
You know who I am, so don't act like we are on opposite sides of the table. I started this thread, one single ******* thread, in a sea of them because I actually enjoyed my experience with the demo contrary to popular belief.
I'm an aesthetics person, and wanted to share some screenshots that I thought were super cool.

I've been a part of this community for almost 5 years now, and for a long part of that was very active in MWO. I'm aware of all the baggage, don't act like I'm not.

#236 Jyi


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Posted 10 December 2019 - 12:12 AM

View PostKoniving, on 09 December 2019 - 11:09 AM, said:


Gagis paraphrased some quote by Russ on the MW5 -feedback Discord channel.

Not holding much hope, but it's better than nothing. At least Russ acknowledged the issue I've been talking about for weeks.

To be honest, I don't understand why the developers can't just make REAL announcements about these things. There's a complete disconnect between them and us customers.

View PostCommoners, on 09 December 2019 - 06:32 PM, said:

I watched B33f when he ran the demo and it really did seem braindead. It didn't take his commentary on it for me to notice it, and when he started doing dumb experiments just to see how little punishment there was for doing dumb things the facade really fell apart.

The AI don't need to be perfect killbots, and they shouldn't be, but there's a point where dumb AI decisions go beyond that point of immersion breaking and enter the realms of dumb AI tourism instead of enjoying the game for what it's supposed to be.

Thank you! This is what I've been saying. But no, instead of people actually saying "Huh, I guess you're right, we should expect better." we have these shills who just keep attacking me for "making the game look bad". As if me standing still, videoing the AI being a moron "makes the game look bad". It's not me, it's the game making itself look bad. I'm just there to document it.

View PostJackal Noble, on 09 December 2019 - 11:06 PM, said:

I'm not burning ****. I started this thread as a positive one.

By using a title that was clearly inspired by my title, as if to stick it to me. Then you decided to change the title later. Yep, "a positive thread" indeed.

Edited by Jyi, 10 December 2019 - 12:17 AM.

#237 Jackal Noble


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Posted 10 December 2019 - 12:27 AM

Hahaha, yes everything is about you.

#238 Jackal Noble


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Posted 10 December 2019 - 01:25 AM

Night time
Posted Image

#239 Jackal Noble


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Posted 10 December 2019 - 05:19 PM

Loving this game so far. I'm not experiencing any major technical glitches like some, and really digging the mission setup and objective in the campaign. Dropped in IA on the volcanic map heavy weather raid mode, with 4 decked out Atlases and that was awesome. Did beat it at 100 but came out pretty wrecked. Saw a demolisher as well, so that's cool af.

#240 MischiefSC


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Posted 10 December 2019 - 05:54 PM

So the AI is significantly improved already, more than I expected. It's still AI so I'm sure plenty of people will complain but, well, that's happened on every game released since forever. This does great for what it's supposed to do.

The mercenary and campaign mechanics are awesome, certainly challenging enough. The dropship is a fun setting, you can walk around and see your mechs getting repaired and it accurately reflects the state they're in but you don't have to - you can just sorta menu through all of it. If you're more RP oriented though you can go to each mech bays station in the control area and repair them 1 by 1 or whatever you want to do.

Sure I'd love more customization for my merc unit and everyone has their own wish-list for how they want the game to cater to exactly what they want (for example some want MWO mech customization levels, some of us don't because it'd break difficulty, progression, etc) but it's a great game.

Honestly the game is great. Better than most the AAA titles out lately.There's a lot of people with a long history with PGI who are going to inherently be upset no matter what. I know I've written thousands and thousands of rage posts over MWO and FW over the years but if I judge the game as a game on its own and not PGI because they didn't make the CSPL changes II thought they should or didn't make it to my 4th grade recital or whatever, it's a great game for a Mechwarrior SP game that can be modded to fit my precise tastes.

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