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The Future Of Mwo Wishlist. A New Hope?

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#1 MechTech Dragoon


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Posted 06 October 2020 - 11:42 AM

Well well well, looks like ole Bombadil is the community/marketing fella for mwo/mw5 now, and from the sounds of it, they are back to looking at mwo again. Huzzah! Maybe? Hopefully?

Return of the Bombadil: A New Hope *que star wars intro*

Anywho, I figure, as the good community we are, that we should try and make an effort to help them help us get the things we want so that we can throw more money at them.

In bulleted form: Jot down the top 5 things you want from future mwo development.
Keep it short and sweet, K.I.S.S, y'all know the deal.

Throw in any comments below your list. The easier we make what we want to navigate, the easier the team will have choosing something to work towards.

Edited by MechTech Dragoon, 06 October 2020 - 11:42 AM.

#2 MechTech Dragoon


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Posted 06 October 2020 - 11:48 AM

My MwO Wishlist:

1-Frequent balance updates
2-New mechs/Variants
3-New equipment
4-Quirk re-work
5-Skill tree re-work

1-Balance updates are important for a pvp game, not just for the sake of having perfect balance, but for the sake of keeping the game fresh and changing up the meta!

2-Variants would be easier, anything new in terms of mechs or variants always starts some buzz.

3-Biggest spikes have come with new gear. New customization options and playstyle options always brings people in in any game.

4/5-More impactful quirks, and a more impactful skill tree have been long time community requests.

#3 D3dl3g


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Posted 06 October 2020 - 12:47 PM

reinstate scouting as a permenant feature again?

#4 Spheroid


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Posted 06 October 2020 - 12:56 PM

functional faction warfare with meaningful planet capture and pacing. Since the game is in maintenance mode, attrition and logistics(lockout timers on destroyed mechs) would be the means by which sales of existing and duplicate digital goods are incentivized for purchase on an ongoing basis.

Instead of pre-ordaining the conflict to be fought, the choice of planet would be determined by the largest ingame nationality of players queuing at any given time. That would instantly solve the "population problem" of a dozen factions simultaneously trying to fight each other.

Edited by Spheroid, 06 October 2020 - 12:56 PM.



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Posted 11 October 2020 - 05:12 PM

QOL IMPROVEMENTS/Controls and Modes

1. Please allow user end to change the hud color. I'm Deuteronopic colorblind.
In EVERY light colored map, I'm blind as a mole because I can't see my hud nearly at all.
This shouldn't really give an advantage to any one group, but I would love to be on an even playing field with my full vision compatriots..

2. Remove the button binding requirements for entering the Academy training ground.
Gate it behind a popup that asks if you wish to proceed or something. Sometimes we need more than 2-3 targets to really test something new.. Can't do that on just a test map.

3. Soundpacks, purchasable, or not. The generic commanders on regular drops...sound like they're trying too hard LOL. I'd be happy to send some stuff in myself if requested.
While I'm on sounds.. DUNCAN FISHER! I love George Ledoux, but I'm sure the community would love to do some acting... Guys, some of us literally can live in the BT universe :-D

4. Rework the physics a bit for immersion sake. The lights are just about right.. But an Annihilator should feel like a walking gun platform.. right now it just kinda... glides, sound isn't deep enough, footsteps anyway. Perhaps some shaking with and slight bob with the heavy steps?

5. Simulation mode. Give the veterans a REALLY immersive (as possible) mode.
The arcade like style we have now is good for newbies to learn on. Sim mode doesn't have to be terribly complicated but enough to feel it. Power up the mech. Turn on the BAP and adjust the range, (same with ECM). Physics are more present.. Allow a leg shot with a strong enough weapon high up the thigh, to possibly topple the mech. When you overheat, blurring effects in the 'pit (if possible.) IF you override and push to far, causing a weapon or ammo explosion, throw the mech to the opposite side, force a recovery by using the controls to pull the other way. Leading into my #6

6. FULL HOTAS SUPPORT. Some of us have literally put together complicated rigs, for sims, and immersion sake. Personally I have L and R Gunfighter Mk.3's with Kosmosima grips from VKB, a TM Warthog Throttle, and T Rudder Mk.IV pedals. As well as 2 Blackhog Explorer button panels. We CAN program buttons, but the games control scheme wasn't initially designed with HOTAS in mind. Right now HOTAM (Throttle and Mouse) are the best we can do and be competitive.

QOL IMPROVEMENTS/Controls and Modes

1. Please allow user end to change the hud color. I'm Deuteronopic colorblind.
In EVERY light colored map, I'm blind as a mole because I can't see my hud nearly at all.
This shouldn't really give an advantage to any one group, but I would love to be on an even playing field with my full vision compatriots..

2. Remove the button binding requirements for entering the Academy training ground.
Gate it behind a popup that asks if you wish to proceed or something. Sometimes we need more than 2-3 targets to really test something new.. Can't do that on just a test map.

3. Soundpacks, purchasable, or not. The generic commanders on regular drops...sound like they're trying too hard LOL. I'd be happy to send some stuff in myself if requested.
While I'm on sounds.. DUNCAN FISHER! I love George Ledoux, but I'm sure the community would love to do some acting... Guys, some of us literally can live in the BT universe :-D

4. Rework the physics a bit for immersion sake. The lights are just about right.. But an Annihilator should feel like a walking gun platform.. right now it just kinda... glides, sound isn't deep enough, footsteps anyway. Perhaps some shaking with and slight bob with the heavy steps?

5. Simulation mode. Give the veterans a REALLY immersive (as possible) mode.
The arcade like style we have now is good for newbies to learn on. Sim mode doesn't have to be terribly complicated but enough to feel it. Power up the mech. Turn on the BAP and adjust the range, (same with ECM). Physics are more present.. Allow a leg shot with a strong enough weapon high up the thigh, to possibly topple the mech. When you overheat, blurring effects in the 'pit (if possible.) IF you override and push to far, causing a weapon or ammo explosion, throw the mech to the opposite side, force a recovery by using the controls to pull the other way. Leading into my #6

6. FULL HOTAS SUPPORT. Some of us have literally put together complicated rigs, for sims, and immersion sake. Personally I have L and R Gunfighter Mk.3's with Kosmosima grips from VKB, a TM Warthog Throttle, and T Rudder Mk.IV pedals. As well as 2 Blackhog Explorer button panels. We CAN program buttons, but the games control scheme wasn't initially designed with HOTAS in mind. Right now HOTAM (Throttle and Mouse) are the best we can do and be competitive.

7. When protecting a mech, Escort Mode. Allow a player to also control that mech, the AI, is eh, less than intelligent. I've seen Roombas avoid obstacles better. (No offense guys, I know limits LOL.)

8. Bring back the old style mechlab. No skill tree. I don't mind spending earned points for modules, but it seemed A LOT more customizable back then.

9. Add rank emblems into the decals section. This is an image of my CGBI 'Mech, (Clan Ghost Bear International) I am a Star Commander.
The Clan dagger denotes that I'm an SCOM in the 312'th

10. I've seen people post about combined arms AI.. That would be difficult. However, would it be possible to have us PILOT any of those vehicles? Could make faction play A LOT more interesting. VTOL maybe not possible, but Demolishers? Savannahs? Even possibly man Turrets in place around an objective?

11. ENGINE UPDATE. Yes I know this is a wild shot and for now, not at all feasible.. As to obtaining both #10 and #11 I would be more than willing to move to a subsciption model. Anything I can to keep it going. Heaven only knows how much most of us have spent on Mechs and other things in this game. I could deal with up to $30 a month at least. If it's made worth it.
Sorry, my images kept giving the website fits...
Thanks for giving us a chance to plan the future. Remember "The Future, is War."

#6 Farix


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Posted 11 October 2020 - 06:43 PM

An entirely brand new game. Sorry, but this MWO is old and busted and there is no fixing it. It has already been given Nth times to redeem itself and PGI has blown it every time. Time to look into creating the new hotness, this time with the right priority on creating a game that properly introduced players who are completely unfamiliar to the Battletech/Mechwarrior franchise and gives them a fun experience rather than be repeatedly fattened for the slaughter. Of course for that, they will have to hire a real design team that are experienced in vehicular combat MMOs, and those won't come cheep.

#7 Phar Ming Yu


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Posted 15 October 2020 - 03:34 PM

Just some simple things that I think might yield big results:

-First and foremost, and I know I'm going to make some people really mad, stop listening to the fanboys so much. This game does not need to follow the lore, books, theories and board games that closely. It has to be fun and profitable, that's it. If they want a tabletop game there's Battletech and if they want story they can play MW5.

-Fix invisible walls.

-Reduce the FP map to just a couple of systems, a handful of planets and up the rewards. Simplify it!

-In Solaris, make every fight to see who's the better pilot, not who has the better build. Make them fight it out in matching stock mechs. Again, simplify.

-Make events more personal and fun. Let's have a country vs. country event or Europe vs America. No one cares about fighting for House Whocares or Clan Insertanimalnamehere but give them the chance to fight for their country and people will be a lot more personally involved. Not to mention it would help with unit building.

-New weapons and armors would be nice. Think emps that shut down any non-ecm mech within x meters for x seconds, landmines and the like.

-Let experienced players "gift" mechs and equipment to new ones. Some of us have so many C-bills, equipment and cockpit items we'll never use them all.

-Fix the skill tree, others have better ideas than I do on that one.

Lastly, I'd happily pay a reasonable subscription price if I knew that PGI's efforts would be going into MWO and not into MW5.

Ok, get mad at me now.

#8 The6thMessenger


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Posted 17 October 2020 - 03:57 AM

> New Weapons, like LACs, Plasma Rifles, MMLs,
> PVE Gamemodes, something simple like defending an Incursion base from an onslaught of stock mechs.
> Volumetric Rescale
> Rework of Skill-Tree and Quirk Systems into one
> Engine port to UE5.



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Posted 17 October 2020 - 02:05 PM

View PostPhar Ming Yu, on 15 October 2020 - 03:34 PM, said:

Just some simple things that I think might yield big results:

-First and foremost, and I know I'm going to make some people really mad, stop listening to the fanboys so much. This game does not need to follow the lore, books, theories and board games that closely. It has to be fun and profitable, that's it. If they want a tabletop game there's Battletech and if they want story they can play MW5.

-Fix invisible walls.

-Reduce the FP map to just a couple of systems, a handful of planets and up the rewards. Simplify it!

-In Solaris, make every fight to see who's the better pilot, not who has the better build. Make them fight it out in matching stock mechs. Again, simplify.

-Make events more personal and fun. Let's have a country vs. country event or Europe vs America. No one cares about fighting for House Whocares or Clan Insertanimalnamehere but give them the chance to fight for their country and people will be a lot more personally involved. Not to mention it would help with unit building.

-New weapons and armors would be nice. Think emps that shut down any non-ecm mech within x meters for x seconds, landmines and the like.

-Let experienced players "gift" mechs and equipment to new ones. Some of us have so many C-bills, equipment and cockpit items we'll never use them all.

-Fix the skill tree, others have better ideas than I do on that one.

Lastly, I'd happily pay a reasonable subscription price if I knew that PGI's efforts would be going into MWO and not into MW5.

Ok, get mad at me now.


#10 Galahad2030


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Posted 22 October 2020 - 11:57 AM

1. Fix maps with canyons or valleys by adding more access paths to the elevated terrain. (Canyon Network specifically, Hibernal Rift).

2. Add a referral program that rewards both the inviter and the invitees for playing X amount of time, buying MC as a new recruit, etc. Ping me if you need ideas I've participated in quite a few game referral programs.

Edited by Galahad2030, 22 October 2020 - 12:10 PM.

#11 Alreech


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Posted 04 November 2020 - 01:53 PM

1. VOIP in group screen to remove the need for an external Teamspeak or Discord. This makes the LFG more usefull for new players.

2. VOIP sub channels for lances ingame to reduce confusion = voice activation to speak to your lance, press a key to speak to the whole team

3. Clear Attacker / Defender roles for the teams in Assault & Incursion, to enhance team coordination. Attackers spawn with drop ships, Defenders spawn like in Solaris 7

4. Maximum group size of 4 in all game modes to speed up matchmaking by avoiding hard to match group sizes that only work in combination (10+2, 9+3,...) and to prevent "lance splitting" with bigger groups.

5. Drop decks in quickplay to remove tonnage & mech classes from matchmaking (less Mechs & tonnage than those for Faction Play, for example 3 Mechs, 165 - 175 tons), leaving only waiting time & player tier to balance

Edited by Alreech, 04 November 2020 - 02:02 PM.

#12 Bistrorider


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Posted 05 November 2020 - 01:53 AM

Gonna link two topics with content worth to consider.





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Posted 06 November 2020 - 09:11 AM

fix faction play to be meaningful, ideas on that was mentioned time and time again. just look back in forums 3 to five years ago.
fix that and all the founders will be back.
don't fix it, and next time the mech warrior licence issue comes up, the game will be dead. I hope mwll is still up and running then.

#14 Bistrorider


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Posted 09 November 2020 - 02:01 AM

New player should get 100 skill point bundle for free and two mechs.

Also it would be good to create some kind of short movie tutorial showing how to use skill tree, describing weapons, ranges, heat etc. This tutorial should be obligatory and should be a part of Academy.

It can go that way: You go Academy for the first time, and before you start the Academy you watch some short tutorial movie and you can't skip it.

Edited by Bistrorider, 09 November 2020 - 02:02 AM.

#15 NoxMorbis


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Posted 03 January 2021 - 08:35 PM

Old School Founders player trying to come back. . .buuuut.

PLEASE ALLOW SCALING IN THE SET UP SCREENS! My eyes are screaming.I'm suing a 32" monitor at 1440, and man, it's just WAY to small.

I literally have to sit 10" from my screen to read any of it, and a lot of the fun use to be sitting in a mech lab loading out mechs. Now it's just horrible. Every time I start up the game, i get depressed because everything is so small.

I also can't make any intuitive sense out of the skill tree. I'll have to send some hours reading and looking at and getting someone to help me with it to eventually make sense of it. = NO FUN!

Come on guys! This is suppose t be fun, not an exercise in frustration. If I were actually a new player logging into the setup/mechbay/etc screens, I'd never get past the intro pages. I'd probably say, "That Shiznit can F itself in the B hole."

The text and graphics are microscopic.

#16 hypographia


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Posted 09 March 2021 - 10:33 AM

How feasible would it be to incorporate a drop deck mechanic for single and group drops? Like, say you lock into a weight class, light for example, and then you vote and get your map selection, but you have a drop deck that is tied to your weight class so that the matchmaker can still more or less function as intended, but you can run an AMS kitfox on polar, an ERLL raven on artic, a commando on solaris, or a stealth flea on any map Posted Image

I think this would be a slick/sick feature, and it seems to me (in my non-programmer simplistic insights) that the basic components are there in FP. You 'd sell more drop decks for sure, to say nothing of the mechs. It'd maybe add 60 seconds tops to a match, but you could also run camo variants based on maps, etc... Just a thought.

Edited by hypographia, 09 March 2021 - 10:34 AM.

#17 hypographia


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Posted 09 March 2021 - 10:50 AM

Bring back all the maps. I'd even go so far as to say bring in the larger FP maps. Since most games are ending in less than 5 minutes, what would be the harm in elongating the game experience by getting QP familiar with FP maps, and perhaps encouraging some QP players to come on over to the dark side and enjoy the prolonged games in FP.

Variety is the spice of life. For those that hate certain maps, exercise your vote and suffer like the rest of us when we get served a map we didn’t like (alternatively, my rec of a drop deck in QP would make having a given map forced on you less of a nuisance, i.e. if I had a deck of 4 lights and I lost a vote and we are now on Polar, then I can maybe run my Narc Raven of AMS Kitfox to better counteract the effects of the map).

I also feel like VIP had its moments, and if there was a way to re-engineer that game mode to where one player was randomly selected to man the Atlas, maybe you can’t even pilot it off the pre-selected path, but you could perhaps focus fire and torso twist to maximize those armor quirks. Maybe give the VIP some crazy weapons cooldown or heat quirk to 1) make it fun for the pilot stuck in there, and 2) give the attacking team a moment of pause knowing there is at least a potato-level brain in there with some OP weapons that help to counter the decidedly non-OP nature of its predictable pathway/mobility.

Edited by hypographia, 09 March 2021 - 10:54 AM.

#18 NoxMorbis


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Posted 09 March 2021 - 01:08 PM

I posted this is the wrong spot, so I'm re-posting here and hope it is acceptable:


Then build back slowly as needed. Currently, I feel like I need to go back to college to figure out what the heck is going on in this world, much less make sense of all the XP types and the skill tree.
  • Skirmish - get rid of all other play - DONE! Convert all maps to Skirmish. This gets everyone on the same play page and groups can be easier to make and find for large, full groups.
  • DISCORD OR DEDICATED FORUM for finding clans.It would be really nice to have a dedicated room to help get into a clan. Then we could move from their to the clan's Discord.
  • Resolution Scalable Mech Bay/Options screens. It's the 21st century. 1440 is the word!
  • Skill tree = Hell. Get rid of it. It's not fun. No one likes it. Or, integrate it into the mech bay. Skill tree is too far removed from the mechs themselves.
  • Look back to 2012-13 for ideas on how to consolidate. Then rebuild slowly as necessary. We only had maps, skirmish, and mechs--and a whole lot of fun.
  • Just clean it all up and take a breather! Everyone is to fragmented into their own little groups. This game used to be SO much fun when it only had skirmishes. Totally addictive dropping with the same people and seeing other clans you know coming at you. Then jumping into a voice program and discussing the battle with other clans! So much fun. Lots of camaraderie and I think that is REALLY what is missing now.
  • Consolidation gets everyone back on the same play page.


One thing I think would make this game 100%, but for a future after the consolidation phase is finished:

Persistent planets that a group or "clan" controls, can set up bases and defensive weapons. Planets can be taken by other clans. This would be your "home" until you get your *** kicked, then back to normal dropping. In other MMMO.s Planets would be equal to a player made towns or keeps. something like you can only have 12 people attacking or defending any one planet (The "planet" would just be simply a very, very large map with normal boundaries). This would not encroach on doing skirmishes. It would be like a hybred "MMO like" with 12 v 12 instances of battles. Details would need to worked out for benefits of capturing a town, or having more than one planet.

Well, that's my 10 cents from a gamer who cut his teeth of DOOM I, way back in 1993, playing it on DOS in 1 v 1 mode.



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Posted 10 March 2021 - 11:28 PM

1) quick play: team size reduced to 8x8.
Due to less players needed for each match... please enforce +2/-2 tier difference between all players in match. (+1/-1 would be preferable but that’s probably wishful thinking)
2) spawn all team mates in one drop zone.
3) return mech agility linked to engine size
4) weapon rebalance
5) ... idk, maybe improve new player experience... idk... but we need more new players to start joining mwo- and retain them

#20 General Solo


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Posted 25 March 2021 - 02:19 AM

For IS PPC and Light PPC I reckon:

Make the IS PPC have a soft minimum range like Clan Lerms, damage decreases under minimum range like Clam Lerms.

For IS Light PPC increase damage to 7 like march patch but keep the hard minimum range to differentiate it more from PPC and maybe increase velocity a bit too.

Maybe these weapons will be used more as a result of such changes.

Remove ghost heat from AC20 and increase velocity a bit, as its a heavy weapon with short range and I think thats a high enough disadvantage and that AC20 need a boost.

Increase small pulse laser damage by 1 point or 2, then monitor and adjust as needed.

Edited by General Solo, 25 March 2021 - 02:20 AM.

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