D U N E, on 11 October 2020 - 07:15 AM, said:
It is at a downward trend, though overall it has remained pretty stable for a game with no new content, the projected populace is gonna drop, though that seems to have happened since the launch.
But the thing is that, it is going to drop, which in turn compromises the potential income, that which is needed to develop the game in the first place. The game is at a downward trend, that even questions the viability of the game being updated at all -- whether it is possible, or even has a point considering the playerbase.
D U N E, on 11 October 2020 - 07:15 AM, said:
You miss-understand what I mean by monetizing players. Just telling people to buy stuff doesn't work, though lets look at mechpack sales which have become unprofitable, if they made more players see reason to purchase those packs now that you only really want 1 mech in the pack anyway - we might have seen more of those.
Instead people see no reason to spend as there is little value in what you get. Research has suggested people that pay into something are more likely to stay and pay more.
You mean sunk-cost fallacy? Sure.
But as a consumer, I don't see the point of paying for something, when it wouldn't really improve the experience. I bought GPS, now I don't have to grind my mechs -- as in I don't have to play them, so it's counter intuitive.
FP? Well, it's kind of barren in my experience, sure there's time of day, but not everyone could play the exact time. Solaris? Same thing.
QP? Sure, but again it comes down to, does this value-pack improve my experience? It's a resounding no. So far the only reason for me to play the game, is to grind again -- and to grind mechs for FP that barely has any people in it.
For me, people is the problem, I'm going to need more than Sunk-Cost-Fallacy.
D U N E, on 11 October 2020 - 07:15 AM, said:
If someone want to do that, that's fine, many elite players in the game run funky builds, though for a player to understand the game, they also need to see what the meta is to build something that works around it for them to have fun and do well. You don't need to force a narrow mind set, though you do need to show what an optimal build is - if people get creative afterwards, that's their call. Though many players don't care about the mechlab and just want to shoot mechs, you shouldn't need to force those players to have a deeper understanding to enjoy the game. The mechlab, should not be forced on people that don't want it.
Alternatively, the meta should not be forced on people that don't want it -- but they are, at least if they don't want to lose. And they have to play meta to keep winning, so they keep coming back to the game, right?
D U N E, on 11 October 2020 - 07:15 AM, said:
MWO PVP vs MW5 PVE is important, for PGI. They at the end of the day control the game, they aren't going to divert the audience of either game to the opposite product as it lowers the sell ability of each game. Why play MWO if MW5 is PVP and you can self balance everything? Why play MW5 if MWO has overall better gameplay and has PVE - you need to try and make the arguments from PGIs perspective if you want them to listen to your proposals.
MWO is Online, it's point is actually multiplayer, while MW5 is singleplayer. And for some people, playing with other people instead of just bots are an improvement. It doesn't have to be PVP, it can work cooperatively.
I have control of MW5 through mods, and so far that is the selling point for me, since MWO is mishandled and to me and it's quite a shame that only PGI can implement the changes I want. playing with People isn't really selling point, but an unfortunate requirement in MWO.
As to why MWO vs MW5 when either offers the feature of one another even assuming same engine, again this comes down to multiplayer vs singleplayer. Those not interested with people can just go to MW5 where they can play on demand or change aspects they don't like through mods, those who want a more comprehensive interaction with other people such as competition is MWO.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 11 October 2020 - 08:34 AM.