Einherier96, on 04 May 2020 - 09:12 AM, said:
just out of pure curiosity. when do you think it will get boring for these people to easily stomp others? surely, some enjoy it, but i will play the wild guess that most people who are able to stomp a big portion of the community by themselves will be bored of not having a challenge after a while. you can only giggle so long before doing the same old comp stomp gets boring. trying to look at the start of a test of something and then declaring results is a pretty close minded mindset, don't you agree?
also, you are stuck in the same mindset as brauer. for some people it doesn't matter if they loose, the question is how we played in the match, how we loosed. I can loose all day long if i go out of the match in a blaze of glory (note, that does not mean that i need to have done extremly well, i would like to live up to my own standard in the round for sure, but i don't mind dying as a tanking shield for my teammates, only to see the push crumble hilariously because of whatever reason, or simply dying as one of the last ones tucked in a corner trying to take one of the enemies with me, or dying in a hilarious joke build that is somehow somewhat working or funny).
Not everyone is a achiever, you should try to broaden your horizon a bit.
So you've referred to me a bunch here in ways that don't reflect my point of view. I don't need to win every match and the fact that I usually drop in a 2-4 player group in FW and have gone out and competed in competitive leagues demonstrates that. You also keep demonstrating a pretty massive misunderstanding of what it means to play well in this game and the meta. You talk about how a sniper mentality is a bad thing or "tanking as a shield for my teammates" is necessarily good. In the current meta taking up power positions with a three to four player group wins games. You don't need to be a "sniper" and have exceedingly long range, but AC2s, UAC2s, UAC5s, UAC10s, and ERPPCs all get the job done exceedingly well. In many cases a team can simply stand in the open and burst down anything that pops up. That's not sniping, that's basically playing whack-a-mole. And when an enemy team fires back effectively a team can simply use cover and trade, trading is a core game mechanic. Attempting to tank for your team is a great way to throw matches hard. So please try to learn the meta and improve, rather than making these baseless claims about the meta. I love a good push, but the QP meta is not to push right now.
What I am concerned about is how groups are able to dominate QP. In the old solo queue you had a huge amount of randomness and some teams got stacked by the matchmaker. I get it, that happens, we have a bad PSR system and other reasons this happened. I could still go out and assess whether or not I did as much as I could to try to swing a win. In the new quick play format a group simply has a massive impact on win/loss and reduces the impact of solo players substantially.
Anyway, I am getting bored of this and the way you are trying to claim to know what's in my mind. I look forward to running across you out there with one of my groups.
EDIT: Remembered I wanted to add this: part of what motivates me is that I have seen the salt, hackusations, and other expressions of aggrevation by members of the community when they get giga-stomped by strong groups of players. I've seen this in group queue and faction many times over the years. All this "we don't care about winning or losing" stuff is, for at least a notable part of the lower performing playerbase, completely inaccurate. People complain all the time about their DZ being farmed because they got wrecked on wave 1, or about teams bringing reasonably well synergized builds, and yet you claim most players don't care if they win or lose?
Edited by Brauer, 04 May 2020 - 09:37 AM.