Looking To The Future Of Mechwarrior
Posted 08 October 2020 - 08:02 AM
Posted 08 October 2020 - 08:09 AM
DAEDALOS513, on 08 October 2020 - 06:55 AM, said:
..what's next.. nerf the pir that can hold 50 machine guns? Many say that mech is ridiculously op.. Or the vulcan with its' insanely good hit-boxes?.. and on and on.. I say NO.. all builds have trade-offs that allow them to be counter-able.. it's up to the pilot to figure out that counter..
Pilots that liked my comment... You mean the Div A pilots who know how to beat it but recognize that its current setup is a poor way to balance the weapon? And that a rebalance could make the weapon better balanced against the classes and more fun to fight with and against?
Also they already nerfed the Piranha a long time ago. And what exactly is the Vulcan's trade-offs? I mean its not as tiny as a flea, and doesn't have the armor of an anni, but beyond that it seems pretty well off.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 08:31 AM
dario03, on 08 October 2020 - 08:09 AM, said:
Pilots that liked my comment... You mean the Div A pilots who know how to beat it but recognize that its current setup is a poor way to balance the weapon? And that a rebalance could make the weapon better balanced against the classes and more fun to fight with and against?
Also they already nerfed the Piranha a long time ago. And what exactly is the Vulcan's trade-offs? I mean its not as tiny as a flea, and doesn't have the armor of an anni, but beyond that it seems pretty well off.
I'm assuming you mean they are good players? Well in that case, and since they mostly run meta because, 'it's most effective' (ie. easy to do well in).. why do you very rarely see them (or anyone else for that matter) in streak boats? You wanna nerf mechs/weapon systems so bad? Nerf the ones DIV A pilots use 99.9% of the time: Vulcan's.. Veagles.. RFLIIC.. MCII's.. BAS's.. SLIPNIR. All the mechs I rarely use cuz I feel so dirty in them.. I find it quite amusing you are targeting streaks.. but not as amusing as how you think the vulcan hit boxes are normal.. lol
BTW: They also nerfed streaks by further increasing spread and cooldown.. also they increased lock-on time as an indirect nerf.. when they nerfed lurms..
Edited by DAEDALOS513, 08 October 2020 - 08:54 AM.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 08:39 AM
DAEDALOS513, on 08 October 2020 - 08:31 AM, said:
BTW: They also nerfed streaks by further increasing spread and cooldown..
Who says they don't run them? I know at least one of them runs them often in FP. And I'm targeting streaks because thats what our conversation started with...
Also you just said NO to nerfing mechs, even specifically the Vulcan because everything has trade-offs, but now you are saying they are so meta that you feel dirty using them and they should nerf them???
Posted 08 October 2020 - 08:56 AM
dario03, on 08 October 2020 - 08:39 AM, said:
Who says they don't run them? I know at least one of them runs them often in FP. And I'm targeting streaks because thats what our conversation started with...
Also you just said NO to nerfing mechs, even specifically the Vulcan because everything has trade-offs, but now you are saying they are so meta that you feel dirty using them and they should nerf them???
No I dont' wanna see nerfs.. but if you insist on nerfing something because it needs balancing or is op, those mechs should be targeted first.. not streaks.. and in effect, the mechs that boat them well..
Yes streaks are used last wave in FP.. very niche spot for them.. you take streaks any other wave you aren't likely to do well.. you're better off with srms..
Edited by DAEDALOS513, 08 October 2020 - 08:58 AM.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 08:58 AM
Posted 08 October 2020 - 09:00 AM
The6thMessenger, on 08 October 2020 - 08:01 AM, said:
It's called a slippery-slope brother, even though I am advocating for ease of balance, not to THAT degree. What I am looking for is less likely for balance to be broken, a compromise between unfettered freedom and a bit of restriction with builds. The MW5 Model, though granted I prefer MW4 Sized-Hardpoints, would provide the proper compromise between freedom to build your mech, but not in a way that you can easily break balance.
The best players are good with finding exploits within balance, and even more so unfettered freedom in building as they please. Remove the freedom, there is less likely game-breaking things, hell this is the point of Ghost Heat - they have to implement Ghost Heat because without it, well, the weapon combinations do get broken. And now they had to roll it back with HSL quirks on some mechs.
My opinion on this, I try to be the compromise between the high-tier and the mid-tier. Note that the video below is yes TF2, but the philosophy is.
Oh, I agree, underperforming weapons should be buffed.
That being said, there is a reason against, not a good reason, or at least technically an explanation -- because their balance team are a bunch of twats.
My point is that there will be minimal freedom to do anything with an MW5 style mechlab. That's basically just tossing out one of the best elements of the game. BTW all players can use the mechlab, and grimmechs and other resources make strong builds easy to find. Contrary to what some players think strong players in MWO tend to be happy to share their builds. I can't imagine MWO being nearly as successful if an MW5 style mechlab invalidated the vast majority of chassis.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 09:04 AM
DAEDALOS513, on 08 October 2020 - 07:28 AM, said:
Both SPLs are underperforming.
If CSPLs are fine why aren't they used more on meta builds? There are plenty of brawl meta mechs but they rarely make heavy use of CSPLs and most often use CSPLs to add more lasers while avoiding ghost heat.
Re: streaks, I don't see how you are unable to recognize that streaks require far less skill than non-lock on weapons. Any weapon that aims for you requires less skill than a weapon you have to aim. Your claims that ssrms require a similar level of skill because you have to position, choose when to expose, etc. are, imo, embarrassingly bad because every weapon system in the game requires positioning. So rather than having to position yourself AND aim all you really need to do for streaks is move about.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 09:08 AM
Marquis De Lafayette, on 08 October 2020 - 08:58 AM, said:
IMO the reason it would make sense to nerf streaks against lights is that a streak boat is a low-skill hard counter to almost all lights in the game. Lights, on average, require the most skill to play well, so I think it's a poor balance decision to provide a low skill counter to them. I know there are plenty of weapons that can instagib lights in addition to streaks, but at least something like a DHG me h requires skill to do it.
I don't see any reason why nerfing streaks against lights and even mediums and giving them better performance against heavies and assaults would be a problem.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 09:17 AM
Most of what is on my mind for the future of MWO is inspired by watching the neighbor kid show an interest. Cadet PSR needs to = lowest tier. A legit new pilot like him will lose interest after getting bullied that bad for so many matches. How can we build the community starting them at tier 3? Sure, people will make new accounts, second accounts, etc. Many of those with pure intent, some just to give themselves a false sense of pride for clubbing baby seals. But let's give these new pilots a chance at staying in the game!
When in the mech store, a clickable link to a short video showcasing that mech, what it is good for and how best to use it's strengths would be great for the new pilot.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 09:17 AM
Brauer, on 08 October 2020 - 09:04 AM, said:
If CSPLs are fine why aren't they used more on meta builds? There are plenty of brawl meta mechs but they rarely make heavy use of CSPLs and most often use CSPLs to add more lasers while avoiding ghost heat.
Re: streaks, I don't see how you are unable to recognize that streaks require far less skill than non-lock on weapons. Any weapon that aims for you requires less skill than a weapon you have to aim. Your claims that ssrms require a similar level of skill because you have to position, choose when to expose, etc. are, imo, embarrassingly bad because every weapon system in the game requires positioning. So rather than having to position yourself AND aim all you really need to do for streaks is move about.
I'll tell you why spl's aren't used as part of meta builds... because it's a niche weapon system used to push and brawl with.. meta in this game is to camp power positions at a safe distance or use the highest possible alpha build so you can one shot core... that's why..
As main weapons on the clan side I do damn well with c-spl in the kitfox, nova, stormcrow, sometimes the viper (it's so squishy

re: Streaks.. they have more limitations than uac's and most other weapon systems.. if they were so good you would see them more often than once in a blue moon or in last wave CW.. believe what you want but I'm not repeating myself..
Edited by DAEDALOS513, 08 October 2020 - 09:20 AM.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 09:22 AM
Brauer, on 08 October 2020 - 09:08 AM, said:
I don't see any reason why nerfing streaks against lights and even mediums and giving them better performance against heavies and assaults would be a problem.
I love piloting lights and use good positioning and choose my targets carefully as a counter.. if you have speed and are coming across streak boats.. it's your fault. Press 'R' ftw..
Edited by DAEDALOS513, 08 October 2020 - 09:23 AM.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 09:22 AM
Brauer, on 08 October 2020 - 09:08 AM, said:
IMO the reason it would make sense to nerf streaks against lights is that a streak boat is a low-skill hard counter to almost all lights in the game. Lights, on average, require the most skill to play well, so I think it's a poor balance decision to provide a low skill counter to them. I know there are plenty of weapons that can instagib lights in addition to streaks, but at least something like a DHG me h requires skill to do it.
I don't see any reason why nerfing streaks against lights and even mediums and giving them better performance against heavies and assaults would be a problem.
I guess the difference I have with this is I see that the game is made to have hard-counters in it. 1 v 1 stealth is as close to a hard counter to a streak boat as you can get in this game (far more of a true hard counter than streaks are to lights) ......Pretty much any IS decent and well built IS heavy is going to own a clan Streak-boat, even if the skill level is slightly less for the guy in the heavy. Piranhas routinely roll up under assaults who don’t even have the pitch to shoot them. So, there is always a rock-paper-scissors element to this game....and I guess it just doesn’t bother me. Sometimes I can punk a poor pitchless assault and sometimes his streakboat friend punks me. So, it’s not that I disagree that it’s annoying that a talentless pilot can take my light out with a click on occasion. He is probably getting owned hard most of the time in QP anyway, because he is so bad and doesn’t have a mech that can fight heavies/assaults well. It happens...
Posted 08 October 2020 - 09:26 AM
Marquis De Lafayette, on 08 October 2020 - 09:22 AM, said:
My point exactly.. when and where will the nerfs end once we begin.. but again, if you are getting owned by a streak mech.. watch your positioning and press R.. a light pilots needs to know asap if there are streak mechs on the field.. and a good team will warn their lights as well

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 08 October 2020 - 09:29 AM.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 10:23 AM
competence aka papa bear is back!
hope you get heared... since no one knows better the wishes of the fans an playerbase.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 10:28 AM
Wake me up when something important actually happens.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 10:32 AM
Deathshade, on 05 October 2020 - 11:16 AM, said:
Maybe we can start finally focusing the game on FP instead of QP. Piranha put their bets on QP and Solaris. All which would have been popular with a Planetary Warfare system to draw in the players.
Time for someone to revive our Battle of Tukayyid Event!
Give MWO a reason to show all these fancy faction graphics.
Edit: can u spell Tukayyid?
I think the problem with FP is that, at least it seems like, it's not very welcoming to new players. And it takes forever to get into a match. And the regulars cry a lot at some poor guy learning the ropes. Stuff like that. Might not be a popular post here, but it might have a bit of truth to it, lol.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 11:38 AM
Marquis De Lafayette, on 08 October 2020 - 09:22 AM, said:
I was more so pushing for a rebalance than a straight nerf. Buff vs bigs, nerf vs lights. I would prefer less hard-counters.
Posted 08 October 2020 - 11:47 AM
Posted 08 October 2020 - 12:06 PM
dario03, on 08 October 2020 - 11:38 AM, said:
I was more so pushing for a rebalance than a straight nerf. Buff vs bigs, nerf vs lights. I would prefer less hard-counters.
That’s fair enough to say. I just see a few areas where similar arguments could be made about similar match-up (like this lights v streaks) elements....so, I just don’t see it as a unique issue. It doesn’t take skill to turn stealth on and punk a streak boat either...or for a tiny light to leg hump an atlas to death. Some things are just made to counter other things, but I get where you are coming from and can respect that.
I am just surprised that streaks is the issue talked about as outside of FW I just don’t see of ton of streak boats...much a less ones doing super well. But we each see different things depending on when we play. Also, I would worry that a rebalance makes streaks literally good at nothing....so they become just another weapon system that has no role in the game. We have a few of those already and it’s a shame...but that just my opinion.
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