AnAnachronismAlive, on 20 October 2020 - 01:27 AM, said:
...check out the following discussion on the MWO-Comp channel.
DUDE!!! That's not a "check out the following", that's a half-day! I can't do that. Break it down into one-hour segments I can digest over a few days and I'm good. Someone in this thread wrote about people not having time to go playing in matches with an expanded in-universe sort of deal, but folks have time to listen to a
three-and-a-half hour podcast?!?! (turns head to side and grimaces like I can't believe what I'm hearing)
If you have not already, please join / participate on the
MWO-Comp Discord to add your opinion and broaden the base of discussion in terms of target groups. Thank you!
Let me guess, anything lore-based is shat upon immediately because of the happy shiny people who don't want anything better?
Horseman, on 20 October 2020 - 05:08 AM, said:
There is, but the big question to ask is if that change is something MWO itself needs our could even handle at this point.
There's a lot I hate about the outcome of MWO and the fact that only the twitchers play the game, now, because they're alright with the wash-rinse-repeat aspect of the whole game. However, I will give Piranha props for producing a game, even if it is a last-generation game, now, that was extremely good for its time. I did get a lot of enjoyment out of this game because, even if they didn't have the numbers and ranges right and even if Light 'Mechs, which should not be able to maneuver like they do at the speeds they travel, etc., do, Piranha went through one hell of a learning curve to get MWO out for folks. Had they promised, from the beginning, nothing more than a MechWarrior-style mission and shooter game, I think a hell of a lot of the old guys would still be here, like me, and they would have helped build the community of this game, bringing money in for Piranha to, hopefully, expand on the game, to go beyond the previous MechWarrior titles -which they did with the combat, but nothing else- and surprise everyone.
So, in essence, I have to give Piranha their due.
What you and a lot of lore fans are pushing for? Amounts to a Battletech grand strategy game with the shooter component serving as window dressing, very different to what MWO is now.
Hmmm, I hadn't thought that might be what I was advocating for!

No, not at all (perfectly innocent, here)! LOL
Grand strategy metagame has been - admittedly in a half-assed way - attempted with previous versions of Faction Play and stagnated due to fairly low population until we ended up with the current, simplified FP model.
It was not the attempt that sent people away, it was the half-assed attempt that was pushed on everyone, with no development feedback, nor listening to the feedback post-release. They ****** it off, period. My plan would make it so the people who just want to play, just want to kill ****, can, while those who want to move higher and have that game (not a meta-game, that's the wrong term for it) in their face, want to see and interact with those things, can.
Let's face it: however complex, at its' heart the game is still a shooter and many players are just here to pew-pew at giant robots.
What percentage, roughly, makes up a standing Army of enlisted soldiers? There are a lot fewer upper-level NCOs and fewer still Officers that make up any manner of military. Who, among those two crowds, is required to see any of the logistical stuff and, at lower levels of the upper levels, how many of those actually have to deal with more than lip and circumstance from the lower enlisted? This is not rocket surgery!
This kind of a drastic shift would alienate a lot of those players, which isn't something that should be happening given the game's already small playerbase.
If there is organization -which lower level folks, like Ghosts, never have to deal with-, planetary, resource, personnel, and contract management -which lower level folks, like Ghosts, never have to deal with, they never see it unless they want to climb to that level- people will come, even if they choose to not enlist with any unit. They choose from games that have slots open for units and, if there are no slots to fill for a fight, they can always go back to simulator training -which is just like normal games, but no one loses anything. Horseman, really, have you read ANYTHING I've written?!
With Paradox having both Stellaris and, through HBS, the Battletech license, it might be a better idea to campaign for them to consider developing the grand strategy BT game the world deserves than to campaign to remold MWO into one.
Here's the problem with that. Piranha have already developed a superior 'Mech combat game, a more realistic version which is going to waste because they didn't develop the rest of it; so, if Paradox wants to develop the game, if Piranha wants to work with them to develop the grand strategy game and then have combat launched through the updated MWO, I don't see why that would be a problem. However, to make the rest of the game work, and to give some meaning to the wash-rinse-repeat, the grand strategy game HAS to be put in place.
AnAnachronismAlive, on 20 October 2020 - 05:31 AM, said:
Valid point. The quickly played (Team)SimShooter-Aspect combined with Mechlab-Tinkering that MWO delivers (despite it's age n flaws) seems to be the primary source of joy/engagement for a majority of audience groups.
For simulator battles there's no reason that couldn't continue. However, with a grand strategy/Inner Sphere universal sort of game only so much can be modified at a time. Ghost pilots could still modify their 'Mechs by earning money through matches and making purchases in-line with the rest of the game, but they would not be allowed to take just whatever 'Mech design they wanted into standard game-play, unless they earned the ability to modify it.
The daily engagement a lot of gaming folks show nowadays seems to be of short-term nature and very volatile regarding the number of games/genres played in a certain timeframe.
Hmmm, that is an extraordinarily astute observation... follow it to conclusion.
This does not mean audience groups interested in more in-depth / strategical modes of play are not to be served, but the needed flow of revenue is more likely to be created/sustained via the average player - him being a BT-enthusiast or not.
Unfortunately, this observation is wrong, and you're sitting in the wreckage of the proof of that line of thought, right now.
Cater to the BattleTech enthusiasts, those who've been paying since Battledroids in 1982 through the first BattleTech box set in 1984 and all those who've purchased the books and played the games to make the computer games a viable gaming alternative in the first place, all those who bought the first BattleTech computer game in 1995, Crescent Hawks Inception, Revenge, the entirety of ten computer games prior to this one, plus the hundreds of man-hours and money shelled out by enthusiasts NOT supported by FASA or any of the game producers, so all of US could have a game where we fought within the Inner Sphere, especially since many of those Leagues didn't start up until the Clans came along, and then you will have a community worth playing with.
We, the predecessors, remain and will play as long as there's something that goes BY THE DAMN RULES to play with.
We, who came and played before, introduced EVERYONE we could get our sticky paws on to BattleTech and, at one point, more than 25 MILLION people around the world played BattleTech, BEFORE THE COMPUTER GAMES, and we will do it, again.
Stop dodging the point, stop dodging the truth, let's get this done, and let's play.
Edited by Threat Doc, 20 October 2020 - 07:39 AM.