Monday Mechwarrior Update With Daeron
Posted 02 November 2020 - 05:12 PM

Posted 02 November 2020 - 05:26 PM

Posted 02 November 2020 - 05:32 PM
But i hope that this meeting isn't one of those meeting to schedule meetings. There's just so much meetings lately, and not much development or information about it.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 02 November 2020 - 05:33 PM.
Posted 02 November 2020 - 05:38 PM

Posted 02 November 2020 - 05:57 PM
The6thMessenger, on 02 November 2020 - 05:32 PM, said:
But i hope that this meeting isn't one of those meeting to schedule meetings. There's just so much meetings lately, and not much development or information about it.
and dont forget they made a document. probably about other documents they have to make. followed by a 2 year study of the document to figure out if they have enough money to make another document.
Posted 02 November 2020 - 06:31 PM
Posted 02 November 2020 - 06:41 PM
Trixxstrr, on 02 November 2020 - 06:31 PM, said:
Yeah. I don't get why the have to pad the delivery of the information to 2 hours when they could do it in 11 minutes. It's like they're purposefully wanting to waste time, for the illusion of having done something.
Posted 02 November 2020 - 07:01 PM
- Heat bug - I've never had it, but enough of the player base has
- Mis-identified mechs - I was looking at an Annihilator from within 100m and the game said "DWF"
- MechLab region-select drop-menu - over 50% of the time the drop-menu does not even appear, so you just have to play in EU, NA or AP - whichever you selected the last time it worked
Presenting real data is helpful - Russ saying there are 10,000 unique people playing MWO daily was eye-opening for many; I had folks guessing the number was below 500.
Edited by Tamerlin, 02 November 2020 - 07:03 PM.
Posted 02 November 2020 - 07:07 PM
Posted 02 November 2020 - 07:16 PM
Something I feel would definitely help would be making the social environment a bit easier to navigate, and navigable mid game. I've been here a while, and have a blank friends list. Why, what's the point? If I were able to join on a friends game, or communicate without interfering with shooting ****, then yeah, I'd probably have some friends in there. No, I don't use other apps, don't have time for twitch, and hate facepuke with a passion. Yeah, I got steam, but, don't know anyone who plays through steam. Yeah, in game, steam styled type of something or another. (Where's my watchamacallit!)

Posted 02 November 2020 - 07:32 PM
Posted 02 November 2020 - 08:07 PM
Having the community design maps is a great idea that I think will be very exciting. As long as it's implemented start to finish in a few months. The community can test maps on the Test Server too for Q/A. You will probably have way too many submissions. Years ago, there was a thread with conceptual screenshots that can inspire new art. But realistically, start with the FP maps and cut them up into QP maps. You might get 2 QP maps from each one, probably divided at the gates with some minor changes to make it play better.
The most important thing is scheduled, regular changes. I'm not looking for new mechs, just new maps. It would be great to have a new map every 2 months (doesn't have to be strictly new, mind you). Quirks need re-evaluated too. I know that's almost 1000 mechs, but I really liked it when each variant had a more unique role within the chassis line, but not overdoing it like it's been done sometimes before. You should be able to look at each mech and see pros and cons otherwise, why pick one over the other? Look at roles. Some mech variants were given ECM hardpoints that had no basis in canon when ECM was new. Let's take another look at each mech and hardpoints, including other traits and attributes like twist speed and twist angle, special hardpoints, sensor ranges and the like.
Posted 02 November 2020 - 08:14 PM
I have several ideas for how the interface in our cockpits can be improved. would love to share some ideas with you.
Posted 02 November 2020 - 08:24 PM
Posted 02 November 2020 - 08:35 PM
The6thMessenger, on 02 November 2020 - 06:41 PM, said:
Yeah. I don't get why the have to pad the delivery of the information to 2 hours when they could do it in 11 minutes. It's like they're purposefully wanting to waste time, for the illusion of having done something.
To try to set expectations straight, episode 130 of the first circuit podcast happened because we (4 people who ramble about battletech) asked Dareon whether he'd like to come on.
The podcast was not 11mins because... well... it's a podcast. It was a mostly unscripted conversation between 5 indviduals (who each have their own things to say) uploaded to the internets.
For the most part, on one end of the spectrum you have the (relatively) quick and concise text post by Dareon, you have the longer (but still quite focused) NGNG podcast in the middle and on the other end you have the long and more free form 1st Circuit podcast to act as an update.
Posted 02 November 2020 - 08:37 PM
How about Daevon and Russ discuss how Covid affected PGI???
Reminder: The same few loudest people complain about something doesn't make it The Cause, or even A Cause.
To avoid that problem, just Poll players upon login to game for big issues, most players never look at these forums, reddit, twitter, etc as they have no interest in getting shouted down by the same few over and over and over, or they've no time since they just want to relax and simply play during what time they can spare.
Simple list of fixes sorted by cost to code:
- Keep blocked players muted after re-logging into MWO client. (For years they get un-muted & allow harassment.)
- Remove cost to join Units and the no faction points earned for joining, as a merc that is complete bull which killed fun units.
- Return ability to purchase stuff and get X amount of free lootbags during events. I work for a living & can't play 24/7 as some freeloader for free mechs & mechbays all day during events, so give me something to buy to make up for the lost time as was done in all the years previously.... TY.
- RETURN ability to bank Active premium time, even if there's a minimum of weeks, or months, or even years per bank.
- Give players who Bought either +5% CBill &/or XP cockpit items the respective owned buffs across All mechs All the time.
(Replace the install on mech requirement, to greatly increase QoL, and make piles of non-buff cockpit items useful again.)
- Queue times QP Solo NA takes seconds up to 2 minutes at max.
(But after voting its dead air so give CBills/XP-or-GXP per minute waiting. +Also into adding general chat or something.)
- Give us something to buy ie. Maps crowdfunding, Crusader Mechpack, etc.?
- Return ALL Skill Points spent (AVOID another Full Return CBill for Modules *RENEGE* Exodus)
Reduce "Skill Tree nodes" from 239 faux-"options" to 84 solid upgrades to choose from.
Let players place up to 32 skill points per mech. (or maybe change it to 30?)
And remove "tree" structure and rename nodes to Upgrades like these 84 upgrades and values:
Weapon Upgrades Reload/Cooldown -4%
Weapon Upgrades Reload/Cooldown -4%
Weapon Upgrades Reload/Cooldown -4%
Weapon Upgrades Enhanced UAC/RAC -15%
Weapon Upgrades Flamer Ventilation -15%
Weapon Upgrades Gauss Charge +1.5%
Weapon Software Heat Gen -3.5%
Weapon Software Heat Gen -3.5%
Weapon Software Heat Gen -3.5%
Weapon Upgrades High Explosive +15%
Weapon Upgrades Laser Duration +15%
Weapon Upgrades LBX Spread -10%
Weapon Upgrades Magazine Capacity +16
Weapon Upgrades Missile Rack +2
Weapon Upgrades Missile Spread -5%
Weapon Upgrades Range +5%
Weapon Upgrades Range +5%
Weapon Upgrades Range +5%
Weapon Upgrades Velocity +15%
Weapon Upgrades AMS Damage +71%
Weapon Upgrades Laser AMS Heat -54% (NEW 2.85 heat/s becomes 1.85/s approx.)
Mech Upgrades Armor Hardening +6%
Mech Upgrades Armor Hardening +6%
Mech Upgrades Armor Hardening +6%
Mech Upgrades Critical Protection +4%
Mech Upgrades Critical Protection +4%
Mech Upgrades Critical Protection +4%
Mech Upgrades Shock Absorbance -40%
Mech Upgrades Structural Density +11%
Mech Upgrades Structural Density +11%
Mech Upgrades Structural Density +11%
Engine Upgrades Turning Speed +10%
Engine Upgrades Brake Speed +12.25%
Engine Upgrades Brake Speed +12.25%
Engine Upgrades Mech Acceleration +12.25%
Engine Upgrades Mech Acceleration +12.25%
Engine Upgrades Mech Speed +3.75%
Engine Upgrades Mech Speed +3.75%
Engine Upgrades Torso Pitch +10%
Engine Upgrades Torso Speed +15%
Engine Upgrades Torso Speed +15%
Engine Upgrades Torso Yaw +10%
Jump Jets Heat Shielding +15%
Jump Jets Heat Shielding +15%
Jump Jets Lift Speed +7.5%
Jump Jets Lift Speed +7.5%
Jump Jets Vectoring +62.5%
Jump Jets Vectoring +62.5%
Jump Jets Vent Calibration +7.5%
Jump Jets Vent Calibration +7.5%
Engine Upgrades Cool Run +5%
Engine Upgrades Cool Run +5%
Engine Upgrades Heat Containment +7.5%
Engine Upgrades Heat Containment +7.5%
Engine Upgrades Hill Climb +10%
Engine Upgrades Improved Gyros -35%
Engine Upgrades Improved Gyros -35%
Engine Upgrades Quick Ignition -37.5%
Engine Upgrades Speed Retention +30%
Computer & Sensors Advanced Zoom +1
Computer & Sensors Enhanced ECM Systems +22.5%
Computer & Sensors Radar Deprivation +50%
Computer & Sensors Radar Deprivation +50%
Computer & Sensors Seismic Sensor +200
Computer & Sensors Sensor Range +17.5%
Computer & Sensors Sensor Range +17.5%
Computer & Sensors Target Decay +1.75
Computer & Sensors Target Decay +1.75
Computer & Sensors Target Info Gathering +17.5%
Computer & Sensors Target Info Gathering +17.5%
Computer & Sensors Target Retention +400
Computer & Sensors Adv. Salvos +30%
Computer & Sensors Capture Assist +20%
Computer & Sensors Consumable Slot +2
Computer & Sensors Consumable Slot +2
Computer & Sensors Coolant Reserves +1
Computer & Sensors Coolshot Cooldown -25%
Computer & Sensors Enhanced Coolshot +30%
Computer & Sensors Enhanced Narc +20%
Computer & Sensors Enhanced Spotting -20%
Computer & Sensors Expanded Reserves +1
Computer & Sensors Extra UAV +1
Computer & Sensors UAV Duration +10
Computer & Sensors UAV Range +40%
Every other suggestion will take too much time to code-implement and MWO needs something to increase interest asap.
Posted 02 November 2020 - 09:02 PM
byter75, on 02 November 2020 - 08:35 PM, said:
The podcast was not 11mins because... well... it's a podcast. It was a mostly unscripted conversation between 5 indviduals (who each have their own things to say) uploaded to the internets.
For the most part, on one end of the spectrum you have the (relatively) quick and concise text post by Dareon, you have the longer (but still quite focused) NGNG podcast in the middle and on the other end you have the long and more free form 1st Circuit podcast to act as an update.
But that is the thing. I know it's a podcast, but those unscripted heart-to-heart isn't what we are interested in. That is not to say that "don't do a podcast", not at all, but if you're ( Daeron and other CMs ) presenting something to the community, we shouldn't have to sift through 2 hours worth of content just to get the what the Community Manager has to say. Not everyone as the time and/or patience to get through those, I'd rather listen to something educational like audio-book on how to speak spanish.
We just go back to the seemingly like "meetings to schedule meetings".
Edited by The6thMessenger, 02 November 2020 - 09:04 PM.
Posted 02 November 2020 - 09:21 PM
1) What problems of this game are defined by the PGI leadership (namely, the PGI leadership). If the management forgot something or decided to ignore something, we, the players, could remind about forgotten problems;
2) What problems will be solved first;
3) What methods of solving problems will be adopted.
Daeron, I really wish you the best of luck with your work, I really hope that the game will get out of the hole it fell into. But my hope is weak.
In the spring and summer of this year, there were many discussions on the game's forum about how to make this game at least a little better, a little more interesting. The PGI leadership said it heard what the community was talking about. As a result, decisions were made that made the game even worse than it was in 2019 and early 2020.
The players asked the developers to make the games interesting, balanced, and not the kind that end with a score of 12: 0 - 12: 4.
A lot of work was done for this: developed a new system for calculating matchscores for players; reset the player tiers; set up the matchmaker for a long time. And for what? All these actions did not lead to any positive consequences because the management refuses to understand - no settings for calculating the players tier, no settings for a matchmaker will be effective as long as there is a combined queue of solo and group players in quick play. In such conditions, it would be difficult to set up a matchmaker well even in the best years of the MWO, and with the number of players currently in the game, it is simply impossible.
Previously, the matchmaker always selected teams by tonnage, by the level of players, but even then people were unhappy with the fact that the overwhelming majority of games ended with a score of 12:0 - 12:4. But now it has become even worse: now the cadets (and these are people who have not even played 25 battles!) are participating in games with level 1 players; now the matchmaker may not take into account the tonnage of the furs at all. With a pooled queue, you simply must sacrifice one thing: either tonnage balance or player level balance. But it often happens that both of these components are sacrificed and one team gets a premade out of the strongest players on assault mechs, and the second gets random players several cadets, while the second team is also inferior to the first in terms of the total number of assault mechs.
As a result, I have a reasonable question: what has become better with the introduction of spring-summer changes?
Do you understand that the combined of solo and group queues alone made all the work done in the spring and summer senseless, and this ucombined also will not allow any positive changes to be brought to life in the future?
In order to better understand the problems of MWO, I can advise you and the game developers to play this game more.
Let the developers take part in games in which one team has 10 assault mechs, and the other only 1. Let them be in a team that has 3 cadets, and four very strong players are pre-assembled in the opposing team, or they will find themselves in a situation in Conquest mode, when their team has 7 assault mechs, and the enemy team has 6-8 fast mechs. Maybe then they will begin to understand what problems prevail in fast play. Perhaps then really correct and balanced decisions will finally be made.
P.S. Sorry for such a long message. This is a cry from the heart.
Edited by Voice of Kerensky, 02 November 2020 - 09:42 PM.
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