East Indy, on 08 November 2020 - 12:00 PM, said:
1. Friendlies see a different (colorblind-friendly) colored smoke.
2. Damage is scaled for tonnage.
3. A player's second strike does only 50% damage.
1. What purpose does changing the color make? It's not a freaking powerup everyone should be running at. You could put up a Mech sized "do not enter" sign and these chuckleheads would still run right at it.
2. That could easily be accomplished by simply enlarging the spread pattern, as opposed to taking out more shells. Smaller, lighter mechs can and will get out of the blast zone quicker than heavier ones.
3. If it weren't for the skill tree tax already in place to use multiple strikes, I'd agree. Besides, that's probably more coding intensive than we should probably expect. If nothing else, increase the skill tax on it like hitting it with the nerf bat.