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New Player's Feedback

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#1 Hattifnatten


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Posted 06 November 2020 - 02:23 AM

Yo, I'm actually a new player in MWO, a blue rose. Started playing in august, got T1 in about a month. Tells you a lot about matchmaking, right? So I played for about 3 months and now I have something to tell to yall Posted Image

Why I even started playing MWO? Well, I love Battletech in general, was watching Baradul's Roguetech videos and decided to check his MWO content and liked it. My previous session shooter, Rainbow Six Siege degraded to unbearable state. And I always wanted to pilot Marauder Posted Image
Why haven't I play MWO earlier? Because of its reputation of being a milked f2p game and rumored incompetence of its developers.

So I'm gonna give you some feedback on some aspects of the game and I hope it will be at least somewhat fresh to you, my dear MWO veterans. And I'm not gonna talk about monetization because I'm playing MWO as a f2p game mostly. I bought Bounty Hunter ll doe Posted Image

First of all, I love the concept of this game. The idea of a shooter game where you need to actually aim for a certain enemy mech's component is brilliant. I also like that mech hitboxes are 100% pixel correct. And I quite enjoy netcode of this game, seriously, I can play with 300 ping on Oceanic servers and have no visible issues, impressive.

Next, matchmaking. I don't really mind them stomps, because it happens in all pvp games nowadays. Fine by me. What I mind is a current tier system, when cadets can be matched against T1 players and reaching T1 is not a big deal at all. Its just unacceptable.

I quite enjoy the current balance of MWO. There are meta builds and there are a lot of them to choose from. And you can easily ignore them, at least in QP its all about fun. Most weapon systems are viable, lock-on missiles are surely annoying but not that effective. So I tried laservomit, mpl skirmish, erppc poking, general brawling and loved it all. Skill system is unnecessary grindy but I like the feel of progression it gives to your build.

Maps. Honestly, most of them are terribad. For example, HPG Manifold. No problems with central area, the issue is outside walls, where glorious competitive players can sit with their ppc/gauss in headglitch position, shooting nascar in the back without any retaliation. Extremely bad design and many maps share it.
I really like Grim Plexus and Rubellite Oasis though.

Game modes. Awful. Skirmish is awful (we'll talk about it later), conquest is beyond stupid, domination is meh and assault is mostly fine. Incursion... wtf is that **** even? You can say mode doesn't matter because its mostly TDM in QP but its always good to have objective that you can force on you opponent when you have advantage.

Nascar. Kinda enjoyed it so far, haha. Don't get me wrong, the idea of a team running from a fight is ridiculous but sometimes its your best option, the other one being is just death. What I like about nascar is that I can look at my minimap and read the position of enemy team at any given moment. Its a dynamic frontline and that is what I miss in modern day Battlefield games which are total chaos. And I don't play slow assaults Posted Image

Ok, fun part. Let's talk a about some real problems I have with the game.
I. *******. HATE. ARTY AND AIRSTRIKES. The cheapest possible **** damage and all of you are spamming them like crazy. I peek from a safe position, deal my free damage and immediately I need to relocate because it will be arty strike placed behind or above me. Extremely ******* annoying. More so than lurms. Absolutely hate it.

Players. My main problem with MWO Posted Image Not players in general, just how some of you behave in the game. You know, for me, worst thing you can do to other people in pvp games is to waste their time. And MWO players are seriously champions in this. When you play skirmish you can be at least 90% sure there will be a stealth light mech in the end who gonna run from your team for 3-5 minutes. Or a fresh Cyclops who never shared armor and will get cheap kills at the end. Or a ppc sniper, who gonna sit on a most inaccessible position and poptart "clutch" your team to death just because people are bored and are not gonna hide to win on time. It happens mostly in skirmish because there are no objectives besides killing enemies. You can say you can leave the match and play some other mechs when this **** happens, but... I'm a new player, I have 6 mechs in total, and I want to skill up my current mech, that's all. So these "playstyles" and these players are extremely frustrating to me and are the main reason I'm hesitant to invest more time and money to MWO. What's fun for me are the matches that end like this.

So I hope you liked my feedback, it was honest and came from the heart. I'm fully aware I missed like 7 years of development of this beautiful game and most things I mentioned are likely trivial to you. Well, I just wanted to share some opinions, cya on a battlefield.

#2 AnAnachronismAlive


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Posted 06 November 2020 - 02:45 AM

Don't wanna to "devaluate" yer feedback here, but checkin' yer score on jarls (and the terms / implicit knowledge being used in your feedback) raises doubts about the likelihood of your status as a new/fresh player IMHO, so it feels more like a little approach of masked agenda-setting / attention-spindoctoring to me.

Be that as it may, it matters not. Since it is all about the quality of input given and less about the player himself (in terms of playtime, skill level, etc.) and in that light all feedback is appreciated (so no need to mask yerself as a greenhorn).

See ye on the battlefield!

#3 Hattifnatten


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Posted 06 November 2020 - 03:40 AM

View PostAnAnachronismAlive, on 06 November 2020 - 02:45 AM, said:

Don't wanna to "devaluate" yer feedback here, but checkin' yer score on jarls (and the terms / implicit knowledge being used in your feedback) raises doubts about the likelihood of your status as a new/fresh player IMHO, so it feels more like a little approach of masked agenda-setting / attention-spindoctoring to me.

Well, I can only say that I'm a competent fps player with some competitive experience (Battlefield, Siege). Never played MWO before august :)
Learning curve of MWO is not that steep compare to Siege for example and I love it.

#4 AnAnachronismAlive


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Posted 06 November 2020 - 03:57 AM

View PostHattifnatten, on 06 November 2020 - 03:40 AM, said:

Well, I can only say that I'm a competent fps player with some competitive experience (Battlefield, Siege). Never played MWO before august Posted Image
Learning curve of MWO is not that steep compare to Siege for example and I love it.

All fine and - as mentioned - not of any relevance, lad. Thanks for your feedback! Every bit of information / assessment that helps to improve player experience is appreciated.

#5 Hattifnatten


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Posted 06 November 2020 - 04:20 AM

View PostAnAnachronismAlive, on 06 November 2020 - 03:57 AM, said:

All fine and - as mentioned - not of any relevance, lad. Thanks for your feedback! Every bit of information / assessment that helps to improve player experience is appreciated.

Thank you. That's exactly what I was aiming for with my post Posted Image

Edited by Hattifnatten, 06 November 2020 - 04:20 AM.

#6 w0qj


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Posted 06 November 2020 - 04:56 AM

Hey Hattifnatten, a BIG welcome to MWO !

We appreciate your feedback, especially from your fresh viewpoint as a newly minted MWO player!

I've just joined MWO in earnest in July 2020, and share your passion for MWO!
In other aspects, I'm your exact opposite (go figure)...

<Below highlighted sentences are by w0qj, for the rest of the MWO community>

View PostHattifnatten, on 06 November 2020 - 02:23 AM, said:

...Players. My main problem with MWO Posted Image Not players in general, just how some of you behave in the game. You know, for me, worst thing you can do to other people in pvp games is to waste their time. And MWO players are seriously champions in this. When you play skirmish you can be at least 90% sure there will be a stealth light mech in the end who gonna run from your team for 3-5 minutes. Or a fresh Cyclops who never shared armor and will get cheap kills at the end. Or a ppc sniper, who gonna sit on a most inaccessible position and poptart "clutch" your team to death just because people are bored and are not gonna hide to win on time. It happens mostly in skirmish because there are no objectives besides killing enemies. You can say you can leave the match and play some other mechs when this **** happens, but... I'm a new player, I have 6 mechs in total, and I want to skill up my current mech, that's all.

So these "playstyles" and these players are extremely frustrating to me and are the main reason I'm hesitant to invest more time and money to MWO.

Edited by w0qj, 06 November 2020 - 04:57 AM.

#7 Belorion


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Posted 06 November 2020 - 04:57 AM

As a veteran of the game (here since closed beta) I agree with most everything you have said. Except I don't mind Artys/Air Strikes and I have never been anti LRM even though I rarely use them myself.

Also not a fan of Nascar as it just gets your assaults killed asap, and is generally just a bad strategy. Again that is the fault of the pugglefish, not the game or its designers.

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