Faction play needs some kind of rework to be grindable again.
Tips for faction play could maybe be had from H&G's war map, cruddy mobile games, or planetside 2 in terms of making it feel more life like, that is:
moving ships/mechs between locations (and a lattice system) potentially making it so that more than just obtaining grind reward, people actually want to invest time into waging this war. Worrying about where to move resources to stop thrusts etc because I think a huge part of the issue for FP is it feels inconsequential/non-special whereas in Heroes and Generals even people that really shouldn't be in war join the queue to fight for the novelty of it (and some of these people've been riding the novelty a long time - especially considering the gameplay is outright awful and people just stick around because it has that 1 cool mechanic adding some coolness to the individual battles). Though I don't know the practicality of doing that/how easy or hard it would be to implement, I would like to say that look at H&G and PS2 despite being basically awful games they've done very well for themselves because they shake up the formula to be more than just matchmaking - there is a market of loyal people always looking for more games like that and I feel fairly comfortable in saying the current community wouldn't mind a more interactive faction play experience. This could also be good will towards the community since this was a promised feature that ended up being glorified matchmaking, 4 mech drops didn't do anything to make it feel different - there was no moving resources or actually needing to coordinate with other groups/faction members to ensure planets had everything they needed to hold.
Magshot could be a good addition for light mechs especially - more toys when building mechs is always appreciated.
Solaris should have a queue all option so you can get into fights faster.
Solaris if possible, should have stricter ghosting limits than base gameplay so you see more varied builds than SRM splat in certain divisions (basically inconsequential)
Faction play rework, Heroes and Generals/Planetside 2 have some good map flow ideas as to how to make an alive feeling war experience people WANT to get involved in - this single feature has kept 2 otherwise unremarkable games alive and growing for years.
Territory map:

Lattice Map (H&G and Planetside 2):

And then
More meaty suggestion (I'm an idiot so details are going to be awful here):
- Units get access to dropships, potentially unlocking 1 at 4 people and another one for every 5/6 extra people.
- Dropships have an available tonnage, so for example if IS had 3 dropships on a planet and Clan sent 4 the Clans would have a tonnage advantage - perhaps 300 weight per dropship since this would allow 2 max and 2 mid tonnage mechs.
- Matchmaking for battles that your unit has dropships in should prioritize you, but non-members can use tonnage available so long as priority doesn't fill the battle.
- A system would need to be in place to limit the number of dropships both/either per faction/per unit/total - Heroes and Generals shows not everyone needs to be a general just enough to keep the battles going and let the heroes ride fight their battles.
- Drop decks could still work similarly, but with tonnage tickets. You might only get to drop in your first mech if tonnage is too low. Speaking of too low battles that cannot field 12 people with 50-70(?) tons available to each can auto resolve and long ignored battles could also auto resolve. There should be a "front space" limitation so that both auto resolve and battles have hard caps as to how much tonnage they'll allow (This could be the current drop deck limit +/- 50 tons) before battle tonnage is capped and extra dropships retreat or sit by idle.
Edited by Shortpower, 24 November 2020 - 06:43 AM.