PGI, you guys don't really think things through, do you? Even with all of the advice we pump out...
Your proposed "player
S K I L L rating" system is again highly flawed, nonsensical, and it will again result in poor match making once players have played enough games for the system to start taking effect.
It's supposed to be a gauge of individual players' capabilities to get. stuff. done. It is not a "player who happened to be on the winning team rating." How difficult is it for you to wrap your head around that?
If I convince a friend to try the game and we drop together with one or two other decent players, they're most likely going to do squat, but they'll keep going up in the ranks because they're being carried. They might have fun in the group drops, just resorting to following us around to get the hang of things, but depending on how long that goes on, their rating will be inflated and a misrepresentation of their actual skill level.
If that new player who has been carried around then decides to play some games solo, most likely, they'll be crushed as they try to figure it out. Getting legitimately crushed over and over, with no real understanding of why isn't fun. It doesn't make you want to go back to the game, usually. And, even if they keep at it and do well on their own, but still "lose", their individual skill is not being taken into account properly.
Something similar to this happened to me when Halo 5 first came out. They had a similar system. You play ten games and get ranked for the season. I happened to end up on winning teams for the majority of my ten games and got placed in Diamond league, despite my actual contributions. After that, once I was playing with all Diamond league players, I just got slaughtered over and over and over. There's a point where no matter how much you bash your head against a wall, you're not optimally going to be able to improve your skill, and it's discouraging. Their system was even moreso flawed to the point where you couldn't rank down until the season ended. I'm sure they changed that, hopefully, but IDK, because I quit and never went back. It was absolutely no fun at all. (I also loathed my Xboner and eventually sold it).
And, it's not about being "rewarded" with rank ups. IDK what's up with some of you saying players should be "rewarded" for their efforts, that's not PSR. It's simply just supposed to be a representation of your individual skill, which also shouldn't be so heavily tied to "Match Score." Does it take "skill" for your AMS to automatically shoot down incoming missiles or for your suicide rushed UAV to automatically show enemy location? Does it take "skill" to hold down the mouse from the back to farm red squares? Why isn't there a fire & hit/miss ratio being tracked? Damaged taken before death (depending on your current mech's total armor) and damage done... there's your actual "skill". Calling for the team and doing it well, and if your team is the better team already results in "rewards" for winning... CBills & XP... and your "skill" rating will also go up due to the win, so don't come at me with the "well, what about these other 'skills' like spotting, assists, tagging, AMS usage, etc." NO. Actual, individual/personal/player "skill" is so easy to track and represent properly. Just do the work, or the game will continue to lose players.
Edited by Leidulfr, 04 June 2020 - 03:46 PM.