ShadowSpirit, on 12 July 2020 - 04:38 AM, said:
It's this type of mentality that leads to all the stupid nascar. People don't play objectives. I would argue there would be less nascar if PGI actually rewarded playing objectives.
Ding, people don't understand second and third order consequences and thus create a dull repetitive experience for themselves. These are the gamers who speak the loudest and are catered to most often.
You saw as the person you responded to talked of how they would bump a person out of cap in a different game and then TK him all to avoid specifically designed anti-griefing measures rather than changing their own tactical play.
It's an example of what I keep repeating and the basis of the current malaise in MWO:
Given the opportunity players will optimize the fun out of a game for themselves.
People complain that there's a rotation, the same rotation, and no difference in any maps, but also complain if fast movers cap points in a match ending the match early.
The simple, few-minutes-of-thinking solution that "perhaps if we countered cappers to stop quick cap matches" never comes to mind. The thought that maybe strategies might need to include ideas such as:
- seeing more lights in queue because they have a critical role
- keeping medium fast movers aware and ready to fall back to support
- keeping defense at certain areas or preferring choke points
- actively hunting fast movers early
- any number of variants on the theme
In doing so they remove the reasons people take lights, the reasons people take different paths around the maps, the reasons for a dozen of other alternate strategies that make the game actually interesting from match to match in favor of simplistic, repetitive play.
Then the people who played those roles see they are no longer welcome and drop off, oh- and by the way those people who like alternative play are often highly represented in the content creator section of any game. No one wants to produce content about the same W + M1 then walk in a circle matches over and over so they leave, take their drop commanding their videos and their streams with them.
Others never join because they aren't enticed, or because they notice that no one is calling matches (drop callers left first, remember) and thus the people who weren't great at leading but follow well and make leading a joy leave for greener pastures too.
After "optimizing" all the possible variance out of the game you have a sea of people who complained loudly about the possibility of variety in the game sitting around playing essentially the same match in perpetuity and arguing with each other about why the ship is going down in flames, no one wants to call or work together anymore, and why there are no new players and the few they have leave instantly.
You can put band-aid after band-aid on the issue but the core of the problem remains- in submitting to the will of the "instant gratification" style gamer MWO has been rendered into a bland, flavorless gruel much like the thousands of other "score-shooters" that are available, much more polished, have better graphics, and don't crash every few matches.
This community created potato play when we killed the assault mode and killed conquest. Domination is a joke (if it weren't the point would move on a regular basis) and so what we're left with isn't a tactical mechwarrior game, but what i would call more akin to MechAssault, if i didn't have to admit that that game was solid, varied, and brought quite a few people into mech fandom so is A-OK in my book.
TL;DR Everyone complaining about objective modes and bragging about how they break them is one in a sea of people responsible for the brown sea/nascar standard seen today.