Let them come I say and discover some assault mech pilots can aim.
Because to play a sniper well you need to aim guid, unless your a missile sniper maybe. Yes, So one light shouldn't be a problem.
If some assault pilots can't aim guid this does not apply to them.
The second thing is that the more mechs they send to deal with the 800+ metre sniper assualt mech the more they split their team. (Similar to people going basement on HPG).
It takes time to get to the 800+metre assault sniper during which its assailants are unavailable to the main enemy force.
So if your team is aware of this they can press their numbers advantage.
For example 1 enemy sends two mechs to deal with sniper mech, for sniper mech its 2 v1 for the main force its 10 v 11, time to press numbers advantage some way.
The more mechs they send to deal with the sniper the bigger the numbers advantage
For example 2 enemy sends Lance of mechs to deal with sniper mech, for sniper mech its 4 v1 for the main force its 8 v 11, time to press numbers advantage some way.
Once they main force is crushed the friendly main force can then help the sniper out, hopefully they are still alive.
So as an assault pilot I know this can happen.
So what to do?
Make it expensive to the enemy coming for you. Buy and stall for time.
Best is to get a quick kill with your assualt weapons.
This usually make the band after you hesitate during which time you can do a uav and maybe another kill.
You musty be frosty, all that matters so putting the cross on a light mech and persuading it to go way.
When they get close reverse counter turning is what I use, timing the turn with their weapon cool down to protect your back.
I use 11or 12 back armour as some dudes specialise in taking out your heavy weapon from the back in about 3 seconds flat.
Did I mention spread that damage all over your big assualt sniper and buy time.
Running at this time will just get you shoot in the back with zero damage. so turn/reverse and Fight!
If the team is clued up they will crush the main force and depending on them and you, maybe even save your big robot but before the end.
If the team doesn't get it and you lose, well that was probably gonna happen any way and you drew the short straw that time.
They don't always send mechs the 800+ metre assault mechs way.
The enemy may also possess long range weapons and simply counter trade the sniper, best trader wins.
And this often helps if only by dividing the enemies attention.
But mostly the enemy ignores the sniper more or less providing the team with free high precision shots, over watch and map control.
So the sniper is definitely not one dimensional
You have a plan A, B, C .......
Edited by OZHomerOZ, 05 April 2020 - 08:07 PM.