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Monday Mechwarrior Update With Daeron #02

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#141 Nishivion


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 12:29 PM

View PostTiamat Cordia, on 10 November 2020 - 11:16 AM, said:

I'm gonna have to say the Crusader is unlikely at best. I love the 'mech too, it's a cool design, but it mounts leg weapons, and those are not something that MWO is set up to handle. The amount of potential friendly fire involved is kind of horrendous.

A lot of 'mechs have leg weapons. One that immediately comes to mind is the Assassin. They would just become torso hardpoints and there is nothing wrong with that. I 100% believe that the Crusader should be the next 'mech added (or at the very least the next IS one since it looks like them clanners are up next).

#142 Zarrahtass


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 12:45 PM

Hm.. well, of course it is nice to see the promised next update. But until now it is only a list of things to look at. And as pointed out, probably a list of things PGI should have looked at like 100 times before.

So the question is, what are the plans from R&D? What do you want to tackle?

The list feels like little tweaks here and there. Do you think that will change anything substantially?

I miss the vision, I have to say.

Like bringing MW5 and MWO closer together, same engine, same models, less work on your side. Community challenges on mech and map design. The rules are, the winner gets a prize money but you own the map and put it into the game. Helps with limited resources.
And you can use the same editor.
Just examples, stuff like that.

I think the most important next step now is the extra forum structure so that this wall of text mixed comments issue gets organized so it actually helps.

Keep up the work and bring some Vision! :-)
Or at least create a vision sub forum.

#143 LordNothing


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 12:55 PM

View PostPaul Meyers DEST, on 09 November 2020 - 11:52 PM, said:

Faction Play is the best game mode, i only play qp to skill my mechs for fp or playing fun mechs. The FP queue is full every night in european prime i dont see any problem there.
How about more rewards for fp? When you lose a fp match it is possible to lose a bunch of cbills for using consumables.

And remove cadets from tier 3 asap, this makes you loose new players instantly.

Thanks for the post anyway.

at least increase the lp/rp earnings by at minimal a factor of 2. boost it with premium time. add booster items (which you can sell) and new variants with new bonuses that increase the rate. mc payouts based on the number of matches you play in a mission/cycle/phase. get 2 mc per match, 5 if you win. hero rewards for mercs would be nice (only tree i cleared). grind is made especially bad due to low number of drops and long wait times.

Edited by LordNothing, 10 November 2020 - 12:58 PM.

#144 Tiamat of the Sea


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 01:02 PM

View PostNishliau, on 10 November 2020 - 12:29 PM, said:

A lot of 'mechs have leg weapons. One that immediately comes to mind is the Assassin. They would just become torso hardpoints and there is nothing wrong with that. I 100% believe that the Crusader should be the next 'mech added (or at the very least the next IS one since it looks like them clanners are up next).

....the Assassin does not have leg weapons. Where did you get the idea that the Assassin has leg weapons?

The number of 'mechs with leg weapons is vanishingly small. Running from 3025-3060 in the TROs, there's:
  • Crusader (SRMs or SSRMs in each leg, depending on variant, except for the 5K, 7W, 8L, and 8S)
  • Kit Fox (A variant only, A-pod in each leg)
  • Gargoyle (C variant only, A-pod in each leg)
  • War Dog (One-shot SSRM-2 in each leg)
  • Huntsman (Prime variant only, A-pod in each leg)
  • Turkina (C variant only, A-pod in each leg)
  • Viking (2x Machine Gun in each leg)
  • Sirocco (One ERML and one A-pod in each Front Leg)
  • Predator (One ERSL in each leg)
  • Fire Scorpion (One A-pod in each leg)
That's it. Twelve 'mechs, and four of those are Omnimechs.

Four individual variants of Clan Omnis with A-pods, so not a weapon that could be replaced with anything. So those don't count, because infantry and A-pods aren't a thing, and there's nothing else to mount in those leg spots.

One Inner Sphere 'mech (the War Dog) with One-Shot SSRM launchers in the legs that has only one alternate variant, with a C3 computer in it, so we're probably never getting either of those because one would require One-Shot launchers in addition to leg weapons and the other would require C3 in addition to leg weapons.

Two Quad 'Mechs, which flat out aren't happening in any reasonable timescale if at all.

That leaves the Crusader, which is the good 'mech that canonically has leg hardpoints; the 2F Viking, which is a missile boat with machine guns in its legs whose variants don't require leg weapons (although one does require Light AC/2s); and the Predator, a Clan second-line 60-tonne 'mech of no particular reputation.

Nevermind PGI, a AAA-funding studio wouldn't spend the time to first set up leg weapons and then test them and modify them to make them not aggravatingly painful for two and a half 'mechs of which only one has more than three variants. To say nothing of the effort put in to model all three of those 'mechs just to have two of them have only one or two variants.

As far as moving the hardpoints to the torso goes, not only has PGI shown considerable refusal to modify stock build notions for literally always, but also the Viking and several models of Crusader literally don't have room to move the leg weapons up into the side torsos.

There are fewer leg weapon 'mechs than there are Quad 'mechs.

Edited by Tiamat Cordia, 10 November 2020 - 01:53 PM.

#145 Jungle Plague


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 01:31 PM

View PostTiamat Cordia, on 10 November 2020 - 01:02 PM, said:

....the Assassin does not have leg weapons. Where did you get the idea that the Assassin has leg weapons?

I mean... the Assassin 101 has small lasers in the legs... and has been rocking them since 3024...

Edited by Jungle Plague, 10 November 2020 - 01:32 PM.

#146 Baxter o7


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 01:44 PM

Loving the list of Bullet Points so far Daeron! Excited to see how this develops. Just wanted to add some ideas and thoughts below that I didn't see on the list with Monetization.

( Google Doc version here: )


Monetization notes/ideas!

1. Overhaul of store prices (in Dollars) for most items/mechs/packs. (many players have agreed that "95% of things you can spend real money/MC on in this game just cost way too much"

2. Focus more on micro transactions (single mechs, boltons, paints, decals, MC, mechbays, Cosmetics) rather than 'rarer Big Purchases' ($40-50 mech packs)

3. Bolt-ons, (lower price , make them useable for ALL mechs, Give option to stop them falling off.)

4. Bring down MC price for Non-Premium Mechs, (example, 5,480 MC for HBR-Prime, when its only 13.6 mil Cbills)

5. Premium Time - Re-price/Remodel

Further explained points and example changes:

1. Overhaul of store prices (in Dollars) for most items/mechs/packs.
'micro transactions'. that is how most games make their money now. people don't mind spending a pound/dollar or two for little thrills. The likes of Rocket League, Fortnite, and many others have shown this, people don't mind spending small amounts of money on fun addons. and they will do it regularly!

I'd maybe spend up to £1.50-£2 MAX on something like an ordinary mech that I can earn in game anyway. and they are about 10x or more that on the store. same with the price of cosmetics like paints and bolt-ons. I think people would buy them more if they had a price drop. cheap little £0.50 meme to attach something silly to my mech. (even better if they didn't fall off so easy)
I would think about dropping prices of existing single mechs all over the board (on real money store), in the hopes that MORE people will invest, MORE regularly, in the hopes of MORE revenue for Development.

Some example ideas so far (feel free to roast):

- MC cost for Standard variants 5,480 MC for HBR-Prime, when its only 13.6 mil Cbills
that ends up at roughly $26 to buy enough MC for that mech (using the 6,500 MC pack, which is $29.95 to buy)
Drop this down to something like, 500-600MC max in my opinion. That way, it's still a convenience buy for a mech that you can get by grinding C bills, but there's much more chance people will actually go for it. (do this for all C bill Mech variants)

-Mech packs

Although these do offer extra incentives like premium time, Warhorns, Paints etc. For the pre-existing Packs on store, I think they are still overpriced. drop them down over the board.
For example, Vulcan pack:

$20 for standard pack (3 standard variants, premium time, plus extras)
I'd drop this down to $10-12 dollars max. They are cheap C bill mechs that don't take long to grind at all. More people would buy it. same with many other lighter class mech packs.


$15 just to add a hero on, is crazy, I'd rather just buy the MC, or save up through events to buy it solo. However if the price was lowered, I'd be much more tempted to purchase the pack if I liked the mechs (I'd buy the Assassin pack asap personally).
Similar goes for Ultimate packs, You could keep these as a PREMIUM purchase for those really devoted to collecting and splashing cash. but for the average player base, they won't want to spend $70, (more than most Triple A games), On addons for a single game, that's crazy. if you want more people to buy it, I'd drop it substantially.

3. Bolt-ons, (lower price , make them useable for ALL mechs, Give option to stop them falling off.)

It currently costs from 250-1,000 MC to purchase a single bolt-on attachment. It can only be used on one Mech Chassis (all variants), and falls off instantly when struck.
If you wanted something on the right arm and left, you'd have to buy them separately too, as there are currently left and right arm variants.

I would re-price these all down like so:
1,000 MC items > 250 MC
750 MC > 200 MC
500 MC > 150 MC
250 MC > 100 MC

I would make them Useable for all mechs, But stay as a single use item like Cockpit items (so only one mech can use the item at a time), but you can buy more for extras!. would prefer to take away 'left and right' variants, so you can choose where to place them on your mech.

5. Premium Time - Re-price/Remodel
360 days worth is 24,000 MC currently, that's a bit under $99.95 dollars to purchase with MC (using the 25,000 MC Pack).

Currently I think this is super expensive.

You could either drop the price of Premium time in general,

OR you could go for a Subscription type system like MMO's do, where you pay like $5 a month, or $35-40 a year for it. (this would nullify the gift of Premium time in events and mech packs, for subscribers, so would need a work around)

Other option is Link it into a 'Battlepass' type idea, like Rocket league/Fortnite etc. Where you can pay about $10 for the 'Season'. you get premium time during that, plus the extra usual go tos, level ups for rewards etc.

I think the 'Battlepass' Idea is really popular right now, and is the way to go to get stable, constant flowing revenue coming into MWO, with the ability to add fun new additions, cosmetics, decals, warhorns, etc. to the game throughout the seasons.

Just some ideas here, from discussing with other players, and myself being a rather new player (3-4months), and one who's usually quite a difficult customer, but loves this game so far, and want to help invest more, but for me, it's not viable at these current price points.

All the best,


#147 dario03


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 01:49 PM

If you make it so bolt ons don't fall off, can we get an option to not see them? Or even if you don't make them not fall off can we get the option to turn them and warhorns off. If other people want them thats fine, but I'm not a fan and I know some others aren't as well.

#148 Tiamat of the Sea


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 01:50 PM

View PostJungle Plague, on 10 November 2020 - 01:31 PM, said:

I mean... the Assassin 101 has small lasers in the legs... and has been rocking them since 3024...

Sigh. Apparently I'm blind today. You're right- that one Assassin has leg weapons.

Somehow I missed that on Sarna. Urgh. This is probably what I get for going mainly off TROs (I have the old ones and they don't mention the 101 at all.)

That said....

The rest of what I said about leg weapons still stands. Leg weapons aren't happening, they're not common, and some of the Crusaders and the Viking with leg weapons can't move them to the torso, there's literally no space left. I don't know exactly how much programming would be involved in having leg weapons function in the first place, but it's definitely more than it'd be worth.

That said, given they apparently did move the ASN-101's leg weapons to the torso, I'll revise upwards my estimation of the likelihood of the Crusader. That's an unexpected move on PGI's part.

....how many variants does that leave available, then? Let's see.... I only have printed sheets for the 4D, 4K, 5M, and 4S available....and of those the 5M can't move the SRMs up into the torso because the RT is full up. So that's the 4D, 4K, and 4S available. The 3R can move the missiles up, so that's four variants....?

The 1R can, the 2R can, the 3D can, the 3K can, the 3L can, the 4BR can, the 5K uses C3 so that's out and the XL might prevent moving up the missiles, the 5S works, the 6M uses MMLs so that's out for now, the 7L can, the 7W uses MMLs so that's out, the 8L uses Plasma Rifles and MMLs so that's out, and the 8S has no leg weapons.

...well, then, I sit corrected. the Crusader is pretty possible. Egg on my face, I guess.

(Where the heck does that saying come from, anyways? What a weird expression....)

Edited by Tiamat Cordia, 10 November 2020 - 02:21 PM.

#149 Alreech


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 02:03 PM

View PostTiamat Cordia, on 10 November 2020 - 11:16 AM, said:

I'm gonna have to say the Crusader is unlikely at best. I love the 'mech too, it's a cool design, but it mounts leg weapons, and those are not something that MWO is set up to handle. The amount of potential friendly fire involved is kind of horrendous.

The bigger issue with the Crusader: it will be a bad or obsolete Mech in MWO.
Depending how close it is to the unseen artwork the Crusader will have in the best case 2 high mounted missle hardpoints in his arms, in the worst case 2 Zeus like Missle fists.

So it can carry 2 MMR 40s in the arms, but the arms can be destroyed quickly.
Mechs like the Warhammer 7S or the Quickdraw IV-Four can run the same armament with high torso mounted hardpoints while using their arms to shield the side torsi.

#150 evil kerensky


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 02:04 PM

i think an easy add on to the new player experience category would be to update the tips you get in the loading screen. many of them are lrm focused, and they dont reflect the changes made to lrms since indirect and direct fire was changed. 1 even insinuates that an lrm boat should use tag for a lock on bonus, while im relatively sure that the tag lockon bonus doesnt aid the tag user (unless the target is using stealth)

personally i would like to see the mechwarrior tactics 101 comic in the game somewere. thats the best resource for a new player imo.

#151 Jungle Plague


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 02:06 PM

View PostTiamat Cordia, on 10 November 2020 - 01:50 PM, said:

...well, then, I sit corrected. the Crusader is pretty possible. Egg on my face, I guess.

(Where the heck does that saying come from, anyways? What a weird expression....)

Wait... did you just... be a decent person and NOT dig in your heels on the internet?

Heavens we need more people like you in the world! (This is me being genuinely serious.)

#152 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 02:07 PM

Please add in-game achievements to your list, but lower priority. Should be able to create a slew of interesting ones for players to strive for pretty easily. The achievement system was a big deal when it first dropped, but it fell into obscurity immediately. I realize we have events that have their own achievements, but those are time-sensitive. Farther down the road, consider unifying the UI for both. I bet no one even knows there's an achievement list beyond the cadet bonus.

People are antsy for quick changes before Christmas. Let's have a separate and quick discussion on those and a poll soon. I'd suggest spawn point changes and objective locations to mix things up a bit. And as already mentioned, adjust the starting tier, and cadet bonuses, and have achievements that unlocks 4 more mechbays that would naturally be accomplished within 30 matches of a new account but not because you completed x match. Like you did 500 damage with missiles, 500 with lasers, 500 with ballistics, etc. Put it in the achievement system and we will all earn it in a match or two.

#153 Tiamat of the Sea


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 02:14 PM

View PostJungle Plague, on 10 November 2020 - 02:06 PM, said:

Wait... did you just... be a decent person and NOT dig in your heels on the internet?

There's a reason I have a reputation for insanity.

#154 udoshi


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 03:20 PM

As a founder and old player, here' why I fell out of the game, what i think is BS, unmodernized, and out of touch - and sometimes hostile to the player.

Step 1: Money and grind. All the prices are 'ducked' and PGI has to get with the state of MICROtransactions in 2021. This is the #1 reason, but I'll get back to it.

MAP VOTING. Its frustrating and redoing the map vote screen to BOTH be 'blind' and 'click once lock in' was bad. It needs:
Keep 'one click lock in'
Undo 'blind voting' so you can see where the vote is at BEFORE you click.

Add a 'pass' option to the right or bottom (6 total) that just gives you +1 stack without spending it.

add a vote AGAINST' a certain map that spends half your stacks to directly tank one map's votes.(it can still be overpowered by other players).

Tldr: Half-undo the map vote change and make it better.


Make hot maps have a global c-bill/xp bonus (similiar toa hero mech or loyalty items) as an incentive to try it out and play there.

The reasoning is that the major way you get xp, progression, cbills and kills is by doing damage and hot maps get in the way of doing so.

This offsets that fact.

IE, If you fire 20% less guns and do 20% less damage, give that map a 20% reward boost for playing there.

Jump jets on anything bigger than a light have seriously anemic issues. 3 jumps on a heavy or assault spend 2/3 your bar and can't get up a step on a hill much less the hill itself.
JJ Base stats need to be reverted to their old pre-nerf/skill tree patch stats.
Skill tree needs to be consolidated by about half. NOT worth it; should be a 'minor' tree.
Add a 'safe fall' skill early on/node 1(like adv zoom) that says 'as long as you have at least one jump jet equipped, you never take fall damage ver'.
Buff heavy and assault JJ's a bit.
Introduce improved jump jets already, but because they'll have better performance, just make it so you can't fire weapons at ALL while using them (instead of/as well as) the crosshair jiggle.
Tldr: old jumpjet stats + new tree and fix the tree to be less opportunity cost.

There's no point in playing fatties because of the engine decoupling. It screwed the entire class up and they're not fun. It needs to be undone a little bit. Heavies are fine, mostly.
Spirit bear is complete hot garbage and the masc doesn't even do anything.

My issue with the tree is as follows:
Its grindy AF and all cbill costs associated need to go away forever. buying, respeccing, etc.
It tripled or more the time investment.
Can't backwards-climb out of a tree. It dumb to me I can't go down the right side and come up the left.
3-connection nodes all the time. Make all nodes connect to their neighbors.

Overall the volumetric scalin was kinda BS for a lot of mechs and ruined their usability/hitboxes. We get it was done for model export to HBStech but now that that's over, please, for the love of god, put it back.
The locust didn't need to be smaller
Any light-mediums and up that got bigger should be put back
Fat mechs need to be better able to look down to shoot smaller things - pitch mobility nodes were overnerfed. (atlas vs flea/locust is stupid/imposible withouth skils)

Exclusive buy-now-or-FOMO stuff needs to go away forever. You have a gold mine of opportunity here and a massive chance to cash in on MICRO transactions! Adjust your expectations and take a que from TF2: The lower the bar of entry, the more people spend. Specifically....
Unify your store front ACROSS THE BOARD for modern pricing. **** the old packs and bring them up to speed.

Drop the prices across the board. People NEED To be able to get in the game for a good price, and everyone's both choosier than before(pandemic economy) and willing to spend on things that keep them entertained at stay at home lockdowns(if the price is worth it). CAPITALIZE ON IT AND YOU WILL GO FAR.

Unlock all 'preorder' bonuses forever and slash prices. New purchasers get it, existing purchasers get it if they didnt have it, existing preorderers get a little MC.

Unify prices: Hero mech - 5$, any chassis any weight class, if its lame, 10$ if its good, standalone. Drop the whole 'fat = pricier' thing, balance mechs individually. make sure ALL heroes are available this way: I wanted to get a rainbow crow hero for example, but couldn't find it outside of in-game MC.'any six hero' for 20$ all the time special. maybe add a cooldown?

Specific callout example: Spider Anansi. Its lame, does nothing other variants do, and should really have the 2CT missile(jenner style, you choose between srm6 or 2srm4) and 2 ballistic each arm (4mg like the
Unify MC and real money prices. Don't change the conversion ratios, just make sure that new across-the-board deals are a balanced against each other.
5-10$ mech packs. hero addons 5$. Drop top-tier to 50-55. Introduce all extra-bonuses like fation packs as standalones in the store.
Clan hero i-ii are a step in the right direction but don't include old content - give wave 1-3 heroes their own store page like that. Slash prices.
All big packs need some amount of spending MC for color and accessories (see below). Resistance packs are guilty of this - no MC no mechbays. Likewise, some MC/starter pack bundles are guilty of ONLY mc/premium - throw some goodies there. make sure any pack ha some goodies from all types.
Wave 1-3 are the worst offenders.
Mastery Packs in the webstore have always actually been pretty great! Make their prices lower and the new baseline!

Exclusives are never forever exclusives. Do the warframe thing and bring em back occaisonally. YOu've got a ton of content built up from years of active development, use it, but fairly and evenly across the board.

Colors to $0.50 or $1
Skins to a quarter or third of price.
Option to unlock a skin for ALL available chassis, forever, for the current price. (you like Phranken so much you want it on everything? Sure!)
Keep one time and adjust price. (Edit: downwards! not upwards!)
Once-per-week 'try a skin' button. It sets one mech's paint job as if a one-time, but removes it when the week is up and you can choose another.
Warhorns and cockpit cosmetics need to come down in price a lot as well.
progression-boosting items need to be added for a flat MC value instead of locked into bundle packs or loyalty rewards.
Add a rotating 'exclusive/event' cosmetic store that puts up random assortment of event/rare/cosmetics (dawn, nvidia warhorns, etc) for a modest/fair mc or cbill price and refreshes monthly/weekly.

Mechbays to 150 MC or free, forever. Eliminate this bar and just let people buy what they want without surcharging.
Premium time: Activate partial needs to be added to the INGAME button.

Also, warframe has figured out how to unify their forum and ingame login - if you click any 'link in their news section' to launc the steam browser you are just signed in automatically/it uses the credentials its got already. PGI should look into this because its easy, and a button to manage an account in game/browser that doesn't ask you to log in again makes so many seamless/integrated account management possibilities apt

Champion mechs have always been the mostly-garbage black sheep of the family, and little reason to use them aside unless you got a good one from an event or something. Breaking own the barrier between championand hero mechs.
Give all hero's the champion's XP bonus in addition to CBILL bonus.
Give all Champions a lesser CBILL bonus while keeping the xp bonus.
Do not futher monetize them/raise prices; keep them as they are: a nice bonus for combo deals.
Add a 'hero token' for 5$ to the store that lets you promote any mech in your arsenal to recieve a hero-grade cbill bonus. Essentially, its a 'make your own' loyalty/hero/boosted mech.

Games like your survive by having regular sales and discounts. Take a hint from MOBA-LIKES and make sure that any chassis that is up as a Trial Mech is up for an ingame c-bill sale, in addition to any other price adjustments.
Don't be afraid it put up lame cosmetics, bolt-ons, or colors for c-bills! Having neat ones to experiment with only makes people want the fun/good ones more!
Dropship deals all the time.

Return all 'lost' mwo mechs packs (light, medium, heavy, assault 1-2) to the steam store and modernize (read, lower). Introduce all of those mechs to the in-game store.
Its dumb there's not 'okay' and' good' versions of some mechs available, such as the cbill bonused arctic cheetah that's no longer available:
This is work that's already done and fills a gap that doesn't exist.
Introduce the 'steam' mechs to the ingame store so you can buy them as standalone.

'set of 8' bonuses become 'set of 7' or 'set of 6': Their bonuses are way less than other mehs typically, and is sorta stupid that the mechs made for changing easily are punished for deviating SLIGHTLY. Basically, this is an acknowledgement that the head or legs (rarely/doesn't) matter.
'half the jump jet' part options: Hardlocked equipment is the absolute WORST. Introduce some specific parts for jumpjet equipped mechs that simply have half and none of the jets typically. (Summoner in particular is bad). These also need to not penalize the set of 8, or be universally counted.
Make an 'upengine' or 'de-engine' by 1 MP option for omnis. Not true engine swaps, but the ability for specific frames to swap the engine up or down a tier in the similiar way artemis is applied.
Hero Mech Omnipods for MC in omnipod menu IF YOU OWN THAT ONE already. Its totally dumb I have to get a viper or whatever for 15$ to get 1x. If i get the mech, i should be able to get spares. Sometimes there's one hero part I want to backport to a favorite mech but also use the hero, and i'm not gonna buy 2 hero's for that purpose. Pop the cork for cheap spares and don't look back.
Overall wishlist: Turn MWO from a grindy gacha-tier lamefest to a beer and pretzels casual game, remove all the dumb pricing and slash costs, then relaunch on steam: You need players to get the matchmaker, you don't keep players charging 7$ for a color, 20$ for a mech, and a ton of exclusive reward stuff.

Built a launcher poll that allows players to have some say in things. Example:
Choose bonus trial mechs when its time to cycle trial mechs. Mix of curated AND community picked. Under this unified system, those would be mechs that both become trials and go on sale because they are trials.
Mostly its a way for the entire player base to directly shout and tell paul and russ how wrong they are beause, dang those too are responsible for holding MWO back from being a classic hit in so many ways. If you want to commercially succeed, you NEED a way to have your decision makers swallow their pride and give the community what they've been asking for for years.

Add a low-cost subscription tier (2-5$ a month) that:
Ensures premium time is always on without using banked time.
Maybe a bonus sale/sale OPTION doubler when sales go on - or a chance for subscribers to get small freebies monthly, like a faction color pack, a ton of lootboxes, or a choice of event rewards. Tournament support packs are a good one!
other small perks. Maybe a low tier amount of MC injections to spend? Have this esalate for longer subscriptions/veterancy. 3 free mechbays per month? Easy.
This is an acknowledgement that its okay to support a game and keep the lights on for when you want to play, but also that you don't -have to-. No pressure or fear of missing out.

Core issues:
Mechs need to not be frustrating to play for a new player (assault mechs aren't awesome! they're slow and suck!)
Fixing matchmaking tier issues means you need more players and to keep them.
Prices must be steam compettitive and microtransaction/dolphin friendly(instead of whale only diet). I would buy the hell out of 5$ robots, but asking 7$ for a color is - I get full games on steam for that price. I get multiple triple a titles over christmas for the price of ONE big booster.
2021-ify all your prices and relaunch the game.
don't make everything good - make sure nothing sucks.

This is your chance to turn the game around and all you 'have' to do is convince senior management not turn their ship around and not hunt whales with it; and there's a better way.
Thats it.

Edited by udoshi, 11 November 2020 - 10:39 AM.

#155 War Boar


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 03:27 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 09 November 2020 - 08:48 PM, said:

  • Review / Update Game Modes
  • Solution for Faction Play

Hi, Daeron. Thanks for communicating with us!

Those aspect are what I have awaited since closed beta. I don't have all the answers but, we need planets to have a role in FP. Right now it matters not if I am loyal to a Great House, Clan, or Merc. This must change.

I propose 'player committees' be established to lead a Great House, a Clan, or Periphery state.


I propose planets that can belong to larger units, or planets split up between several smaller units.

1) Elected players serve a term of a month, 2 or 3. After their term they're disqualified for another 6 months to keep things fresh and give everyone a chance. The FWL especially. Some Houses, like the DC or CC may opt for less democratic means.

2) Elected bodies of players can assign campaign goals for MechWarriors loyal to their House/planet. Imagine a campaign to retake a group of planets on the map and see the borders in regular flux? Or maybe a push towards a less popular objective to draw opposing players away from the real objective?

3) Engage in diplomacy with other Houses. If a House is getting hammered perhaps it can offer terms. Imagine a House yielding a small number contested planets to Clans who gain great honor, while that House looks more like a target to other Houses? Or maybe diplomacy could include a powerful House (of players) propping up an weaker ally (another House of players) by giving them an infusion of c-bills or Mechs?

4) Offer contracts to Mercs through bilateral negotiation. If a House offers 100,000,000 c-bills for defending/taking a planet, allow Mercs to decide. Merc life is a lot of negotiation, after all. This rewards everyone evenly and once agreed upon is binding. Breeching a contract could give a minus rating. More breeches add to this so a Merc until with a B+ soon becomes a D- for example and subject to less compensation for contracts.

5) Players who show continued loyalty with a Clan or House month after month - or even a year or more - should be rewarded. Yes, switching sides happened in BT but not as much as units who were loyal. Long serving players should get a return on their loyalty. Maybe a +5 or +10% bonus in c-bills each match?

These are just thoughts - no idea how easy any of these would be or if any make much sense. However improvement over what we have are certainly needed. I'd just love to see a more realistic, living, and dynamic world and I'd pay a subscription if need be to enjoy BT in a much improved way.


Edited by War Boar, 10 November 2020 - 03:37 PM.

#156 Fetherator


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 03:32 PM

Topic: Informational Warfare or how do u earn anything in Game when playing as a Scout

Dear Daeron,
if one chooses to build and skill a mech for the use of a scout, there is not much to earn in matches.
I find this really sad. If Players like to play other Styles instead of beein the one with the most Damage or Kills u dont get enough reward for it. Maybe there are much more players in the base or new ones that would like a more tactical way of MWO instead oft the fast paced 1st person shooter style.

#157 Vidarion


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 03:56 PM

View PostNAMEUNKOWN, on 10 November 2020 - 11:47 AM, said:

this is also a solution for the future

if they can pull this off it might be a good thing for the battle tech universe

It's not a solution because it requires that Microsoft be willing to sell the part of the IP and they literally have no reason to. They hold the IP, get paid by a third party, and have to do absolutely nothing other than (every 5 years or so) "negotiate" a new license that says how much money they get paid for doing nothing.

#158 MaschineGott


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 04:12 PM

Ok so most of this seems amazing, but what kind of timeline are we looking at here??

Also if we're FINALLY doing IS omnis, are we going to see omni variants of existing mechs such as the Blackjack BJ2-O and the Centurion CN11-O? Or are we finally going to get some wanted stuff like the Templar and Avatar?

On top of all of this, is the idea of migrating to a different engine still on the table? I understand these things need to come first but Crytek (2?) is so dated and UE4 would do this game wonders for physics and overall gameplay, let alone visuals which are for this game even in 4K starting to look muddy.

Also gotta parrot that cadet/T5 players roped into T1 games. Bad experience for newbies.

#159 crazytimes


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 04:18 PM

View PostMaschineGott, on 10 November 2020 - 04:12 PM, said:

Ok so most of this seems amazing, but what kind of timeline are we looking at here??

We have a list of topics they will consider discussing. That's it.

They need to first finish considering, then table for discussion, then reach a decision, then implement it. So never for almost everything on the list.

Meanwhile, the plan to bait people into typing walls of text of their fantasies is working well.

Edited by crazytimes, 10 November 2020 - 04:19 PM.

#160 Buenaventura


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Posted 10 November 2020 - 04:33 PM

View PostTiamat Cordia, on 10 November 2020 - 01:02 PM, said:

(list of other mechs with leg weapons)

Sorry for the nitpick, another missed one (that has so few variants that we won't see it in MWO anyway):
Gunslinger GUN-1ERD

It's rear firing MPLs are in the legs. I only remembered that one because I had it for a while in our unit. Posted Image

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