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On The Future Of Mwo -- It Doesn't Have Any With It's Current State

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#21 The6thMessenger


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 06:59 PM

View PostHeavy Money, on 08 October 2020 - 06:43 PM, said:

A lot of people basically seem to be saying that to get them back in would take MWO2, or an engine upgrade (which is basically making a new game anyway, so might as well be the same thing.) I think that's a fair position. But it seems a bit silly to me to claim that anything short of that is pointless, or that them not wanting to do something that large means they don't care and don't want to improve the game.

I don't care what you find silly.

If you just monetize the **** out of MWO, you are basically just repackaging the same **** in a more psychologically-exploitatively wrapper. You can add more content, but it's simply the same **** with sprinkles and marshmallows -- the new content can only distract you for so long, you will just eventually realize that it's still the same ****.

Well, I don't know what to tell you, the Cry Engine is far more capable than what PGI utilized it, they can't even put Crit-Splitting and Ammo-Switching, not even on the basis of engine limitation, no, they literally do not have the coders for it.

There is basically little to do with Cry-Engine at this point, it's an old engine, and they do not have the coders for it. What they have is experience with the new engine where they have the proficiency to at least do the bare minimum of substance at all, and they aren't -- and they didn't. With their time at MW5, you'd think they'd also make netcode for basic PVP, you'd think. What did they even did with the Epic Exclusivity Money? They made their bed, now they must sleep in it.

UE is where they can do anything of substance at all, and if they don't want to switch there so that they can do actual work, it really seems that they don't want to put in the work.

But okay sure, one must not attribute malice when it can be explained by stupidity. Either way, I still see no good reason to give money to PGI again.

If they can add Crit-Spltting, Ammo-Switching, more weapons, PVE and Story-Missions, all on CryEngine, then MAYBE. Else if they cannot, I'd rather they just switch to UE, so we're less disappointed.

Edited by The6thMessenger, 08 October 2020 - 07:15 PM.

#22 Heavy Money


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 07:25 PM

Having inconsistent, overly-salty positions is silly. You say they are not making the most of the engine, and then turn around and say in the next paragraph that they don't have the programmers for it.

I get that you are upset about this, but I think you don't understand what's involved in the technical backend of games. You don't just write some pvp netcode on the side into your PvE game. That sort of thing is very expensive and time consuming of people with skillsets that are limited in availability. Incompetence and Malice are not the only possible factors. Technical limitations and the realities of keeping a business going, especially through Covid, are valid reasons for a lot of things.

You think that the game is s***, so why are you still here? You've made it very clear that there's nothing they can add to the current game to appeal to you. But there's lots of us playing right now that don't think the game is s***. There's lots of sprinkles and other low hanging fruit they could do to keep me playing happily, and I don't mind dropping a few bucks for it.

#23 The6thMessenger


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 07:30 PM

View PostHeavy Money, on 08 October 2020 - 07:25 PM, said:

Having inconsistent, overly-salty positions is silly. You say they are not making the most of the engine, and then turn around and say in the next paragraph that they don't have the programmers for it.

Seriously? And you couldn't extrapolate from that they couldn't utilize it properly because they do not have the programmers for it? Or maybe because the one who built the code left? IIRC that is what happened.

View PostHeavy Money, on 08 October 2020 - 07:25 PM, said:

I get that you are upset about this, but I think you don't understand what's involved in the technical backend of games. You don't just write some pvp netcode on the side into your PvE game. That sort of thing is very expensive and time consuming of people with skillsets that are limited in availability. Incompetence and Malice are not the only possible factors. Technical limitations and the realities of keeping a business going, especially through Covid, are valid reasons for a lot of things.

It's actually very simple. Give me reasons to give you (PGI) money. And if they cannot pony up, then they are lost. Kill the game, file for bankruptcy, restructure.

In this trying times, EVERYONE has financial problems, hell even Disney, and that company has larger networth than me. Whether it's any other reason than Incompetency or Malice, if you do not have a good enough game, you don't sell.

View PostHeavy Money, on 08 October 2020 - 07:25 PM, said:

You think that the game is s***, so why are you still here? You've made it very clear that there's nothing they can add to the current game to appeal to you. But there's lots of us playing right now that don't think the game is s***. There's lots of sprinkles and other low hanging fruit they could do to keep me playing happily, and I don't mind dropping a few bucks for it.

Nice red-herring. You ever thought that maybe I'm curious if it got better? Maybe it's a habit at this point?

But guess what, I'm in the forums, I already uninstalled my MWO waaay back.

Edited by The6thMessenger, 08 October 2020 - 07:33 PM.

#24 Heavy Money


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 07:41 PM


Seriously? And you couldn't extrapolate from that they couldn't utilize it properly because they do not have the programmers for it?

You complain about a problem, and then in the next paragraph, you are able to explain why they can't do what you want. And its not due to lack of trying. I'm not the one failing to extrapolate here.


It's actually very simple. Give me reasons to give you (PGI) money. And if they cannot pony up, then they are lost.

And you are failing to recognize that what you consider a reason is not the same as everybody else. You are making sweeping generalizations, and seem to fail to recognize that its just your opinion and you aren't the only person here.


Nice red-herring. You ever thought that maybe I'm curious if it got better? Maybe it's a habit at this point?

But guess what, I'm in the forums, I already uninstalled my MWO waaay back.

You have said, multiple times and emphatically, that its **** and can't be fixed. If you're going to be super hyperbolic, you waive the right to be upset when people take you at face value.

I guess i can be glad to know that there's no risk of running into you in game at least. I've yet to hear anyone in-game actually complain about any of the things that people on the forums do, and I'm fine for it to stay that way.

#25 The6thMessenger


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 07:49 PM

View PostHeavy Money, on 08 October 2020 - 07:41 PM, said:

You complain about a problem, and then in the next paragraph, you are able to explain why they can't do what you want. And its not due to lack of trying. I'm not the one failing to extrapolate here.

Well here is the thing, they CAN do what I want on another engine, even modders are doing that. So yeah, no, you really can't just extrapolate.

You can play all of the excuses you like, but without results to go on, well, we're ain't going anywhere.

View PostHeavy Money, on 08 October 2020 - 07:41 PM, said:

And you are failing to recognize that what you consider a reason is not the same as everybody else. You are making sweeping generalizations, and seem to fail to recognize that its just your opinion and you aren't the only person here.

And you seem to fail to recognize that I can hold such opinions, that its your own problem that you think I am pushing it as the absolute truth. I am however, defending my position, as it is expected in a public forum.

If you can't take that, I'm sorry, a public forum isn't for you.

View PostHeavy Money, on 08 October 2020 - 07:41 PM, said:

You have said, multiple times and emphatically, that its **** and can't be fixed. If you're going to be super hyperbolic, you waive the right to be upset when people take you at face value.

Yes, it can't be fixed, in CryEngine. That is why I am advocating for UE, because that is the engine that they can still do ****.

Sure, I waive the right for people to get upset when people take me at face value. I am still however, have the right to get upset, when people are assuming positions for me.

You have no good reason to assume me having fun, or thinking that this is a great game, soley on the reason that I am here. Nor I have specified that I think this is a great game, or I am having fun, as to the reason that I am here and still playing.

What, just because you are here because you think it is fun, and still a good game? Whatever happened to "That's just like your opinion man"?

View PostHeavy Money, on 08 October 2020 - 07:41 PM, said:

I guess i can be glad to know that there's no risk of running into you in game at least. I've yet to hear anyone in-game actually complain about any of the things that people on the forums do, and I'm fine for it to stay that way.

Dude, I'm too busy to complain while killing people.

Edited by The6thMessenger, 08 October 2020 - 07:55 PM.

#26 Heavy Money


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 07:56 PM


You have no good reason to assume me having fun, or thinking that this is a great game, soley on the reason that I am here. Nor I have specified that I think this is a great game, or I am having fun, as to the reason that I am here and still playing.

I think that an overwhelming amount of people will share my opinion that talking further with you is pointless based on this alone.

#27 The6thMessenger


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Posted 08 October 2020 - 08:00 PM

View PostHeavy Money, on 08 October 2020 - 07:56 PM, said:

I think that an overwhelming amount of people will share my opinion that talking further with you is pointless based on this alone.

Um, I don't care?

Edited by The6thMessenger, 08 October 2020 - 11:34 PM.

#28 Unnatural Growth


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Posted 09 October 2020 - 02:41 PM

Girls, Girls, You're both still pretty...

Can we move on now please?

#29 DaZur


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Posted 09 October 2020 - 07:24 PM

You can monetized MWO more all day but at the end of the day, if you do not attract new and or bring back old players, all PGI will do is hurt existing players who still play by putting up pay walls...

For me, I want/need a reason to play beyond kill-or-be-killed. Something more that would encourage me enough to play more than an hour or two a few nights a week.

And no.. We don't need more tournaments and events. We need "substance".

#30 General Solo


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Posted 09 October 2020 - 09:27 PM

They have it backward
Build a fun game and monetization will come on its own


Build a monetization scheme and then add MVP fun as an after thought to support monetization scheme
Game used to be fun, why isn't it now

Should be investigated
Posted Image

#31 ingramli


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Posted 09 October 2020 - 09:31 PM

View PostOZHomerOZ, on 09 October 2020 - 09:27 PM, said:

Build a fun game and monetization will come on its own

This one, and that is the reason why MWO is hopeless as long as it is still in the hands of Russ and PGI as they have no intention to make a fun game but juicing every penny from the player base they could.

Edited by ingramli, 09 October 2020 - 09:34 PM.

#32 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 10 October 2020 - 02:36 AM

MWO crashes while PGI let all Guys thats have Build from Scratch and heavy coded the MWO Cryversion gone and fighting internal Wars (transverse/Reddit), and thinking ,no problem...the job Market ist full with new Guys thats have experience with the Cryengine or can learn it in a handfull weeeks ..the was the great problem...now the Restaurant managers have a Kitchen and not Cooks with experience for ,all new Cooks most can only handle Fast Food and must learn to cooking without a Microwave

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 10 October 2020 - 02:40 AM.

#33 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 10 October 2020 - 02:51 AM

View PostHeavy Money, on 08 October 2020 - 07:25 PM, said:

Having inconsistent, overly-salty positions is silly. You say they are not making the most of the engine, and then turn around and say in the next paragraph that they don't have the programmers for it.

I get that you are upset about this, but I think you don't understand what's involved in the technical backend of games. You don't just write some pvp netcode on the side into your PvE game. That sort of thing is very expensive and time consuming of people with skillsets that are limited in availability. Incompetence and Malice are not the only possible factors. Technical limitations and the realities of keeping a business going, especially through Covid, are valid reasons for a lot of things.

You think that the game is s***, so why are you still here? You've made it very clear that there's nothing they can add to the current game to appeal to you. But there's lots of us playing right now that don't think the game is s***. There's lots of sprinkles and other low hanging fruit they could do to keep me playing happily, and I don't mind dropping a few bucks for it.

The most Coders and Programmers thats have build the MWO Engine ,leaves the Party 2014/15 , many build own Companys,other going to Relic and other Companys ,and PGI fund not new guys

most of the codes writing by the Senior staff Karl Berg ...go 2015 to Amazon

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 10 October 2020 - 02:56 AM.

#34 Kodyn


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Posted 10 October 2020 - 08:30 AM

Here's another major, major issue. Xsolla. They need to lose it, or lose money. I guarantee you that PGI has lost substantial amounts of income over the years because Xsolla is such a horrible, horrible payment system, with godawful, worthless customer service. I've gone from being willing to spend money to straight up refusal to deal with Xsolla's bs countless times.

Making it extremely irritating, inconvenient and difficult for people to pay you is just bad business, period. Can't monetize jack **** if your customers can't get their money to you. I've spent about half of what I had intended to, because Xsolla got in the way enough times that I gave up and kept my money. Good job PGI, wise choices.

#35 Thorqemada


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Posted 10 October 2020 - 09:50 AM

Btw. when you look where Elite Dangerous is nowdays and where Mechwarrior is it puts Mechwarrior to shame.
The potential base of players for a Mechwarrior game overlaps or even exceeds that of Elite Dangerous if they only would ******* grow the ******* niche to more than Ultranerds!

Edited by Thorqemada, 10 October 2020 - 09:51 AM.

#36 Kodyn


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Posted 10 October 2020 - 10:11 AM

View PostLockheed_, on 10 October 2020 - 09:09 AM, said:

what's the problem with xsolla? whenever I bought something I just entered my paypal or credit card at the checkout, then I got a screen than says xsolla and thank you for your purchase and later I got an email with the invoice.
To me Xsolla is barely a name that pops up.

Xsolla works fine until it doesn't. If you go a while without making a purchase, or get a new card, even if it's the same numbers and just a new expiration date- you tend to trigger their security, which is obnoxious. They debit you a small amount, then expect you to be able to check your bank balance immediately to tell them that arbitrary amount(which for many of us is not in any way feasible in a hurry or after bank hours), and then their customer service feeds you a line about calling your bank at whatever odd hour of night- all this so you can spend like ten bucks on some GSP or something. By the time you deal with all that, in my case, I no longer feel like spending that money. Convenience is king. If I have to wait 3-5 days to fund my PayPal just to buy some pixels, it's not worth my money.

(EDIT: Nearly forgot about this gem- Xsolla also doesn't like if you try to make more than one purchase within a 24 hour period- for instance, a mech pack and then an add-on or hero. The second purchase will trigger security, prompting that tiny debit amount, which will half the time also trigger your bank's security because it's such a weird, tiny amount. Then you get to spend time dealing with your bank's fraud people, and Xsolla customer service, all for something that should have just been a hit of dopamine and a simple transaction.)

I have had zero issues buying anything in any game that doesn't use Xsolla. I'm not the only one, either, a lot of people hate the hoops you have to jump through just to make an impulse buy in a video game using Xsolla.

Edited by Kodyn, 10 October 2020 - 10:19 AM.

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