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5-Man Premade Group?

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#1 martian


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 06:05 AM

Check the attached screen capture, please.

Has PGI allowed 5- (or greater) premade groups and I do not know about it, or is it a case of sync-dropping?

Posted Image

#2 Marquis De Lafayette


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 06:23 AM

4-man plus a sync dropper (who could have ended up on the other side). Seen this a couple of times...more often the 5th ends up on the opposite team (as there are 8 slots on one team and 12 on other)

#3 Willard Phule


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 06:50 AM

View PostMarquis De Lafayette, on 24 July 2020 - 06:23 AM, said:

4-man plus a sync dropper (who could have ended up on the other side). Seen this a couple of times...more often the 5th ends up on the opposite team (as there are 8 slots on one team and 12 on other)

I've seen it where the 4 man is on one team and 2 guys from the same unit end up on the other. Most of the time, the 2 guys out just throw the match to pump their buddy's MS. Is what it is.

#4 VonBruinwald


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 07:48 AM

Seen this happening with 4-man plus a sync dropper and a 3-man + 2-man.

It seems try-hards will still resort to syncing in order to gain an unfair advantage.

#5 Bud Crue


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 08:35 AM

View PostVonBruinwald, on 24 July 2020 - 07:48 AM, said:

It seems try-hards will still resort to syncing in order to gain an unfair advantage.

Look, groups who have played at the same time every night, who have been playing together this way for years, should now, solely because of soup queue stop playing together? I don't know about the [ichi] folks featured in the screen shot; perhaps they are so-called "try-hards", but I for one do not begrudge them attempting to play the game together. Remember MWO...this team based game? Give us back 8v8 GQ and I and many other group players will happily go back there, but since that ain't happening, this is just the reality of soup queue.

Also, can we maybe acknowledge here that in at least this example, your so-called try-hards, with the exception of Nuclear Caveman, weren't very try hardy? This is really what you consider an "unfair advantage"?

Edited by Bud Crue, 24 July 2020 - 08:36 AM.

#6 VonBruinwald


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 09:01 AM

View PostBud Crue, on 24 July 2020 - 08:35 AM, said:

Look, groups who have played at the same time every night, who have been playing together this way for years, should now, solely because of soup queue stop playing together? I don't know about the [ichi] folks featured in the screen shot; perhaps they are so-called "try-hards", but I for one do not begrudge them attempting to play the game together. Remember MWO...this team based game? Give us back 8v8 GQ and I and many other group players will happily go back there, but since that ain't happening, this is just the reality of soup queue.

You've still got faction warfare and private lobbies, Solaris 2v2 if you need to. The only thing these modes lack is an abundance of pugs to club. And before you start going on about dead queues, it's evident group players are organised enough to arrange leagues and competitions between themselves, it's a far less stretch to organise casual matches so you can play amongst yourselves without receiving rewards from PGI.

Look, I know it sucks, group queue is gone, but even before it wasn't try-hards were syncing in the solo queue. Back then the argument was a couple of group players didn't have a noticeable effect on the game, I even remember one fallacious argument claiming their average matchscores went down as a result, well look how wrong that was.

So we got groups now permitted in the solo queue, up to 4-man. It's not unreasonable to expect group players to honur that limitation for the sake of the pug players who they share a match with. But instead we see try-hard players trying to exploit it further.

View PostBud Crue, on 24 July 2020 - 08:35 AM, said:

Also, can we maybe acknowledge here that in at least this example, your so-called try-hards, with the exception of Nuclear Caveman, weren't very try hardy?

Try-hard =/= Do well

View PostBud Crue, on 24 July 2020 - 08:35 AM, said:

This is really what you consider an "unfair advantage"?

An exploit is an exploit. Should we allow players in T5 to use aimbots? Same logic.

#7 Thorn Hallis


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 09:41 AM

Well, they lost.

#8 Marquis De Lafayette


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 09:47 AM

Syncs have always been with us. But as always it’s = or (most often) more likely they get put on opposite sides. If there is a 4 man and another group they won’t be put on the same side. People who think syncing is an attempt to exploit vastly underestimate the desire to kill members of your own unit.....the trash talk in discord/TS...oh the lovey trash talk.

#9 Willard Phule


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 09:53 AM

View PostBud Crue, on 24 July 2020 - 08:35 AM, said:

Look, groups who have played at the same time every night, who have been playing together this way for years, should now, solely because of soup queue stop playing together? I don't know about the [ichi] folks featured in the screen shot; perhaps they are so-called "try-hards", but I for one do not begrudge them attempting to play the game together. Remember MWO...this team based game? Give us back 8v8 GQ and I and many other group players will happily go back there, but since that ain't happening, this is just the reality of soup queue.

Also, can we maybe acknowledge here that in at least this example, your so-called try-hards, with the exception of Nuclear Caveman, weren't very try hardy? This is really what you consider an "unfair advantage"?

Or, you know, you could take your group back to FW where it belongs since solos were pretty much driven out of there a long time ago.

#10 NeirSolon


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 10:09 AM

To be fair to Ichi, no one can credibly accuse them of being tryhards.

#11 Bud Crue


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 12:41 PM

View PostVonBruinwald, on 24 July 2020 - 09:01 AM, said:

You've still got faction warfare and private lobbies, Solaris 2v2 if you need to..


An exploit is an exploit. Should we allow players in T5 to use aimbots? Same logic.

We small groups don't have to play those modes that you mention any more than you do. We choose to play the soup queue mode because its still the fastest way to get matches and get rewards. We are now, for good or ill, stuck in the soup queue and have just as much right to play here as you do. Sync dropping has been around forever, and PGI has never, as far as I know, banned anyone for sync dropping. So while you can pretend all you want that it is somehow cheating, or an exploit or merely "unfair", the fact is the devs don't see it that way. Hell, streamers including NGNG (when they were employed by PGI) have utilized sync dropping for years, so it ought to be crystal clear that it is accepted. If you don't like it, take it up with them, or ya know, you could go play Solaris, or drop by yourself in a private lobby, or play some other mode as you would have groups do.

As to "honoring the limitation" of dropping as a 4 man, we do try to do that as much as possible. But if there are 5 of us, we are going to sync so that we can in fact try and play together even if it means ending up on different teams (what dastards we are!). Same thing as two 3-mans when there are 6 of us, or a 3-man and a 4 man, when there are 7 of us. Etc. I know, I know, what "dishonor" we must be bringing to the game and our selves by trying to play with our friends.

We didn't ask for this. 12v12 GQ died as a result of Russ announcing maintenance mode shortly after the launch of MW5. The population plummeted because lots of old regulars just left. Then, they gave it new life with the short-lived 8v8 queue. We asked Paul to keep that, and give it a single player opt in function. He responded by saying that solos wouldn't want to play with groups. But then he killed 8v8, and decided that what the solo players really wanted was to be forced to play with groups, and soup queue was born! I am sorry for that. I really am. Like I said, if you don't like the system, take it up with PGI. In the meantime, I'm just here to play MWO with my friends, as "dishonorable" as that may seem to you.

Edited by Bud Crue, 24 July 2020 - 12:43 PM.

#12 Marquis De Lafayette


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 12:47 PM

View PostBud Crue, on 24 July 2020 - 12:41 PM, said:

We small groups don't have to play those modes that you mention any more than you do. We choose to play the soup queue mode because its still the fastest way to get matches and get rewards. We are now, for good or ill, stuck in the soup queue and have just as much right to play here as you do. Sync dropping has been around forever, and PGI has never, as far as I know, banned anyone for sync dropping. So while you can pretend all you want that it is somehow cheating, or an exploit or merely "unfair", the fact is the devs don't see it that way. Hell, streamers including NGNG (when they were employed by PGI) have utilized sync dropping for years, so it ought to be crystal clear that it is accepted. If you don't like it, take it up with them, or ya know, you could go play Solaris, or drop by yourself in a private lobby, or play some other mode as you would have groups do.

As to "honoring the limitation" of dropping as a 4 man, we do try to do that as much as possible. But if there are 5 of us, we are going to sync so that we can in fact try and play together even if it means ending up on different teams (what dastards we are!). Same thing as two 3-mans when there are 6 of us, or a 3-man and a 4 man, when there are 7 of us. Etc. I know, I know, what "dishonor" we must be bringing to the game and our selves by trying to play with our friends.

We didn't ask for this. 12v12 GQ died as a result of Russ announcing maintenance mode shortly after the launch of MW5. The population plummeted because lots of old regulars just left. Then, they gave it new life with the short-lived 8v8 queue. We asked Paul to keep that, and give it a single player opt in function. He responded by saying that solos wouldn't want to play with groups. But then he killed 8v8, and decided that what the solo players really wanted was to be forced to play with groups, and soup queue was born! I am sorry for that. I really am. Like I said, if you don't like the system, take it up with PGI. In the meantime, I'm just here to play MWO with my friends, as "dishonorable" as that may seem to you.

You are such a horrible person....so horrible that I wouldn’t mind an invite if you ever need a 4th...a 6th...or even an 8th...

#13 VonBruinwald


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 12:59 PM

View PostMarquis De Lafayette, on 24 July 2020 - 09:47 AM, said:

People who think syncing is an attempt to exploit vastly underestimate the desire to kill members of your own unit.....the trash talk in discord/TS...oh the lovey trash talk.

You have Solaris/PL for that.

#14 Monkey Lover


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 01:00 PM

View PostWillard Phule, on 24 July 2020 - 06:50 AM, said:

I've seen it where the 4 man is on one team and 2 guys from the same unit end up on the other. Most of the time, the 2 guys out just throw the match to pump their buddy's MS. Is what it is.

If we get over 4 people the others sync with us. We take turns syncing. If im on the other side I do everything I can to kill by buddies lol

#15 Zephrym


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 01:02 PM

View PostMarquis De Lafayette, on 24 July 2020 - 12:47 PM, said:

You are such a horrible person....so horrible that I wouldn’t mind an invite if you ever need a 4th...a 6th...or even an 8th...

Bud, send this horrible person an invite, I'll pick up the tab. :)

I'm still pmsl after we were referred to as a comp team on a twitch channel. Oh the irony!

Seriously though, we are a group of individuals from many nations who enjoy shooting mechs while sharing a bowl of chewing fat. We enjoy shooting each other even more than Rando's. There is no agenda, no malicious or gratuitous master plan. Chill, make friends. Group up and just enjoy yourselves. Leave the paranoia in the mech bay.


#16 VonBruinwald


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 01:20 PM

View PostBud Crue, on 24 July 2020 - 12:41 PM, said:

Sync dropping has been around forever, and PGI has never, as far as I know, banned anyone for sync dropping. So while you can pretend all you want that it is somehow cheating, or an exploit or merely "unfair", the fact is the devs don't see it that way. Hell, streamers including NGNG (when they were employed by PGI) have utilized sync dropping for years, so it ought to be crystal clear that it is accepted.

PGI don't discuss bans, but remember this?

View Postdraiocht' said:

As was noted several posts above:

Synchronized dropping is an attempted exploitation or manipulation of the matchmaking system, and is thus a violation of the Code of Conduct.

Such misconduct can be reported for game moderator review. This can be done through the in-game player context-menu or by emailing moderation@mwomercs.com with any details and/or evidence available. Considering the nature of the violation, the latter may be more useful. The report may then be reviewed to investigate potentially problematic behavior or circumstances of coincidence.

[mod]As discussion of exploits or cheats is not permitted on the forums,
this thread is now closed.[/mod]

Draiocht was acting under the authority of PGI when he posted that, if you want to appeal to overrule his decision, you can do that.

I encourage you to contact Russ on twitter to get the final say, if he says it's ok I'll have no ground to stand on.

View PostBud Crue, on 24 July 2020 - 12:41 PM, said:

As to "honoring the limitation" of dropping as a 4 man, we do try to do that as much as possible. But if there are 5 of us, we are going to sync

So you have honour only for as long as are unable to dabble in debauchery. Such a nice display of integrity.

Edited by VonBruinwald, 24 July 2020 - 01:29 PM.

#17 VonBruinwald


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 01:29 PM


Edited by VonBruinwald, 24 July 2020 - 01:30 PM.

#18 Bud Crue


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 01:33 PM

View PostVonBruinwald, on 24 July 2020 - 01:20 PM, said:

Draiocht was acting under the authority of PGI when he posted that, if you want to appeal to overrule his decision, you can do that.

I encourage you to contact Russ on twitter to get the final say, if he says it's ok I'll have no ground to stand on.

By all means let a forum moderator be your authority on this, I'll stick with actual reality of what has occurred and been allowed in game for YEARS. There is no "decision" here to overrule.

Oh wait! Maybe this is why PGI no longer employs NGNG...draiocht must have decided they were violating the COC and had them fired! it's all clear to me now! Thank you for this education. I now see the error of my dishonorable ways and shall go forth humbled, with a sincere vow to never to sync drop again!


#19 John Bronco


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 02:04 PM

No need to contact Russ, the fact that nobody has ever been disciplined for sync dropping is evidence enough that it is an acceptable practice.

#20 Nightbird


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Posted 24 July 2020 - 02:24 PM

When you sync drop, you have a higher chance of not being on the same team. Also, some streamers actively sync drop with their viewers. It's not against any rules, which only prevent you from doing things to gain an unfair advantage.

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