Beorning, on 27 August 2020 - 07:30 AM, said:
The non-hero part of the rewards are happening anyway - basically a gift of a week premium time just for getting shot

Getting shot?!?!? I thought it was for DOING the shooting!
Kalimaster, on 27 August 2020 - 07:34 AM, said:
It's nice to see an event for Hero Mechs. So, What took you so long?
Don't you know? Events like this "Heroes to the Rescue" (
or "HttR" for short) are MEANT to be rare, as doing too many of them could drive people away from this game! If that happens, how would you then play any of these Events that are kindly provided to us? Let us avoid looking the proverbial 'Gift Horse' in its' mouth, alright?
~D. V. "
Guns ablaze... Let's not take away the special feeling of the HttR Event, eh?" Devnull