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Mechwarrior Online 2021: Maps

2021 maps

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#141 LordNothing


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Posted 01 December 2020 - 06:56 PM

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 01 December 2020 - 06:26 PM, said:

thats a Lot of Work ,and so you can make easier a clean new Map from Scratch up ,not a big City Map, more a Map like Polar.The most FP Maps have a Really bad Design in Maze style , PGI loves Maps in Maze style ,massive impassable Hills ,small entrys and ways ...the most maps claustophobic

less work than a complete redux, probably less work than what they did with hibernal rift.

granted id rather see completely new maps than another remix. rolling sand dunes or tropical beach.

#142 toncrell


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Posted 02 December 2020 - 02:12 AM

hmm some good ideas already mentioned ,not sure if this was, We need more night mish maps. Meaning in the jungle and the deserts. the only maps we need night on honestly they way it is now is river city. ALSO, and maybe its just me or my comp but we need to turn down the brightness on hibernal lift map and some of the snow maps i cant see crapp on these maps and yes we do have flare but if i need to use flare everytime i play a snow map why did we put snow on the map i still cant see the snow in flare!

#143 Horseman


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Posted 02 December 2020 - 09:23 AM

View PostLordNothing, on 01 December 2020 - 12:37 PM, said:

1. remove gates, gun and all other faction play structures. clean up the area around these. ('gates' shall now refer to the area where they once were)
Or leave them and just change map boundaries to make the "inside" of the base one map and "outside" another.

#144 Lepestok


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Posted 02 December 2020 - 10:53 AM

Big holidays are coming soon. New Year's and Christmas. For the holidays, replace the center antenna in Domination mode with a giant Christmas tree. And maybe it is worth decorating the hangar?

#145 ShaneoftheDead


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Posted 02 December 2020 - 08:00 PM

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 28 November 2020 - 03:28 AM, said:

Without handcrafted Biome Modules thats looking fast veryGeneric and bad,and brings Problems ,and the Engine can not logic Place Bridges or Streets and Problems like Dropzones in impassable Terrain(above a High Mountain) with the MWO Climb system.

It is very rare, but nevertheless in No Man's Sky, for example, buildings are often half in the ground or hovering above the ground, or objectives are inaccessible under the terrain grid

View PostAlreech, on 28 November 2020 - 05:13 AM, said:

Random map generation is great for exploration games like Elite Dangerous & No Mans Sky.

It's terribel for a multiplayer shooter, especially if the teams are made up every match new with some random players that don't communicate or coordinate well.

The middle ground would be more map variations:
Daytime / Night / Dusk
Winter / Spring / Summer / Fall
Different sky boxes for the same map
Special Building on the same map: depending on the defender the map could have a faction typical building in the middel.

I did not say Random Map Generation would be easy. Finding the Holy Grail is not easy. However, Random Maps solves a few problems.
  • No advantage over new players. Everyone is seeing it for the first time, more or less.
  • NASCAR is problematic when you don't really know what is around that corner. If you add in random spawn locations, say the corners of a square map, you won't know where the enemy is every match. Could be to your Right, Left, or Straight. When and where the teams happen to meet may eliminate the possibility of the swirl.
  • No map fatigue. With permutations of terrain type, terrain elevation, vegetation, water, structures, & etc. over a medium size map is almost unlimited. You might not see a similar combination pop up in a week, let alone a day.
  • Gives Light 'Mechs their job back. Want to know what's over that hill or around that corner? Send a Light. Don't even know where the Enemy is? Send a Light.
  • Could give Faction Warfare a shot in the arm. Imagine that the generator takes a seed based on the planet name. You could have each planet look different. Sky color, vegetation type and color, architecture styles and colors. It would give the illusion that you WERE fighting on a different planet that before. Possible incentive to buy other cammo colors?
And it would only be Psudo Random. There would be algorithms for terrain generation that would make it look natural. Think Minecraft and the Biomes, except things are not blocky and low res. Only have to add a path check to make sure that there is a viable path (no cliffs or pits) between the spawn locations. In fact, you could randomize the path first and then generate the terrain afterwords.

And you can still have pre-generated areas like Bases, Towns, Airfields, Power Plants, etc. Just drop them in and blend the landscape around them.

Maps could even be randomly generated and tested on the Test Server and if it was a good one, the seed is copied into the live server and put into the rotation. Seeds are sent to the clients that tell it how to create the map and then load it into the client with instructions on where they are spawning. Imagine several new maps each month, if not dozens?

But, the 1# problem with all of this is: You cannot do it with the current game. You have to make MWO2 to do it. Best PGI could do now is to make the map generator but have it export it into the current map editing software they have so they can tweak it and save it as a normal map. Then throw it on to the Test Server and get feedback.

PS: I still feel PGI's highest priority should be taking their MW5 game engine and porting that to replace the old one from MWO. 7 year old game needs a graphics, performance, & feature enhancement first. Then we can talk about doing all this fancy extra stuff.

#146 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 02 December 2020 - 09:50 PM

View PostShaneoftheDead, on 02 December 2020 - 08:00 PM, said:

Maps could even be randomly generated and tested on the Test Server and if it was a good one, the seed is copied into the live server and put into the rotation. Seeds are sent to the clients that tell it how to create the map and then load it into the client with instructions on where they are spawning. Imagine several new maps each month, if not dozens?

But, the 1# problem with all of this is: You cannot do it with the current game. You have to make MWO2 to do it. Best PGI could do now is to make the map generator but have it export it into the current map editing software they have so they can tweak it and save it as a normal map. Then throw it on to the Test Server and get feedback.

PS: I still feel PGI's highest priority should be taking their MW5 game engine and porting that to replace the old one from MWO. 7 year old game needs a graphics, performance, & feature enhancement first. Then we can talk about doing all this fancy extra stuff.

the Cry 3 Engine have a Map Generator Tool and can created Maps , and a simple Terrain mesh you can generate with many Software, from 3DS max to Vue


Problem ,its only a Mesh, and now begins the Hard Work to bring Textures and Objects in it and its looking not freaky and have to many Problems ...seeing ARK and the Generated maps in UE4


Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 02 December 2020 - 09:57 PM.

#147 Bowelhacker


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Posted 03 December 2020 - 04:24 PM

How hard would it be to do a bit of reskinning and tack a couple of Solaris maps together for use in QP? Or expand them.

#148 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 03 December 2020 - 07:40 PM

now who MW5 only in Support Mode ,we have the Cahnce tahts the UE Teams work to Features like Maps for MWO ,its not limited by the sphagetti Coded Old Team Enigma Engine like other Features ...Ammunition change...IK....Collisions Knock Down...PvE...

#149 evil kerensky


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Posted 04 December 2020 - 02:08 AM

View PostBowelhacker, on 03 December 2020 - 04:24 PM, said:

How hard would it be to do a bit of reskinning and tack a couple of Solaris maps together for use in QP? Or expand them.

that sounds dope. id vote for an ishiyama caves map.

#150 Lightfoot


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Posted 04 December 2020 - 08:55 AM

Solaris 7 Maps:

What is missing is large maps. All the maps are narrow, short range gauntlets that promote repetitive gameplay, short range configured mechs, and yes, that old game-killer, Legging.

So players are enabled to bring only short range because they know there will be very little time and value to heavier/larger long range and faster mechs that could take advantage in a long range contest. Because there will never be a long range contest in S7 except for 2-3 opening shots.

Now if players had to prepare a load-out for real mech combat. They would need the traditional strengths of some speed, cooling, long range and some medium or short range power because they would not know what map they were going to get or how their opponent would use it.

Anyway, my suggestion is to add at least 4 long range maps that are at least 3x the size of the current largest maps to turn up the possible uniqueness of a Solaris 7 duel.

I did decently in Solaris 7, but from the get go each battle was a repeat of the previous ones and you are scored on numbers of S7 matches played, so if you get bored and falter you have less reason to re-commit to the rest of the season. So S7 gameplay has to be more than SRM-Legging contests.

#151 Brauer


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Posted 04 December 2020 - 11:23 AM

View PostLightfoot, on 04 December 2020 - 08:55 AM, said:

Solaris 7 Maps:

What is missing is large maps. All the maps are narrow, short range gauntlets that promote repetitive gameplay, short range configured mechs, and yes, that old game-killer, Legging.

So players are enabled to bring only short range because they know there will be very little time and value to heavier/larger long range and faster mechs that could take advantage in a long range contest. Because there will never be a long range contest in S7 except for 2-3 opening shots.

Now if players had to prepare a load-out for real mech combat. They would need the traditional strengths of some speed, cooling, long range and some medium or short range power because they would not know what map they were going to get or how their opponent would use it.

Anyway, my suggestion is to add at least 4 long range maps that are at least 3x the size of the current largest maps to turn up the possible uniqueness of a Solaris 7 duel.

I did decently in Solaris 7, but from the get go each battle was a repeat of the previous ones and you are scored on numbers of S7 matches played, so if you get bored and falter you have less reason to re-commit to the rest of the season. So S7 gameplay has to be more than SRM-Legging contests.

Plenty of Solaris divisions are not srm legging contests. MPL Hellspawn is very strong in Div 7, and honestly should go CT on most opponents (in a 1v1 an opponent can effectively shield the remaining leg once you take one out so CT is preferable if you can swing it), Div 1 is AC2 Annis and dakka Annis. Div 2 is Mean Babies and some AC2 mechs primarily. So that's 3 divisions that aren't dominated by srms already (the mean babies often take srms, but AC2s are good these too). I think you can make other builds work in those middle divisions too, but not being a Solaris fanatic idk. I do know that larger maps can be a giant pain for 1v1s as it is not fun to wander around a mostly empty map trying to find your opponent.

The lighter divs are always going to be more brawl oriented as fast mechs can close quickly negating a range advantage.

#152 Lightfoot


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Posted 04 December 2020 - 01:27 PM

View PostBrauer, on 04 December 2020 - 11:23 AM, said:

Plenty of Solaris divisions are not srm legging contests. MPL Hellspawn is very strong in Div 7, and honestly should go CT on most opponents (in a 1v1 an opponent can effectively shield the remaining leg once you take one out so CT is preferable if you can swing it), Div 1 is AC2 Annis and dakka Annis. Div 2 is Mean Babies and some AC2 mechs primarily. So that's 3 divisions that aren't dominated by srms already (the mean babies often take srms, but AC2s are good these too). I think you can make other builds work in those middle divisions too, but not being a Solaris fanatic idk. I do know that larger maps can be a giant pain for 1v1s as it is not fun to wander around a mostly empty map trying to find your opponent.

The lighter divs are always going to be more brawl oriented as fast mechs can close quickly negating a range advantage.

No Solaris 7 maps are all mini-maps and what you get is not MechWarrior, it's a different game. What's so wrong about hit and fade and frustrating your opponent and so great about rushing in and legging them?

Look what I am saying is S7 gameplay has no variety and becomes stale very fast because of it. After 10 matches everyone knows what's going to happen and how to play it and it never changes. Everyone in the top tiers brings the same mech and same loadout. If you don't you won't make top tier. You add some range and suddenly nothing is certain anymore. Maybe that Kodiak AC boat gets pecked apart because they made a tactically unwise load-out choice. Does that scare you? MechWarrior is supposed to be a "thinking man's shooter". You can't have all your fights predetermined by the size of the map and keep that quality.

#153 Brauer


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Posted 04 December 2020 - 03:58 PM

View PostLightfoot, on 04 December 2020 - 01:27 PM, said:

No Solaris 7 maps are all mini-maps and what you get is not MechWarrior, it's a different game. What's so wrong about hit and fade and frustrating your opponent and so great about rushing in and legging them?

Look what I am saying is S7 gameplay has no variety and becomes stale very fast because of it. After 10 matches everyone knows what's going to happen and how to play it and it never changes. Everyone in the top tiers brings the same mech and same loadout. If you don't you won't make top tier. You add some range and suddenly nothing is certain anymore. Maybe that Kodiak AC boat gets pecked apart because they made a tactically unwise load-out choice. Does that scare you? MechWarrior is supposed to be a "thinking man's shooter". You can't have all your fights predetermined by the size of the map and keep that quality.

I don't particularly like Solaris, but you are just wrong. You can play the kiting game on some maps, it just doesn't work that reliably in a lot of divisions. Not to mention Kodiaks haven't been meta in a Solaris divisions for ages.

#154 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 04 December 2020 - 11:59 PM

for all The guys tahst have no interest to Teamplay and tactical sense ,we have the Solaris Mode, give the Other Part big Maps ,like Battlefield ,nor like CoD Inhouse fights and away with the Map Voting, Maps and the time vote a Mech for it for the map, for fast Games in small Mazestyle-maps its give a Lot better Games thats make more fun

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 05 December 2020 - 12:02 AM.

#155 Horseman


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Posted 05 December 2020 - 03:54 AM

View PostLightfoot, on 04 December 2020 - 01:27 PM, said:

No Solaris 7 maps are all mini-maps and what you get is not MechWarrior, it's a different game. What's so wrong about hit and fade and frustrating your opponent and so great about rushing in and legging them? Look what I am saying is S7 gameplay has no variety and becomes stale very fast because of it. After 10 matches everyone knows what's going to happen and how to play it and it never changes. Everyone in the top tiers brings the same mech and same loadout. If you don't you won't make top tier. You add some range and suddenly nothing is certain anymore. Maybe that Kodiak AC boat gets pecked apart because they made a tactically unwise load-out choice. Does that scare you? MechWarrior is supposed to be a "thinking man's shooter". You can't have all your fights predetermined by the size of the map and keep that quality.

Increasing the map size wouldn't help. Plus, your fights are not predetermined. You are given the environment and are expected to figure out how to use it to your advantage.

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 04 December 2020 - 11:59 PM, said:

for all The guys tahst have no interest to Teamplay and tactical sense ,we have the Solaris Mode, give the Other Part big Maps ,like Battlefield ,nor like CoD Inhouse fights and away with the Map Voting, Maps and the time vote a Mech for it for the map, for fast Games in small Mazestyle-maps its give a Lot better Games thats make more fun
Oh my sweet summer child. Solaris still requires tactical sense - even more than QP, since you can't count on your teammates acting as your eyes and ears and you need to make every single shot counts rather than shoot in the broad direction of your opponent. I'm afraid the rest of your post isn't coherent enough to understand, though.

Edited by Horseman, 05 December 2020 - 04:03 AM.

#156 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 05 December 2020 - 04:36 AM

im Hate clustophiobic Arena fights in each Sense:) im a Old Teamplayer and love big Battles ...and combined Arms

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 05 December 2020 - 04:36 AM.

#157 Carmenblade


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Posted 05 December 2020 - 05:14 AM

Please, Terra Therma Classic and heat on this map.

All map are good, but hibernal rift.

#158 Mochyn Pupur


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Posted 05 December 2020 - 12:17 PM

Refine or remove atmospheric graphic effects that can cause additional load on the gpu. Don't really need to be seeing individual snow flakes, insects, birds etc on the maps. Effects such as heavy snow or rain possibly be implemented as a cut off distance to simulate occlusion with a light blur effect to indicate what's happening; anything to lighten the gpu load.

Otherwise, please, please, please get rid of the map select if you are going to continue with the mixed solo/small groups in QP. This becomes too much of a map leverage for smaller groups to influence the map for their own benefit; random maps, random benefit/hinderance means it is more fair to all pilots in the mid to long term.

Also, please be wary of day/time effects, certain conditions and maps move the experience into un-playability for some people with accessibility issues - this is something we now have to take into account following changes in very recent law to make sure everyone can use e-learning.

#159 Jay Sovereign


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Posted 06 December 2020 - 12:14 AM

Remove as many invisible walls as possible.

Add more verticality to MechWarrior (and you can do this by removing many invisible walls which block you from jumping to a high spot)

Allow me to select from a quickplay dropdeck of mechs so I can choose the appropriate mech before the match starts? You must select your mech from the dropdeck sometime after the map is chosen, obviously.

Regarding the voting, I think that 50% of the time the players should vote like normal, but the other 50% voting should be skipped and a map and mode randomly chosen.

Bring back Terra Classic

Edited by Jay Sovereign, 06 December 2020 - 12:17 AM.

#160 Zordicron


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Posted 06 December 2020 - 01:44 PM

Ok, maps!

I do not like Hibernal Rift. The map feels like it could be balanced, but in reality ends up playing smashface brawl at 300M for the majority of the match. It isn't the worst to have close combat favorable maps, but this one gives the impression it wasn't designed to be that way.

I miss Alpine Peak. Well, I miss parts of it. I don't miss king of the mountain, or the NASCAR the mountain would cause on occasion. I still think that map could be salvaged. Even in it's old form, I would prefer it to Hibernal rift. I think with Alpine if the mountain was blocked off and cover was added into the valleys in the rolling hill mid section it would be a very tactical map.

Crimson needs something done with the tunnel. Not sure what. Maybe on the parking ramp side it needs to get boxed off so when people come out the enemy team can;t pick a spot, from any range, to barf weapons fire into the opening... I am ok with being able to "guard" the end, but it needs to have a compromise, like only brawl range weapons are effective to do it. Or maybe only long range weapons can see the opening if they are out in the water, meaning they would be exposed in open area. This map tends to turn into camping with poke and shoot too often because the tunnel is the only way to approach the parking ramp without exposure to lurmfest, but the tunnel is a death sentence for an offensive push into the parking ramp. I enjoy this map, but it could be so much better.

New maps!
I would like a moon map, HPG is generally fun, I would like to have one that is not in a base like that, more craters and hills, so to use that unique sound set for the weapons and lack of atmosphere type of arena. Maybe a short wide tunnel......

Underground mech factory. Remember that mission from mechwarrior 3? Cave with a ceiling(height could vary) bigger caverns with some tunnel sections to connect. However, SUPER EASY TO DESIGN A NASCAR track with something like that. Would need multiple connection points so the movement between rooms doesn't turn into ring around the rosie. BUt an "interior" map where LRMs could hit the ceiling from indirect fire in some spots could be neat.

Grasslands, something of a pleasant green with a blue sky. Others have posted more ideas for this so I won't dive into this as much.

Other thoughts:
"Events" for maps. Snow storms, sandstorms, rainstorms that affect visibility, and maybe even environmental heat transfer. Maybe a sandstorm blocks the sunlight partially so the temperature drops a little.
Maybe invisible "radiation" storms that make missile lock time go up 25%, reduce ECM and BAP range, make radar glitchy, i dunno, something to mess with the norm a little. This could be a tool to use to allow more open maps like Polar to exist without being LURMFEST, if locks take too long to be effective, or radar is reduced(would still allow skill shots on non targeted foes) it could vary.... I mean you could take a rolling field, make visibility drop from a heavy rain one time(reduced to brawl range) so missiles and brawl take advantage, drop a radiatin storm in so visibility is good but you can't target past 300M, so lurms won;t work well and brawl can be exposed with good visibility allowing sniper players a chance to shine, and it would all work on the same map by altering environmental things.

Overall, i think some time spent on existing maps would be better service for MWO then new ones, but there is a few open spaces yet.

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