Nesutizale, on 19 December 2019 - 03:04 AM, said:
How is Epic the death of Kickstarter?
Kickstarter games can go to any publishing platform they like. When the game is good enough Epic might even give them money for the one year exclusive deal that could help the dev to either stay alive or finance a new game or be able to keep their project running at all. I allready know of one small dev I talked to that benefited very well from that deal.
I am not certain about PGI but I guess that they also took the deal for pretty much that reason, to stay alive and finish the game.
Also Epic giveing back a bigger share of the income means a small dev has even a higher chance of a return of their investment.
Please, don't even. Do you think people E-Beg if they can sustain their projects well? What would the Indie Devs be without their backers?
The reality is that, the Backers are paying for the development fee, and once it is promising, Epic is just going to swoop in to take the game without ever risking to pay for actually developing the game. That is what the money is for, the refunds for the backers that were going to be railroaded that would like their money back, and that is unfair. It wasn't even about the money, these backers are invested to the game both financially and emotionally, and are entitled to get it as advertised to them.
As for how is that the death of kickstarted games, well kickstarted games are already dying due to poor over all outcome, and it is only the promising ones that make the cut like hat in time, promising ones that are taking the Epic Deal and railroading their backers, which would result in backers not wanting to back other games due to the fear of their investment being for nothing.
And as for the actual trust withered, you need trust for people to flock for your products, actively screwing your people works contrary with this.
Is less selection within a store good? Is more storefront time good? Arguably, but considering the actual trend of exposure right now -- as in the free ones from lets-plays, even with tough competition people who liked the game will still find the game through the search function.
Is the higher cut for the revenue good? Sure, but consider what withering the trust of your customers do, for a lack-luster store, its not going to matter that much if the sales are tanking so much. If you can get 60$ sales/piece, and sold 500,000 units from steam, and take home 65% (30% Steam + 5% Epic royalty), which is at 19,500,000 $, how is the deal better just because it's at 88% when the units sold is at 400,000 and price/unit is at 40$, which results to 14,080,000 $, how is that good? Because of the sales drop, you are down 5,420,000$.
And you know what, guess what, that is just one other store. Epic Exclusivity also prevents the other sales that you can get from other stores, so guess what, those missed sales pile-up into one massive ****-up.
Guess what, with the current holiday sale, that PGI just subscribed to: Tells me that the Epic-Deal isn't really going well, lol. You know PGI ****** up.
Guess what, I ain't paying full price after being blue-balled for a year either. See you at next-year's steam-sale.