Wid1046, on 22 January 2021 - 05:03 PM, said:
Thank you! I've been playing this game for the better part of a year and had no idea that one-shot patterns were a thing. I won't pay 750 MC for a pattern as it takes too long to save up for the Hero mechs that I want, but 37 MC to put my MAD-IIC in a tiger-stripe leisure suit? Yes.
On the bright side, if you take advantage of a Sale like this, then you never have to pay 750

MC) in the first place to get the Camo that you want in a Permanent Unlock type of state. Also, as noted above, if you only purchase the One-Shot and then decide to take it off later for any reason, you would then end up having to pay again for it later, but it might be 75

MC) at that point because the 37

MC) price is only during the Sale we have right now. So use this current Disruptive Sale and purchase the Permanent Unlock that you can use any time you wish for only 375

MC), thereby saving yourself the headache of changes that would remove a One-Shot type of paint job and cause you to waste your

MC) which you worked to earn. Keep in mind that the Permanent Unlock Camo can be pulled off and re-applied as many times as you like, allowing you to change your fashion as you see fit. On the converse, the One-Shot never gives you that option.
~Mr. D. V. "
Perma-Unlock Camo is literally ALWAYS the better deal, so get that when the one you want is On-Sale" Devnull