Posted 30 December 2020 - 05:53 PM
This is strictly my opinion on what I would like the game to change. This is going to be a long post, so strap in! (TL;DR at the end)
Mech variants :
Would be fun to have new mechs variants that adds variety or "breaks the mold" of a particular chassis. (Like the CPLT-K2 in relation to the missile boat CPLT-C1) Espcially those that boat a single weapon type like the Wolfhound. I would like to see these (Parenthesis are my own take on hardpoints or quirks) :
Lights :
- Commando COM-1C (4 ballistic 2 energy)
- Firestarter FS9-C (4 energy 6 missile)
- Wolfhound WLF-3M (4 ballistic 3 energy)
- Adder E (set of 8 quirks for ATM)
- Arctic Cheetah H (set of 8 quirks for Heavy lasers)
- Cougar F (set of 8 quirks armor and machinegun related quirks)
Medium :
- Hunchback HBK-5S (8 energy 1 ECM)
- Vindicator VND-4L (4 Energy, 1 Missile, 1 ECM, Higher Engine and Jumpjet cap)
- Huntsman H (Set of 8 bonus for heavy lasers)
- Ice Ferret J (MASC instaed of Supercharger)
- Nova H (Set of 8 bonus for heavy lasers)
- Shadow Cat C (Set of 8 bonus for ATM)
- Viper F (Set of 8 Machine gun quirks)
Heavy :
- Archer ARC-7L (2 Energy, 3 Missile, 1 ECM, Slower Engine + Jumpjets)
- Dragon DRG-7N (2 Ballistic, 2 Energy, 2 Missile)
- Thunderbolt TDR-5D (4 Ballistic, 4 Missile)
- Marauder MAD-5L (6 Energy, 3 ECM)
- RIfleman RFL-7M (2 Ballistic, 7 Energy, 1 ECM)
- Ebon Jaguar H (Set of 8 quirks ofr heavy lasers)
Assault :
- Atlas AS7-A ( 1 Ballistic, 2 Energy, 5 Missile)
- Awesome AWS-9Q (6 Energy, 1 ECM)
- Battlemaster BLR-4S (1 Ballistic, 8 Energy, 1 Missile)
- Charger CGR-SA5 (1 Ballistic, 3 Energy, 3 Missile, MASC capable)
- Hatamoto-Chi HTM-27U (7 Energy)
- Victor VTR-10L (2 Ballistic, 3 Energy, 1 Missile, 1 ECM)
- Dire Wolf X (more missile hardpoints)
- Warhawk F (more torso hardpoints)
Mech Scale
I don't have much I'd like changed and I didn't play around in all the mechs. There are still some mechs that were completely killed off by the first large batch of rescale from years ago and as such, I would like those to be adressed first, mainly :
Lights :
- Jenner and Jenner IIC needs to be a lot less wide in general. Both arms should not be wider than it's legs. Jenner IIC could be 10% smaller in height to reflect it's chciken walker status
- Flea is too small, should match the Locust in height
- Locust Side torsos could be ~15% less wide
- Javelin should be a bit smaller, matching the Spider in height
- Incubus side torsos could be ~10-15% smaller
- Osiris side torsos could be ~10-15% smaller (in fact, the Osiris in general feels way too high for a chicken walker type Mech. Maybe it's that weird leg/torso assembly?)
Mediums :
- Assassin could be a bit shorter, ~5-10%
- Centurion, Side torsos could be 10% less wide. I know it's an iconic MWO design, but it's just too wide IMO. Especially compared to the Enforcer or Hunchback
- Hellspawn is waaaay too wide. That missile tube on it's back could be move placed a little bit more near the shoulder's center. The arms are also weirdly positioned IMO. I would like them more if they were positionned like the Hellbringer.
- Blackjack could use a reduction in height by ~10-15%
- Hunchback could use an increase in height by about 5-10% to match the other IS 50 tonners.
- Phoenix Hawk is waaaaay too tall. Could be smaller in height by ~10-15%
- Stormcrow reduced height by a tiny bit, ~3-5%
- Uziel could use a reduction in height by ~10-15%, it's a chicken walker, but it's super wide and tall, and thus an easy target
- Vulcan could be ~5-10% smaller in height.
Heavys :
- Nova cat is wiiiiiide. I would reduced the side torsos width by ~12-15% each.
- Quickdraw side torsos could be reduced in width by a small amount. ~4-5%.
- Rifleman is about the same height as the Jagermech and thus could use a small reduction to make it more in line with other 60 tonners (the same is true about the Rifleman IIC).
- Thanatos side torsos could be a bit less forward and wide. This is especially apparent if you compare them to the Archer, which should be more forward and longer
Assault :
- Madcat MK2 feels way taller than it should be. It's as tall as an Atlas! Just a tiny bit reduction in height to make it on par with the Cyclops IMO
- Marauder II's arms are too stretched outward. They should match the original Marauder/Marauder IIC pose IMO.
- Nightstar is so wide. I don't know what to do with this one except doing something about the T-posing arms.
This is a touchy subject. Omnimechs, in particular are extremely gimmicky to balance with quirks, since you are penalized for equipping an arm that is of a different "variant" which, IMO, should not be the case. I would like to see a change in the set system so that you get bonuses that get progressively better the more parts of the same variant you equip. Say I have a Kit Fox Prime and I use it's Head, Legs, CT(obviously) and it's Left arm. This set of 4 piece could give a bonus that is less powerful than a set of 8, but still significant enough that It's a valid strategy to change the mech as little as possible in order to equip the "best omnimech parts".
I'm out of touch with the meta and with some of the newer chassis performance so this is probably garbage, but here goes :
In general, less armor and structure quirks and more agility oriented bonuses would be nice, especially on some lights who are currently riduculously tanky for the weight. I also only take quickplay into since this is the mode I play the most.
- Incubus has no quirks at all for a mech with good speed and no jumpjet. It dies. Hard.
- Jenner, being a fat target with almost no quirks to help it survive kill this chassis. It also has mediocre hardpoint and could use quirks to either boost it's survivability a la Oxide or go all-out with offense oriented quirks
- Osiris, I personally never saw this mech, outisde of when it came out. My guess is It's a 30 tons IS mech with no suvivability quirks
- Panther. It's a bit too survivable. either the armor quirks are replaced with structure quirks (except on the arms) or it's offense quirks get nerfed a bit. Also, the Large Laser quirked variant is totally outclassed by the PNT-9R, due to it's better heat dissapation quirk and is thus pointless.
- Raven RVN-3L, it needs better survivability. Especially since it's quirked for NARC and thus needs to get close. It's pretty much a death sentence to NARC targets with it.
- UrbanMech, it's just too damn tanky. Other slow 30 tonners do not get that advantage. I would lower the armor quirks on all variants.
- Wolfhound, would be fun to have some variant with different quirks other than "a bit less heat on this", "bit more range on that". Let's say, the WLF-1 has better Accel/Decel and Torso yaw/Speed, the WLF-2 as more offense oriented quirks and the WLF-1A has armor/structure quirks etc.
In general, like light mechs, more mobility oriented quirks, especially on variant tha differ little between them
- Cicada, Base armor on both arms for all variants. This would help it shield damage better and it needs it.
- Crab, it needs more variety. Much like the Wolfhound, some variant quriked for mobility, others for firepower etc...
- Enforcer, ENF-5D is very underwhelming and inferior to the 4R in all aspects.
- Hellspawn, it's a 45 tonner with almost no quirks and bad geometry. It's inferior to the Blackjack with it's current quirks and, IMO hardpoints distribution. It needs some serious survivability boost in order to make up for that CT.
- Hunchback, The HBK-4H is pretty meh. This is one chassis which could benefit from mobility oriented quirks to differentiate it form the others
- Hunchback IIC, either the hero gets no armor quirks, or all variant gets them.
- Uziel, it's hardpoints are utter thrash compared to other 50 tonners, and it's squiishy to boot. This one needs better everything.
Heavy :
- Black Knight, another one of the "variants need to be different from one another" like the Wolfhound and Crab.
- Champion, this one looks like it suffers from Dragon syndrome, but to be fair, I never tried it. I never see it either which tells me it's not the best mech around.
- Grasshopper, This mech could get better mobility quirks, especially since it's lore implies it's agile and swift. It would also differentiate it further from the Black Knight.
- Hellfire, another mech I never tried, but never saw either. It looks frail for a 60 tonner.
- Marauder, Aside from 2 types of hardpoints, there is virtually no difference between the MAD-5D and MAD-5M. It would be nice to have more variety for these two variants
- Rifleman, like a Jagermech, except inferior in everyway except the Hero and the RFL-8D if you use RACs. This one needs attention.
- Rifleman IIC, I never used it, but on paper, it's a slow 65 tonner without any survivability quirks.
- Roughneck, I believe it's the tankiest IS heavy in the game and it's boring. This is another one that could use more variety in it's different variants.
- Thanatos, Aside from the Dual Gauss Stealth armor build. I never see any of them.
Assault :
- Mad Cat MK2, the fact that this mech gets any quirks is beyond me. It's already plenty good without them. The only quirks I would bestow it are the HSL quirks and maybe some mobility oriented ones.
- Stalker, it feels rather dull and inferior to many other IS assault. Especially since new tech was introduced
IMO the one point that needs the more attention. Ever since new tech was introduced. Almost half of it feels useless or inferior to what was already in-game the biggest offenders :
- IS LBX2 and LBX5 are utter thrash. Way too much slots taken, not enough advantages. the Standard AC and UACs are superior choices to those in every situation. The lower heat does nothing for those weapons. Either, lower the slots taken by these weapons, or give them better cooldown
- Light Gauss Rifles. 12 tons for 8 points of damage is so bad. You basically need all the skill needed for normal Gauss, but you have to expose yourself for longer in order to deal the same amount or damage. You cannot boat them, since they are affected by heat scale for some reason... In fact, a standard Gauss Rifle is way better. Either buff the damage to 9 or 10 (basically, equivalent to a IS Large Laser), remove the charge mechanic or allow for more that 2 Light Gauss without a heat penalty.
- Light PPCs. Same damage as a medium laser at thrice the tonnage and double the slots for a bit more range. The best part? It has the same cooldown as all other PPCs excluding Heavy PPCs. It's atrocious. 2 LPPCs does the same Damage as a standard, ER or Snub PPC for more heat. You'd think the Heat scale would be way higher than three with those atrocious stats. Heat scale needs to be at least 4 for these to be remotely viable. Match the standard PPC heat by lowering the LPPC heat to 4.75 and either lower it's cooldown or up the damage to 6.
- - - Atrocious weapons ends here - - -
- Snub-nose PPC, I personally don't find it appealing. It's suppose to be a "brawler PPC" of sort, but you give 50% of your effective range to remove your very small minimum range? This was one of the weapons I was most excited about, but it just fell flat.
First off, it needs to match the heat generated by the PPC, because right now it does 0.5 more. If possible, it would be nice to make the weapons do a fixed amount of damage depending on the target range (the same mechanic as Clan ATMs). say, between 0-270 meters, it does 11 damage, 270-360 it does 8, 360-450 it does 5 and past 450 meters, nothing. That would make it unique and interesting.
- Streak SRMs. It would be a lot more fun if there was some sort of synergy between streaks and NARC/TAG. Says, I NARC a mech in the left torso. Any SSRMs fired at that mech would be 30% more likely to hit the NARCed part. As it stands out, Streaks are bad compared to standard SRMS. IS streaks even more so.
- IS LBX20. I would like to see it take 10 slots instead of 11 if only to stop IS from locking themselves to a STD engine to mount one.
- IS ER Small Lasers. gain 50m effective range for 2.2 heat instaed of 1.1. IMO it's better to take standard Small lasers instead, since you are going to do, basically the same amount of damage at 175 meters with your two lasers.
- More of a cosmetic change, but it would be nice to have color variations for Heavy lasers and IS ER lasers say :
Heavy small : purple
Heavy med : Orange
Heavy large : Turquoise
IS ER lasers : standard laser color with a darker shade
Boy that was a long one!
- More mech variants that add another playstyle or more hardpoints to the base chassis.
- Rescaling pass on the newest released mechs since the last rescale
- Light and medium mechs need a quirks pass the most
- Fix the god awful weapons first. More mechanics/weapons change after