Einherier96, on 04 May 2020 - 10:46 AM, said:
problem is, lets be realistic here: the playerbase is not even remotly large enough to seperate into 1percentile, or even 10percentile without making the game unplayable for these people, and lets not start talking about an even more sophisticated one that would divide the players into smaller brackets for mm purpose
And we should not artificially separate those for matchmaking either, merely try to give both teams roughly equal distribution of each given "quality" of a pilot.
VonBruinwald, on 04 May 2020 - 12:59 PM, said:
I'd also suggest doing away with large groups (5 or more players) entirely if we combined in this manner, if people want to 12 man they can still do so in FW, it also makes it easier for the MM to split groups between teams more easily.
Groups are already limited to 4. If the matchmaker throws a "group" of 6 into the match, it's actually putting two groups of 3 together (which is a known issue)
Thorqemada, on 04 May 2020 - 01:37 PM, said:
Why had Elo a long wait time (for High Elo Players)?
Bcs there were not many High Elo Players outside the Primetime.
Which also made them combat the same opponents quite often...
Why had it competitive pressure?
Bcs the High Elo Player would be paired with many lower Elo Players forming a Team with quite a Skillgap that the the High Elo Player had to fill - he had to carry his Team, so allways using the best equip and utmost skill he could offer or get wrecked.
Then came the PSR experience bar...
But going back to Elo, or something along that line, will obviously not help the game...it will only bring back old Problems thrown at a way smaller Playerbase this time...
Either way we need a meaningful performance metric, doesn't matter if it's ELO, WLR, matchscore or whatever... it just shouldn't be matchmaking by cucumber.
wasder undapants, on 04 May 2020 - 02:08 PM, said:
In short, don't rage against this change, its the only reason a fair few people are back playing this game now. Rage against how skills levels/experience levels/stat levels are matched up to create the rounds - thats the problem. I am in tier 1 and I am fully behind a full tier reset and a completely overhauled system if it means we can in a few weeks/months get to a place with better match making.
Pretty much. Matchmaking quality is what made this change so opposed, if the matchmaking was good enough to produce balanced matches everyone would be applauding.
SolahmaWarrior, on 04 May 2020 - 02:37 PM, said:
Or maybe if PGI set it up so you could "Trial" any mech in the store, including allowing the player to make mods and test those out in actual matches.
You can't take them into matches, but you can take them into Training Grounds.
wasder undapants, on 04 May 2020 - 03:35 PM, said:
Isnt the elephant in the room that MWO doesn't have the player base to make a complex matchmaker work at all let alone quickly?
That's what Russ claims.
Thorqemada, on 04 May 2020 - 05:52 PM, said:
Yeah, Player Skill Level Balancing works for Single Player or Teams that are allways made of the same Players (and allways use the same Equipment).
Given large enough sample size, all random factors will average out.
Such Balancing does not take into account the many, many, many Mechs and Variants a Player can use who massively interfere with the ability of a Player to perform as some Mechs or Roles are inferior or less usefull in the current game environment.
For the Job to be done you would need an Equipment based MM in the first step as base MM that can then be tweaked on an individual per Player Level.
PGI tracks our stats for each map, mode and mech variant - you can see that in your profile:
https://mwomercs.com/profile/stats . They can also track global stats for mech variants per map/mode. Those can be used to correct for the mech, map and mode factors when determining a player's "value" to the matchmaker.
So an Elo based or Skill based MM is in reality never doing its Job!
We don't need to
restrict matchmaking to strict ELO or skill brackets. What we do need is use
some meaningful metric when assigning solos to
equalize both teams. Because at this time it's too random.
Edited by Horseman, 05 May 2020 - 02:26 AM.